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Can you change Facebook name before 60 days?

Can you change Facebook name before 60 days?

Changing your name on Facebook is a common desire for many users. However, Facebook has put restrictions in place that prevent users from changing their name more than once every 60 days. This 60 day limit can be frustrating if you want or need to change your name again before those 60 days are up. So why does Facebook have this 60 day limit and is there any way around it?

Why Does Facebook Have a 60 Day Limit?

Facebook instituted the 60 day name change limit to help prevent abuse and maintain authenticity on the platform. Some of the specific reasons include:

  • Preventing spam, fake accounts, and other abusive behavior – By limiting how often names can be changed, it makes it harder for spammers and those with malicious intent to constantly change their identity.
  • Maintaining connection authenticity – Friends, family, and followers connect with you based on your name. If names changed constantly, it would be hard to tell who anyone actually is.
  • Reducing unnecessary support requests – Facebook wants to limit unnecessary support requests that would arise from users constantly changing names and causing confusion.

So in summary, the 60 day limit is there to foster authentic connections and prevent abuse. Facebook wants names to enable genuine connection, not be changed like disposable accessories.

Can You Change Your Name Before 60 Days?

Given the 60 day limit, is there any way to change your Facebook name before 60 days have passed? There are a few options:

Request an exemption

You can request an exemption to the 60 day limit by contacting Facebook support. Some cases where you may get approved include:

  • Legal name change due to marriage, divorce, or other court order
  • Fixing a mistake in your name spelling
  • Protecting personal safety related to your name

To request an exemption, go to the Help Center and explain your situation. If it meets Facebook’s criteria, they may allow you to change your name again before 60 days.

Create a new account

Another option is to create a new Facebook account with your desired name. You can build up your friends list again and migrate over the content you want to keep. Just be aware you will lose your previous profile’s content and followers that you don’t transfer over.

Use a nickname

An easy workaround is to maintain your official name but use a nickname. You can set a nickname in your profile and have your friends refer to you that way until you can officially change your name. Just note that your official name will still show up in places like friend notifications.

Wait out the 60 days

If you have no urgent need for a name change, the easiest option is to simply wait out the 60 day period. Use a nickname in the meantime if you prefer. Once 60 days have passed, you can change to a new name as you desire.

Best Practices For Changing Your Name

Once the 60 day period has elapsed, you can change your name again. Here are some best practices to make the process smooth:

  • Update your name everywhere else first – Change your name on other social networks, email, business cards, etc. This ensures consistency.
  • Change your URL if needed – Claim a personalized URL with your new name for seamless branding.
  • Notify friends and followers – Let people know about your name change so relationships stay intact.
  • Change slowly over time – Transition to your new name in stages vs. abruptly changing overnight.
  • Use nicknames during transition – Have people use a nickname until they get used to your new name.

Taking these steps will help the name change feel natural to you and your friends. Be strategic about timing it thoughtfully.

What Happens When You Change Your Name?

When you officially change your Facebook name after 60 days, here are some of the key things that will happen:

  • Your profile name will update everywhere
  • You will get a new personalized URL
  • Name will change on your posts, photos, etc.
  • Friends may get a notification about your name change
  • Past places you posted under old name will not change
  • Name change goes into effect immediately

Essentially all current and future content will show your new name. The past content will remain under your old name, however friends and followers will be able to connect the two identities and realize it’s still you.

Common Name Change FAQs

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about changing your name on Facebook:

Do I lose my friends/followers when I change my name?

No, your friends and followers remain intact when you change your name on Facebook. You will not lose any connections.

Does my past content stay under my old name?

Yes, content posted prior to your name change will remain under your old name. Only new content will show your new name.

Can I revert back to my old name?

You can revert back to a previous name anytime after the 60 waiting period. Just go through the steps to change it again.

Is there a limit to how many times I can change my name?

You can change your name an unlimited number of times, as long as you wait 60 days between each change.

Will changing my name impact ad targeting?

Ad targeting may be temporarily impacted after a name change, but will re-adjust based on your activity over time.

In Summary

While Facebook’s 60 day limit on name changes can be inconvenient, it exists to protect authentic connections. Work around it using nicknames if needed, or request an exemption in extenuating circumstances. With proper planning, you can change your Facebook name smoothly even with the restrictions in place.