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Can you check Facebook login history?

Can you check Facebook login history?

Yes, it is possible to check your Facebook login history to see details about logins to your account. Facebook provides login activity tools that allow you to view your login history, see the details of past logins, and get notifications about suspicious or unrecognized logins.

Why Check Facebook Login History

There are a few key reasons why you may want to check your Facebook login history periodically:

  • Detect unauthorized access – If someone else has gained access to your account, your login history can reveal logins from unknown locations or devices.
  • Recent password changes – If you see logins after a password change you did not make, your account may be compromised.
  • Suspicious activity – Unusual spikes in login activity could indicate someone is trying to access your account.
  • Forgotten logins – Checking your history can remind you of devices you may have logged into Facebook on in the past.

Routinely monitoring your Facebook login activity enables you to spot any suspicious behavior and take steps to secure your account. It gives you greater visibility into how your account is being accessed.

How to View Facebook Login History

Facebook makes it simple to review your login activity. You can check your login history right from your Facebook account using either the Facebook website or mobile app.

On Desktop

To see your login history on the Facebook website:

  1. Click on the triangle in the top right and go to “Settings”.
  2. Click on “Security and login” in the left sidebar.
  3. Go to “Where you’re logged in”.

This will show you a list of your current logged in sessions as well as a log of your past login activity with details like location, browser, and time.

On Mobile

On the Facebook mobile app:

  1. Tap the three line “hamburger” menu icon.
  2. Go to “Settings & privacy” then “Settings”.
  3. Select “Security and login”.
  4. Tap “Where you’re logged in”.

This will display the same login activity screen showing your current sessions and login history.

What Facebook Login History Shows

The Facebook login history page shows both your current logged in sessions and past login activity. For current sessions you’ll see:

  • Location – City and country the login is occurring from
  • Browser/Device – Browser or mobile device used to log in
  • Last used – Date and time of last activity on that session
  • Log out option – Ability to remotely log out of session

For past logins you’ll see:

  • Date and time – When the login occurred
  • Location – City and country where login originated
  • Browser – Browser used if on desktop
  • Device – Device name if login was on mobile

If you have Two-Factor Authentication enabled, you can also view confirmation codes that were used for past logins.

Example Login History

Here is an example of what Facebook login history can look like:

Date Location Device
October 5, 1:23pm New York, NY Chrome on Windows
September 29, 11:40am Los Angeles, CA Mobile – iPhone
September 22, 3:51pm Chicago, IL Chrome on MacOS

This provides an overview of logins from different locations and devices to spot anything unusual.

Enable Login Notifications

In addition to checking your login history manually, you can enable login notifications through Facebook’s Security Checkup.

Login notifications will alert you via Facebook Messenger when there is a login to your account from a device or browser you haven’t used before. This allows you to monitor login activity in real time.

To turn on notifications:

  1. Go to “Security Checkup” under Settings.
  2. Toggle “Get alerts about unrecognized logins” to the On position.

With notifications enabled, Facebook will message you with details whenever an unrecognized login is detected. You can quickly identify suspicious activity.

Login Notification Example

A sample Facebook login notification:

As you can see, the notification provides the location, browser, and time so you can determine if you recognize the login activity.

How Far Back Does Facebook Login History Go?

Facebook login history goes back approximately 90 days. You can see details of logins that have occurred within the last 90 days.

For activity older than that, you won’t see the specifics of each individual login. However, you will see a summary of older logins listing the approximate number per month and locations.

Here’s an example of what older login history looks like:

So while the detailed login trail expires after 90 days, you can still see an overview of your approximate login patterns beyond that timeframe.

Downloading Full Login History

If you want to retrieve your complete Facebook login history beyond 90 days, you can download your account data:

  1. Go to “Settings” then “Your Facebook Information”.
  2. Select “Download your Information”.
  3. Check the box for “Access Your Information” and deselect all other boxes.
  4. Click “Create File”.

This will compile all your Facebook data including your full login history into a downloadable file. However, it can take a few days for Facebook to prepare the download of your information.

Clearing Old Devices from Login History

When viewing your login history, you may see some devices or browsers there that you no longer use for Facebook access. For example, perhaps you’ve replaced your old phone.

To keep your login history clean, it’s a good idea to occasionally clear out old devices you don’t want logged into your account anymore.

You can easily remove devices from your login history:

  1. Go to “Security and login” in Settings.
  2. Click “Where you’re logged in”.
  3. Find the old device and click the “X” icon to remove it.

Cleaning out your login history helps ensure you don’t reach the maximum number of sessions allowed. You’ll also have greater visibility into only your current active login sessions.

Maximum Logins Allowed

Facebook limits the number of concurrent sessions you can have logged into your account as a security measure.

The maximum number of logins allowed at once is:

  • Desktop browser sessions – 5
  • Mobile sessions – 5
  • Messenger sessions – 5

So you can be logged into up to 15 sessions simultaneously. If you try to log in on another device after reaching the limit, you will be prompted to log out of an existing session first.

Periodically checking your login history and removing old devices can prevent you from bumping up against the limit.

Using Login History for Security

Regularly monitoring your Facebook login history should be part of your general account security practices. Key tips include:

  • Scan your history for unfamiliar locations or devices and take action if seen.
  • Enable login notifications through Security Checkup.
  • Periodically remove old devices you no longer use.
  • Watch for spikes in login frequency that could indicate automated login attempts.
  • Consider enabling Two-Factor Authentication for stronger account security.

Your Facebook login history provides valuable insight into how your account is being accessed. Get in the habit of checking it regularly to keep your account safe and secure.


Facebook offers robust tools to view login details through your security settings. You can check your current sessions as well as your 90 day login history right from your account. Turning on login notifications can provide real-time alerts when unrecognized logins occur. Monitoring your Facebook login activity should be a standard practice to ensure your account security.