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Can you change the name of an existing Facebook group?

Can you change the name of an existing Facebook group?

Yes, it is possible to change the name of an existing Facebook group as the group admin. Facebook allows group admins to edit various settings for their groups, including the group name. Changing the name of a Facebook group can help rebrand or update the group as needed. However, there are some things to keep in mind when changing a Facebook group’s name.

Requirements for Changing a Facebook Group Name

Here are some requirements and recommendations when changing the name of a Facebook group:

  • You must be the group admin or creator to change the group name
  • Review Facebook’s rules on group names – they have some banned words and phrases
  • Try not to change the name too frequently as it can confuse members
  • Clearly communicate the new name to current members to avoid confusion

As long as you are the group admin, you can change the group name to anything that aligns with Facebook’s policies. Some key rules when selecting a new name include:

  • No using banned or restricted words
  • No using misleading, false or deceptive names
  • No using names with unusual capitalization or repetition
  • No using exceedingly long names

Review Facebook’s group name policies closely before changing your group’s name. Choose something descriptive but not misleading or confusing.

Steps to Change a Facebook Group Name

Here is a step-by-step process for changing your Facebook group’s name:

  1. Log into Facebook and go to your group’s page
  2. Click on the “Settings” tab at the top of the page
  3. Click on “Edit Group Settings” on desktop or “See All” on mobile
  4. Scroll down and click on the current group name
  5. Type in the new name for your group
  6. Click “Save Changes” to update the group name

It only takes a few clicks to update your Facebook group’s name. The change may take some time to reflect across Facebook though. Members will receive a notification that the group’s name changed.

Communicating the New Name to Members

To avoid confusing members, clearly communicate when you change the group name. Here are some tips:

  • Post an announcement about the new name in the group
  • Send members a message with the new group name
  • Temporarily add the old name in parentheses to help members adjust
  • Update any group descriptions or public references to the new name

Give members plenty of notice before changing the name and reiterate the new name several times after changing it. Having moderators on hand to answer member questions can also help smooth the transition.

When to Change a Facebook Group Name

Here are some common reasons to change a Facebook group’s name:

  • The current name is outdated or no longer fits
  • Your group’s focus or scope has changed
  • You want the name to better reflect the purpose of the group
  • The existing name is frequently misinterpreted
  • You want a name that’s easier to find and remember

For example, if you have a general parenting group that evolves to focus just on parenting teens, changing the name to “Parenting Teens” would help reflect the new focus. Or if your local nonprofit changes its name, updating the affiliated Facebook group name creates consistency.

When Not to Change the Name

Here are some instances when you may want to keep the existing Facebook group name:

  • You have already changed the name multiple times in a short period
  • Your group has a large, established membership under the current name
  • The existing name has significant brand recognition and meaning to members

If your group name accurately reflects the purpose, doesn’t cause issues, and is already well known, changing the established name may just create unnecessary confusion.

Pros and Cons of Changing a Facebook Group Name

Here are some potential pros and cons to weigh when considering changing your Facebook group’s name:


  • Can update an outdated, inappropriate or misleading name
  • Creates improved consistency with related brands or organizations
  • Helps attract new members if the new name is more findable
  • Reflects changes in the group’s focus and purpose


  • May temporarily confuse existing group members
  • Could cause a loss of brand recognition if the old name was well known
  • May affect SEO and discovery if you had content indexed under old name
  • Requires updating information and urls pointing to old group name

Evaluate the risks and benefits before moving forward with a group name change. In some cases, the pros may outweigh a temporary period of confusion. But a frequently changing group name can irritate members.

Best Practices When Changing a Facebook Group Name

Follow these best practices to smoothly change your Facebook group name:

  • Brainstorm new name options – Try out a few potential names before selecting one.
  • Survey members – Consider asking long-time members for input on a possible new name.
  • Check Facebook policies – Review name rules and don’t use banned terms.
  • Keep core name elements – If possible, maintain parts of the original name for consistency.
  • Update descriptors – Change the group description and other info to match new name.
  • Communicate the change – Give members plenty of notice before and after changing name.
  • Redirect from old name – Create redirects from old urls and links to new group.
  • Add name details – Temporarily include old name details like “formerly [old name]” to reduce confusion.

With proper planning and communication, changing your Facebook group’s name can go smoothly. Be sure to give members time to adjust to the new moniker.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does changing a Facebook group name notify members?

Yes, when you change a Facebook group’s name, group members will receive a notification alerting them of the name change. The notification will inform them the group name was updated and show the new name. However, it’s still a good idea to proactively announce the change to reduce confusion.

Does changing the group name affect the URL?

No, changing a Facebook group’s name does not change the URL for the group page and associated links. The URL will remain the same even after updating the name. However, you may want to set up redirects from old links containing the previous group name to the new name.

Can I change a Facebook group name more than once?

Yes, there is no limit on how many times you can change a Facebook group’s name. However, aim to minimize name changes, as frequent changing can frustrate members. Only update the name when truly needed to reflect significant changes in the group’s purpose and focus.

Is there a character limit for Facebook group names?

Facebook allows Facebook group names up to 100 characters. When selecting a new name, choose something concise that identifies the group purpose without exceeding the 100 character limit.

Can I temporarily change a Facebook group name?

There is no temporary name change option for Facebook groups. When you update the name, it permanently changes until you edit it again. However, you can simulate a temporary change by adding details like “formerly [old name]” after updating the name. Just be sure to eventually remove the temporary text.


Renaming an existing Facebook group takes a bit of work but can be worthwhile to help the name better reflect the group’s current focus and purpose. Consider the pros and cons, give members sufficient notice, follow Facebook’s policies, and communicate clearly to make any name change go more smoothly. With proper planning and care, updating your Facebook group’s name can help provide improved consistency and accuracy.