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Can you change your Facebook profile pic without posting it?

Can you change your Facebook profile pic without posting it?

Yes, you can change your Facebook profile picture without immediately posting the new photo to your timeline. Facebook allows you to upload a new profile photo but keep it unpublished until you are ready to make it public.

Why Would You Want to Change Your Profile Pic Without Posting?

There are a few reasons why someone might want to change their profile picture but not have it be visible right away:

  • You want to see how the new photo looks as your profile pic before making it public.
  • You are changing jobs and want to update your photo but don’t want your connections to know about your new job yet.
  • You want to use a new fun or silly photo temporarily but not permanently.
  • You are in the process of updating all of your social media profile photos but aren’t done updating them all yet.

How to Change Your Facebook Profile Pic Without Posting

Changing your Facebook profile photo without immediately publishing it to your timeline is easy to do:

  1. Go to your profile page and click on your current profile picture. This will bring up a box where you can upload and edit your profile photo.
  2. Choose a new photo to upload from your computer. You can also take a new photo directly using your webcam if you are on a desktop computer.
  3. Edit the photo as needed, choosing the section you want to feature and adjusting the brightness, contrast, etc.
  4. Once you have the new photo looking how you want it, click the “Save” button.
  5. A popup box will appear asking “Do you want to post this photo to your timeline?” Click on the option for “Unpublish photo.”
  6. Click “Save” again. Your profile picture will now be changed to the new photo but will remain unpublished.

Where Does the Unpublished Profile Pic Appear?

When you change your profile photo but keep it unpublished, here is where the new picture will appear:

  • As your profile picture at the top of your Facebook profile.
  • In any posts or comments you make from your profile.
  • In your Facebook Messenger app.
  • If you are tagged or mentioned in any posts or comments.

The unpublished profile photo will be visible everywhere except your Facebook timeline.

How Long Can You Keep Your Profile Pic Unpublished?

There is no limit to how long you can keep your Facebook profile picture unpublished. The unpublished photo will remain your profile pic indefinitely until you decide to publish it or change it again.

You can keep the same unpublished profile photo for as long as you want. The unpublished status will never expire.

Can Other People See Your Unpublished Profile Photo?

Yes, other Facebook users will be able to see your unpublished profile picture in the places mentioned above – your profile, comments, Messenger, tags, etc. The only place they won’t see it is if they view your main timeline page.

So your connections will see your new profile photo anywhere your profile pic normally shows up. They just won’t see the new photo posted as an update on your timeline unless you manually publish it.

Can You Edit an Unpublished Profile Pic?

Yes! After uploading a new unpublished profile photo, you can still go back and edit it at any time. Just click on your profile picture again and select “Edit Profile Picture.” This will allow you to make adjustments to contrast, brightness, cropping, etc.

Once you have finished any edits, make sure to click “Save” followed by “Unpublish photo” again. This will keep the photo unchanged but still unpublished.

How to Publish Your New Profile Picture

When you are ready to make your new profile photo public, publishing it is easy:

  1. Go to your profile and click on your current unpublished profile picture.
  2. Click on the button for “Publish photo” instead of “Unpublish photo.”
  3. Click “Save.”

Your new profile picture will now be visible on your timeline! All of your Facebook connections can see the photo.

Can You Undo Publishing a Profile Pic?

Unfortunately, once you publish a new profile picture you cannot undo it and revert to the unpublished version. Publishing a photo makes it permanently visible on your timeline.

The only way to effectively undo publishing a profile photo is to go through the steps to change your picture again, uploading a different unpublished photo.

So be sure you are ready to make the profile pic public before clicking “Publish photo.”

Is the Old Profile Pic Still Visible?

After publishing your new Facebook profile picture, the old photo will no longer be visible anywhere on your profile or to your connections.

However, the old published profile picture may still be visible in a few places:

  • In your list of profile picture options to revert back to.
  • In old posts or comments you made which displayed the previous photo.
  • In other Facebook users’ posts if they had tagged you.

But the previously published profile photo will no longer be your current image anywhere on Facebook.

Can You Revert to an Old Profile Pic?

If at any point you want to revert to using a previous profile picture again, you can absolutely do so.

Your list of previously published profile pictures will be saved in the photo options when you go to change it. Just select the old photo you want to use again and republish it as your current profile picture.

Tips for Changing Your Profile Pic

Here are some helpful tips when changing your unpublished Facebook profile picture:

  • Double check that it is not being published before saving. Make sure it says “unpublish” not “publish.”
  • Be aware it may take some time to update across Facebook. Give it a few hours.
  • Use a photo that clearly shows your face for easy identification.
  • Check the quality and cropping on different devices. Make sure it looks good on both desktop and mobile.
  • Remember that you can always change it again or revert to an old photo if needed.


Changing your Facebook profile picture without immediately publishing your new photo is a useful feature if you want to test out a new look or delay making a new picture public.

Simply uploading the picture but choosing “Unpublish” before saving allows you to change your profile image everywhere except your timeline. Other users will see the new picture until you manually choose to publish it.

You can keep a profile photo unpublished indefinitely. And you always have the ability to edit the unpublished photo or publish it once you are ready. So feel free to experiment with new profile pics while maintaining control over when it goes live on your timeline.

Section Key Points
Why Would You Want to Change Your Profile Pic Without Posting?
  • Preview a new pic before publishing
  • Update pic before announcing a job change
  • Use a temporary fun photo
  • Stagger updates across multiple social platforms
How to Change Your Facebook Profile Pic Without Posting
  1. Click your current profile pic
  2. Upload new photo
  3. Edit new photo as needed
  4. Click “Save”
  5. Select “Unpublish photo”
  6. Click “Save” again
Where Does the Unpublished Profile Pic Appear?
  • Your Facebook profile
  • Posts and comments
  • Messenger app
  • When tagged or mentioned
How Long Can You Keep Your Profile Pic Unpublished? Indefinitely, there is no expiration on unpublished status

Changing your Facebook profile picture without immediately publishing it can be useful in many situations. Following the steps to upload but keep a photo unpublished allows you to update your image everywhere except your timeline until you are ready. Hopefully this guide has helped explain how to change your profile pic without posting it right away!