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Can you claim a Facebook username?

Can you claim a Facebook username?

Facebook usernames, also known as Vanity URLs, allow users to customize their profile URL on Facebook with a unique name. For example, instead of, you could have Vanity URLs make profiles easier to find and share. However, with only a limited number of username combinations available, can you claim any Facebook username you want? Here’s what you need to know.

What are Facebook usernames?

Facebook usernames, or Vanity URLs, are custom URLs that allow you to choose a unique name for your Facebook profile’s web address. For example, instead of your profile URL being, you could customize it to be

Usernames allow you to pick a URL that is shorter, memorable, and represents your brand or identity on Facebook. Having a custom username makes it easier for people to find and share your profile. It also gives you a consistent web presence if you use the same username across multiple social media platforms.

Do I need a username for my Facebook profile?

No, Facebook usernames are optional. You don’t need a unique username in order to have a Facebook profile. By default, your profile URL will be where “yourname” is your profile name set up when you created your account.

If you wish to customize your profile’s web address to make it more memorable or brandable, you can change it to a unique Facebook username. But it is not required to have a username.

How do I claim a Facebook username?

Here is how to claim a custom username for your Facebook profile:

  1. Go to your profile and click on the “Username” field under your name. This will let you edit it.
  2. Type in the desired username you want. It must be at least 5 characters long.
  3. Click the blue “Check Availability” button to see if your desired name is available.
  4. If available, click “Save Changes” to claim it. If not, you’ll have to try another username.

Your new username will now appear in the profile URL web address. However, keep in mind that people may still be able to find your profile using your old URL, so you should update your username everywhere you have shared your profile link.

What are the requirements for a Facebook username?

Facebook has some requirements when it comes to choosing a username:

  • Must be at least 5 characters long
  • Can only contain alphanumeric characters (A-Z, 0-9) and periods
  • Cannot contain any spaces
  • Cannot use names or phrases representing illegal activity
  • Cannot impersonate or falsely represent a brand, celebrity, etc.

Facebook also prohibits usernames that are abusive, harassing, violate laws, or are deemed unacceptable. Usernames are subject to review and can be reclaimed by Facebook at any time if deemed inappropriate.

Are any Facebook usernames off limits?

Yes, there are some usernames that are restricted or reserved on Facebook:

  • Names of Facebook features or products (newsfeed, messenger, etc.)
  • Names of popular Facebook pages or accounts
  • Well-known trademarks, brands, or celebrities
  • Offensive, abusive, or inappropriate words
  • Misspellings of restricted names to impersonate brands/people

So you cannot claim usernames that represent or impersonate another entity without permission. Facebook reviews all new usernames to ensure they comply with these rules.

Can someone take your Facebook username?

Usernames are unique – no two people can have the same custom username. So if someone has already claimed a username, you cannot take or use that name for your own profile.

However, Facebook does occasionally reclaim inactive or inappropriate usernames. So it is possible that if you select a username that violates Facebook’s policies, they may revoke your custom URL and make it available to others.

To prevent someone else from claiming a username you want in the future, your best bet is to select a unique name that aligns with Facebook’s policies as soon as you create your account.

Can you change your Facebook username?

Yes, you can change your Facebook username at any time. Simply go to your profile, click on your current username, and edit it to something new. As long as the name complies with Facebook’s policies and is not already in use, you can update your custom URL.

However, there are couple caveats to keep in mind when changing your username:

  • Your old profile URL may still work for people who have bookmarked or shared it
  • Analytics on profiles and links using your old username will not redirect
  • You can only change your username twice within any 60 day period

So while you can change it, frequent username changes or swapping may cause some confusion. It’s best to pick a long-term username and stick with it when possible.

Can you claim a username without a Facebook account?

No, in order to claim a custom Facebook username, you must have an active Facebook account. Usernames are directly linked to user profiles, so you cannot reserve or create a URL without an associated account.

Does having a username impact searches?

Having a unique username makes your individual profile easier to find in searches. But it does not affect how your content and pages appear in broader Facebook searches.

So if someone searches generally on Facebook, your posts and pages will show up if relevant based on normal search ranking algorithms. Usernames optimize discoverability for your personal profile specifically.

Do Facebook usernames expire?

Facebook usernames do not automatically expire. Once you claim a custom username, you have it permanently as long as your account remains active. Facebook may reclaim certain inactive or inappropriate usernames, but otherwise there is no expiration on usernames.

Can pages and groups get Facebook usernames?

In addition to personal profiles, Facebook Pages and Groups can also get custom URLs using the same username process. Claiming a unique URL for your brand, business, or group makes it easier to share and remember.

Pages and Groups get a separate namespace for usernames. So if your profile has, your Page could be

Should you buy a username from another user?

Facebook does not allow users to officially buy, sell, or transfer usernames. Any username transactions between users violate Facebook’s terms. So you should not purchase a username from another user, as Facebook may reclaim it.

Your best option is to follow the proper steps to claim an available username directly through Facebook’s interface. While not always easy, look for creative username options that align with Facebook’s policies.


Facebook usernames allow you to customize your profile URL with a unique, memorable name. While you can’t claim just any name due to Facebook’s rules and availability, you can change your username to help optimize your personal brand and discoverability.

Focus on finding a username that fits Facebook’s requirements, represents your identity, and is currently available to claim. Avoid buying from other users, as Facebook prohibits username transactions. With some creativity, you can likely find the ideal custom URL to make your Facebook profile shine.