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Can you caption a Facebook cover photo?

Can you caption a Facebook cover photo?

Yes, it is possible to add a caption to a Facebook cover photo. The cover photo is the large banner image that appears at the top of a Facebook profile. While Facebook does not have a built-in option to add text directly over the cover photo, there are a couple of different ways to simulate a caption on a Facebook cover photo.

Using the About Section

One option is to use the About section underneath the cover photo to create a caption. The About section allows users to enter text, which will sit right below the cover photo on their profile. To use this as a caption, simply enter a sentence or two summarizing the cover photo – for example, “Summertime at the lake”. This text will appear like a caption below the photo.

The downside to this method is that the About section was not necessarily intended for photo captions. The text has a character limit and will eventually get cut off if it is too long. Additionally, not all device/browser combinations will display the About text directly below the photo – sometimes there is white space between the photo and text. Despite these drawbacks, using the About section is a quick and easy way to mimic a caption on the cover photo.

Using Photo Editing Software

Another method is to use photo editing software to add text directly on top of the cover photo file before uploading it to Facebook. Software like Photoshop, GIMP, PicMonkey, or Canva allow you to add custom text overlays over an image. After creating the captioned photo file, simply upload it as the Facebook cover photo as usual.

The benefit of this method is it gives you full control over the caption text – font, size, color, placement, etc. The caption will always display exactly how you designed it. The downside is it requires image editing software and graphic design skills to make it look good. If you do have those capabilities, editing the photo itself can lead to a more seamless and integrated caption compared to using the About text.

Using Facebook Cover Photo Apps

If you don’t have image editing software or design skills, another option is to use one of the many third-party Facebook cover photo apps. These web and mobile apps provide templates and easy-to-use tools to add text captions over your cover photo. Popular options include, Canva, Adobe Spark, and PicMonkey.

These apps guide you through sizing and positioning the caption over your photo. Many provide styling options for text like color, font, shadows, etc. When finished, you can save the captioned image and upload it as your cover photo as usual. The apps do the design work for you.

Considering Caption Length and Placement

When adding a caption to your Facebook cover photo, consider optimal length and placement:

– Keep the caption short and sweet – 1-2 lines or 30-50 characters is ideal. Cover photos display on varying screen sizes, so long captions risk getting cut off.

– Make sure key people, objects, or text in the photo remain visible and aren’t obscured by the caption overlay. Anchor the text off to one side or corner.

– Use high contrast colors between the caption text and background photo for maximum legibility. White or black text tends to work best over most photos.

– Consider left-aligning the text so it is easy to read. Central alignment can make dense text feel cluttered.

With those tips in mind, adding a short, simple caption can help convey the story or purpose behind your Facebook cover photo. Just be sure not to block key elements with the text overlay.

Step-by-Step Guide

Here is a step-by-step guide to adding a caption to your Facebook cover photo using each method:

Using the About Section

1. Upload or select the desired cover photo in the Facebook for desktop interface.

2. Click the Update Info button below the cover photo.

3. In the About section, enter your caption text – example “Family road trip summer 2023”.

4. Click Save Changes. The text will now appear like a caption below your cover photo.

Using Photo Editing Software

1. Open your chosen cover photo in photo editing software like Photoshop, GIMP, or PicMonkey.

2. Use the Text tool to add a text box over the photo. Insert your caption.

3. Format the text – choose font, size, color, alignment, drop shadow etc. Make adjustments so the text is readable.

4. Save or export the captioned image as a high quality JPG or PNG.

5. Upload the captioned cover photo to Facebook as you normally would.

Using a Facebook Cover Photo App

1. Visit the app’s website – examples:,, or

2. Upload your cover photo or choose one of the app’s background images.

3. Use the text tool to add your caption. The app will have formatting options and allow you to position/size the text.

4. When finished, download or save the captioned image.

5. Upload the image file as your new Facebook cover photo.

Caption Ideas

When writing a Facebook cover photo caption, focus on short text that captures the essence of the image or your purpose for sharing it. Here are some caption ideas and examples:

– Locations – “Family road trip, summer 2023” or “Spring break in Hawaii!”

– Events/Occasions – “Mike and Jessica’s wedding day” or “Happy Mother’s Day”

– Quotes – ” ‘Live, laugh, love’ ” or ” ‘Cherish every moment’ ”

– About you – “Living my best life” or “Loving my new haircut!”

– Holidays/Seasons – “Happy Halloween!” or “First snowfall 2022”

– Emotions/Feelings – “Paradise found” or “Could not be happier”

– Calls to Action – “Let compassion guide you” or “Please donate to Hurricane Ian relief”

The caption can add deeper context and meaning to the visual story told in the cover photo. Avoid long sentences and over-explaining. The goal is to pique interest and encapsulate the photo’s significance in a few words.

Cover Photo Caption Ideas for Businesses

Businesses can also use the cover photo caption to promote products, events, or campaigns. Here are some examples of good captions for business Facebook cover photos:

Cover Photo Caption Idea
Product Launch “Introducing our new Fall Collection!”
Event Promotion “Come to our sidewalk sale Friday-Sunday!”
Offer Campaign “All sweaters 20% off this week only!”
Brand Messaging “Fresh. Organic. Sustainable.”
Employee Highlight “Employee of the month – Kim!”

The key for businesses is keeping the caption short, promotional, and consistent with the visuals. Use it to highlight products, sales, events, brand messaging, or campaigns. Keep the personality consistent with your brand voice and local.

Tools to Create Captions Easily

If you find manually adding captions to be tedious, try these tools to streamline the process:

– **Adobe Spark** – Adobe’s suite of free graphic design apps includes easy-to-use templates for social media images and posts.

– **Canva** – This popular free graphic design tool has templates sized specifically for Facebook cover and profile images, including adding text.

– ** PicMonkey** – PicMonkey is an affordable and user-friendly photo editing program with templates and design capabilities ideal for social media.

– **Befunky** – Befunky provides templates and design resources to easily add stylized text captions over photos. Has free limited version.

– **Kapwing** – This web app allows uploading images and adding text with customized fonts, color, and design styles.

– **CoverPhotoCreator** – As the name suggests, CoverPhotoCreator specializes in templates and tools optimized specifically for Facebook cover images including captions.

The benefit of tools like these is they do most of the layout and typography work for you. You just plug in your photo, caption text, and creative direction. Experiment with different options to find the best fit.

Caption Length Best Practices

When writing Facebook cover photo captions, follow these best practices for optimal length:

– **1-2 lines of text** is ideal. Avoid long paragraphs that will get cut off at smaller screen sizes.

– **50-100 characters** maximum is a good range to stay within. Facebook suggests 125 characters or less.

– For readability, try to keep captions to **1-2 sentences** or sentence fragments.

– **8-12 words** total is a nice target for sentence length. Anything longer risks truncation on smaller screens.

– Use **line breaks** to split longer captions into manageable lines of text.

– **Single words** or **short phrases** often work better than complete sentences.

– Avoid excessive **hashtags** or @handles that take up valuable character space.

– For businesses, **promotional text**, **value statements**, or **campaign names** make ideal concise captions.

Keep your viewers in mind and craft captions tailored for sideways scrolling on mobile. Shorter is better for engagement and visibility across device formats. Extraneous words will simply get cut off.

Caption Styles and Placement

When overlaying your caption onto the cover photo, consider these stylistic and placement tips:

– Use **high contrast** between caption text and background photo colors. White or black generally works best.

– Avoid **busy background areas** for placing text to maximize legibility. Anchor off to one side over a plain area if possible.

– **Left-aligned** text tends to be most readable in our left-to-right reading direction. Centered text works for very short captions.

– **Bold fonts** are easier to read at smaller sizes. Sans-serif fonts like Arial work well. Avoid thin scripts.

– Try adding **drop shadows** to make lighter text stand out over light background regions.

– **Borders** and outlines can help text stand out depending on background colors.

– Position text to avoid covering **faces** or other key details people will want to see.

– For businesses, place captions in **empty areas** rather than overlaying product photos.

– An **angled caption** can add visual interest, but avoid angles that drive text readability.

With experimentation, you can find the optimal style and placement that suits your photo and branding. Just keep legibility and visibility in mind as people view your captioned cover photo on mobile.


Adding a caption to your Facebook cover photo can be a nice way to deliver a quick bit of context, meta information, or commentary about the visuals shown. While Facebook doesn’t directly offer a caption feature, the About text, photo editing apps, and cover photo tools provide workable solutions. Keep the text short, readable, and relevant to the photo. Well-executed cover photo captions can help convey stories and messages that text or images alone can’t capture. With the right creative tools and strategy, you can learn to caption Facebook cover photos in an engaging way.