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Can you create an album in a Facebook group?

Can you create an album in a Facebook group?

Yes, it is possible to create albums within Facebook groups. Facebook groups allow members to share photos and videos within the group. Group admins and moderators have the ability to create albums directly in the group. Regular group members can also create their own albums by uploading photos/videos to the group.

Creating an Album as a Group Admin/Moderator

As a Facebook group admin or moderator, you can create albums directly in the group. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook group page
  2. Click on the “Photos” tab at the top of the group page
  3. Click on the “Albums” option on the left side
  4. Click on the “+” icon to create a new album
  5. Give the album a name and description
  6. Click “Create Album”

Once the album is created, you can add photos and videos to it directly from the group page. Other group members will be able to view the album and any photos/videos you add to it.

As the admin/moderator, you have full control over the album. You can edit the name/description, change privacy settings, add/remove people’s contributions, and delete the album completely if needed.

Album Privacy Settings

When creating a new album as a group admin/moderator, you have a few options for privacy settings:

  • Public – Anyone on Facebook can see the album
  • Private – Only members of the group can see the album
  • Custom – Restrict album visibility to certain people or lists

Think carefully about which option makes the most sense based on the purpose of your group and album. Often “Private” limited to the group is the best choice.

Creating a Photo Album as a Regular Group Member

Regular group members can also create their own albums within a Facebook group. Here’s how:

  1. Go to your Facebook group page
  2. Click on the “Photos” tab at the top
  3. Click on “Add Photos/Video” and select photos from your computer
  4. Once your photos have uploaded, click “Create Album”
  5. Give the album a name and description
  6. Click “Post” to share the album to the group

When regular members create an album this way, they are essentially creating a new post within the group that contains their album.

These albums will be visible to all group members by default and members can add their own photos/videos to the album. As the creator, you can edit or delete the album going forward.

Photo Album Post Privacy

Regular group members can choose the privacy setting for their photo album post:

  • Public – Anyone in the group can see the post
  • Friends – Only your friends in the group can see the post
  • Only Me – Only you can see the post

Again, in most cases you’ll want to select “Public” when sharing an album to a group. Otherwise, members won’t be able to see it!

Adding Photos and Videos to a Group Album

Once a photo album has been created in a Facebook group, either by an admin or member, contributing photos and videos is easy.

To add photos/videos to an existing album:

  1. Go to the album within the group
  2. Click on “Add Photos/Videos”
  3. Select the photos/videos from your computer to upload
  4. Click “Post” to add them to the album

The album creator and any group admins/moderators will be able to remove any photos/videos you add to the album if needed.

You can also easily download photos from the album by clicking the download icon in the corner of each photo. This allows you to get a digital copy for yourself.

Editing or Deleting a Group Photo Album

The person who created a photo album in a group has the ability to edit or delete it going forward.

To edit an album’s name, description or privacy settings:

  1. Go to the album in the group
  2. Click on the “Options” button (3 dots) in the top right corner
  3. Select “Edit Album”
  4. Make any changes needed to the title, description, privacy, etc
  5. Click “Save Changes”

To delete a photo album entirely:

  1. Go to the album in the group
  2. Click the “Options” button (3 dots) in the corner
  3. Select “Delete Album”
  4. Click “Delete” to confirm

Group admins and moderators also have the ability to edit or delete any albums created within the group, regardless of who the original creator was.

Best Practices for Group Photo Albums

Here are some tips for effectively using albums within your Facebook group:

  • Give albums descriptive, specific names so members know what each one contains at a glance.
  • Use album descriptions to provide context, background, or additional details about the photos.
  • Organize related photos into nicely organized albums instead of posting singles. This helps keep the group tidy.
  • Remind members to only post relevant, on-topic photos to group albums.
  • Monitor albums to ensure photos and comments are appropriate.
  • Delete unused, outdated or irrelevant albums periodically to keep things clean.
  • Consider album privacy and be thoughtful in your settings. Public is best for group engagement.
  • Add new admins as creators to important albums for redundancy.

Following best practices helps ensure your group’s photo albums remain useful and engaging for members over time.

Photo Album Alternatives

While native Facebook group albums are a great option, there are a few other ways to share photos with your group as well:

Upload Photos to the Group Page

You can upload individual photos directly to the group’s main page rather than posting them in an album. This method tends to get more engagement, but can flood the group’s main feed quickly.

Share Photo Posts into the Group

You can also upload photos to your own Facebook profile or page first, then share or cross-post them into your group. This helps keep the source of the photos clear.

Use a Third-Party App

Some groups use third-party apps like Dropbox or Google Photos to share albums externally, then provide the links within the group. This takes a bit more work but provides more features.

Troubleshooting Group Photo Albums

Here are some common issues and fixes for group photo albums:

Unable to Create an Album

Double check that you (or the member) are definitely a part of the group. Non-members cannot create albums. Ensure albums are enabled for the group under settings.

Album Not Visible

The creator may have selected privacy settings that restrict who can see the album. Ask them to update the visibility settings to Public or All Members of the Group.

Can’t Add Photos

Your files may be too large or an unsupported file type. Make sure photos/videos adhere to Facebook’s size and format policies. Reduce resolution if needed.

Photos Not Posting

Facebook’s servers may be slow. Try waiting and re-uploading later. Check internet connection. Ensure you selected Post after uploading.

Can’t Edit/Delete Album

Only the original album creator or a group admin/moderator can edit or delete the album. Ask one of them to make any changes needed.

Changes Not Saving

Try refreshing the page or logging out and back into Facebook. Changes may take time to populate so wait a few minutes. Still not working? Report the issue.


Facebook groups provide an excellent platform for members to share photos relevant to the group’s topic or purpose. By creating albums, group admins can organize these photos in a logical way instead of having them scattered throughout the feed.

Both group admins and regular members have the ability to create new albums, then upload photos/videos to these albums over time. Proper organization and privacy settings help ensure the albums remain useful resources for the community.

While native Facebook photo albums are great, there are alternative options like linking to Dropbox folders or using third-party group gallery apps. Overall, albums are a great way to visually engage members of your Facebook group.

Album Type Creation Method Edit/Delete Ability
Admin Album Created directly in group by admin/moderator Admins/moderators can edit or delete
Member Album Created by member posting photos to group Original member can edit or delete
Third-Party Album Linked externally (Dropbox, Google Photos, etc) Depends on third-party tool

Here is a summary of the key points:

  • Admins and moderators can create albums directly in the group
  • Regular members can create albums by uploading photos to the group
  • Adding photos and videos to albums is easy for all members
  • Only album creators or admins can edit/delete albums
  • Choose privacy settings carefully based on group needs
  • Well-organized albums keep groups tidy and engaging

With the right approach, photo albums can be a great asset for connecting your Facebook group members through visual content and memories.