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Can you create Facebook reels from a business page?

Can you create Facebook reels from a business page?

Facebook Reels allow businesses to create and share short, entertaining videos on Facebook and Instagram. As more users engage with video content on social media, Reels provide an excellent opportunity for businesses to showcase products, behind-the-scenes footage, employee highlights, and more in a fun and engaging way. Many businesses are exploring how they can take advantage of Reels to connect with their audience and drive results. A common question that arises is whether businesses can create Reels directly from their Facebook Business Page.

Creating Reels from a Facebook Business Page

The short answer is yes, Facebook allows Business Page admins to create Reels directly from their Facebook Business Page. Here’s an overview of how to create Facebook Reels from a business Page:

Step 1: Access Reels Creator

To start creating a Reel, go to your Facebook Business Page and click “Create Reel” in the left sidebar menu. This will open up the Reels creator tool.

Step 2: Select Content

In the Reels creator, you can upload videos or photos from your computer or mobile device to include in your Reel. Your content should be formatted vertically for best results. You can also use the Reels camera to capture content directly within the creator tool.

Step 3: Customize Your Reel

Once your content is added, you can customize your Reel by adding text, stickers, effects, trimming clips, and more. Be creative and make it visually appealing for your audience. The interface is very similar to other Reels creation tools.

Step 4: Add Audio

Music and audio can help make your Reel more engaging. You can select from Facebook’s audio library of licensed music tracks and sounds to add to your Reel.

Step 5: Publish Your Reel

When your Reel is ready, add a caption and hashtags, then select Post. Your Reel will be published directly to your Facebook Business Page and to Reels within Facebook feeds.

So in summary, creating and publishing Facebook Reels directly from your Business Page is a streamlined, user-friendly process. The capabilities are very similar to creating Reels on Instagram or TikTok. This makes it easy for businesses to repurpose content across platforms.

Benefits of Creating Reels for Businesses

Here are some of the key benefits for businesses utilizing Facebook Reels:

Reach New Audiences

Reels have the potential to help your business reach new audiences. Reels are shown across Facebook and Instagram to viewers who may not already follow your business. If viewers engage with your Reel, it may be promoted more widely.

Increase Engagement

Short-form vertical video tends to be engaging by nature. Adding interactive elements like polls, quizzes, and links can further boost engagement. Reels allow you to directly interact with your audience.

Promote Products or Services

Reels are a fun way to highlight specific products, services, or deals. The call-to-action capabilities let you drive traffic to your online store or offers.

Show Company Culture

Give viewers a behind-the-scenes look at your business operations, employees, and culture through Reels. These authentic vignettes can help humanize your brand.

Repurpose Existing Content

Adapt existing videos, photos, and other assets into the Reels vertical format. Bite-sized content performs well in Reels.

Best Practices for Business Reels

To maximize the impact of your Facebook Reels as a business, keep these best practices in mind:

Optimize for Mobile

Most viewers will watch Reels on mobile, so create vertical videos that pop on small screens. Use big, bold text and graphics that are easy to see.

Use Eye-Catching Visuals

Bright colors, appealing visuals, and noticeable text will make your Reels stand out in the feed. High-quality, well-lit video is important.

Keep It Short

Reels under 30 seconds have the highest engagement. Convey your message quickly with fast pacing and succinct text.

Leverage Trends and Challenges

Tie Reels into viral trends, song challenges, hashtags, and memes when appropriate. But also balance trending content with original concepts.

Encourage Interaction

Prompt viewers to like, comment, share, and take other actions with clear call-to-actions. Interactive elements like polls and quizzes also boost engagement.

Be Consistent

Post Reels consistently to keep audience interest. Analyze performance data to optimize future Reels.

Measuring Reels Performance

It’s important to track metrics to gauge how well your Reels are performing and identify opportunities to improve. Here are some key analytics to monitor:


How many accounts viewed your Reel? Did it achieve a large reach across Facebook and Instagram?

Engagement Rate

Engagement rate measures interactions (likes, comments, shares, saves, etc.) divided by reach. Higher rates indicate quality content.


The number of times your Reel was viewed. Were initial views strong? Did they taper off or remain consistent?

Audience Retention

How long viewers watched your Reel before scrolling. Higher retention signals engaging content.

Traffic Sources

Analyze where views are coming from – Facebook feeds, hashtags, Explore page, profiles, etc.


If you included links or calls-to-action, measure any resulting website traffic or conversions.

Reviewing these metrics will help identify your best-performing Reels to replicate across channels.


Facebook Reels present an exciting opportunity for businesses to use short-form vertical video to engage their audience in new ways. The ability to create Reels directly within Facebook Business Pages makes it simple for brands to begin incorporating Reels into their strategy.

Focus on repurposing your best assets into quick, visually-compelling Reels with interactive elements. Analyze performance data to make iterative improvements over time. Keep Reels fun, on-brand, and engaging. With strategic execution, Reels have tremendous potential to help your business connect with more consumers and drive results.