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Can you change administrators on Facebook?

Can you change administrators on Facebook?

Yes, it is possible to change the administrators on a Facebook page. The person who created the Facebook page is automatically set as the primary administrator. However, the primary administrator can add and remove other administrators as needed.

Adding Administrators

To add an administrator to a Facebook page, the primary administrator needs to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Facebook page
  2. Click “Settings” at the top of the page
  3. Select “Page Roles” from the left sidebar
  4. Under the “Admins” section, enter the name or Facebook URL of the person you want to make an admin
  5. Click “Add” next to their name

Once added, the new administrator will get full access to post content, edit page info, respond to messages and comments, create ads, view insights and assign other roles for the page. They will not be able to remove the primary administrator.

Removing Administrators

To remove an administrator from a Facebook page, the primary administrator can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Facebook page
  2. Click “Settings” at the top
  3. Select “Page Roles” from the left sidebar
  4. Locate the person you want to remove as admin and click “Remove” next to their name
  5. Confirm the removal

The person who is removed from being an admin will no longer have access to post or edit the Facebook page in any way. This action cannot be undone.

Limits on Administrators

There are some limits on administrators for Facebook pages:

  • A page can have unlimited admins, but having too many may make it confusing
  • Business pages can have a maximum of 10 ad accounts linked
  • No more than 50 editors can be assigned to help with posting
  • The original creator of the page will always remain the primary administrator

Administrator Roles

Here are the main administrator roles for Facebook pages and their permissions:

Role Permissions
Admin Full page access, including posting, editing, insights, ad creation, assigning roles
Editor Can edit page, post content, respond and delete comments
Moderator Can respond to and delete comments
Advertiser Can manage ads and view insights
Analyst Can view page insights only

Changing the Primary Administrator

The original creator of a Facebook page will always be the primary administrator. However, it is possible to transfer a page to someone else, making them the primary admin.

To do this, the current primary admin can go to Page Settings > Page Roles and click “Transfer Ownership” next to their name. They will need to enter the name or profile link for the person taking over the page.

Once ownership is transferred, the new primary admin will have full control while the old primary admin will lose all admin access. This action is permanent.

Administrator Guidelines

When managing administrators for a Facebook page, it’s important to follow Facebook’s guidelines:

  • Have authentic profiles for all admins/editors
  • Don’t add admins who will post prohibited content
  • Get consent before adding someone as an admin
  • Remove inactive admins if they haven’t posted in a while
  • Have a reasonable number of admins relative to your page size
  • Don’t sell/transfer admin access to others

Violating these guidelines could result in admins being removed or the entire page being unpublished.

Using Facebook Business Suite

Managing administrators is easier if you use Facebook Business Suite – a centralized platform for managing Facebook and Instagram.

With Business Suite, you can:

  • Add or remove admins across multiple pages at once
  • Set permission levels like Content Creator, Analyzer or Ads Manager
  • Require approval before someone can become an admin
  • Revoke access to all connected assets if an admin leaves

Business Suite provides additional controls and oversight for larger teams managing multiple pages and ad accounts.

Administrator Privacy

When someone becomes a Facebook page admin or editor, it does not automatically share any of their personal profile information publicly. However, their name may become visible to others admins on that page.

There are a few ways admins can maintain their privacy:

  • Use a page role account that’s separate from their personal profile
  • Make sure “Show my name on this Page” under Page Visibility settings is unchecked
  • Avoid granting Administrator access to strangers or untrusted individuals
  • Set page visibility to “Page admins only” if extra privacy is needed

With the proper precautions, most users should feel comfortable being an admin on a Facebook page without too much exposure.


In summary, the administrators on a Facebook page can be changed by the primary admin at any time. New admins can be added to help manage content and tasks, while existing ones can be removed if they are no longer active. There are limits to how many admins can be appointed based on page type.

Transferring a page to a new primary administrator is possible but irreversible. Following Facebook’s guidelines and using tools like Business Suite can make managing multiple administrators easier.

Being a page admin does not necessarily reveal personal information, but admins should take precautions like using separate accounts or limiting visibility settings if privacy is a concern.

With the right strategy, changing Facebook page administrators can help distribute the workload and provide more oversight as social media marketing scales up.

Changing the administrators on a Facebook page allows the primary account holder to add or remove other people who can help manage the page. New administrators get access to post content, edit the page info, create ads, respond to users and view insights. Removing administrators takes away their ability to edit the page. There are limits on how many admins can be added, and the original creator remains the primary account holder. While admins do not automatically share personal information, they should use separate accounts or limit visibility settings if privacy is a concern. With proper management, changing Facebook administrators allows growing businesses and organizations to better maintain their social media presence.

The primary administrator of a Facebook page has the ability to add, remove or change other administrators for that page. Here are some key things to know:

  • Adding admins – The primary admin can add other admins by going to Page Settings > Page Roles and entering the person’s name or profile link.
  • Removing admins – Go to Page Roles and click “Remove” next to an admin’s name to delete their access.
  • Limits – Pages can have unlimited admins, but too many gets confusing. Max 50 editors.
  • Roles – Admins have full access. Editors and moderators have posting/comment abilities.
  • Transferring Ownership – The primary admin can make someone else the primary owner through Page Settings.
  • Privacy – Admin names may show to other admins but don’t share personal info.
  • Business Suite – Enables managing admins across multiple pages.

In summary, admins help share the workload of managing a Facebook page. The primary account holder controls who has admin access and what they can do. Changing administrators is an important part of scaling the social media presence of any business or organization.

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