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Can you cancel a request on Facebook?

Can you cancel a request on Facebook?

Facebook’s friend request system allows users to connect with each other on the platform. When you send someone a friend request, they have the option to accept or ignore it. But what if you change your mind and want to cancel a request you’ve already sent? Is it possible to retract a pending friend request on Facebook?

The Short Answer

Yes, you can cancel a friend request on Facebook that you’ve sent to another user before they accept it. This removes the pending request and ensures the other user will not see it in their requests inbox. There are a couple ways to cancel a Facebook friend request depending on whether you’re on desktop or mobile.

Canceling Requests on Desktop

If you need to cancel a request you sent from Facebook’s desktop site, here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to the Facebook homepage and log into your account if you aren’t already connected.
  2. Click on the Friend Requests icon in the shortcut bar near the top of the page. This will open your sent friend requests page.
  3. Locate the friend request you want to cancel in the list and hover your mouse over it. A Cancel Request button will appear.
  4. Click the Cancel Request button to retract the friend request.

Once you complete these steps, the friend request will immediately be canceled and removed from the sent requests list. The recipient will no longer see it on their end either. It’s as if you never sent the request at all!

Canceling Requests on Mobile

To cancel a pending friend request from Facebook’s mobile app:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your device and tap on the Menu icon (the three horizontal lines in the top right corner).
  2. Select Friends from the menu.
  3. Tap on the Friend Requests tab at the top of the screen.
  4. Find the request you want to remove in the list and swipe it to the left.
  5. Tap on Cancel Request to confirm you want to retract the invitation.

The process works the same as the desktop version – as soon as you complete the steps, the request will be canceled immediately and disappear from your sent requests list.

What Happens When You Cancel a Request

When you retract a friend request on Facebook, here’s what happens:

  • The request is immediately removed from your sent requests list and inbox.
  • The recipient will no longer see your request in their friend requests inbox.
  • No notification is sent to the recipient about the canceled request.
  • You can send a new friend request again in the future if you change your mind.

In essence, it’s like the friend request never existed. The intended recipient won’t know you canceled it unless you tell them directly. You’re free to send them a new friend request down the road.

Why You Might Want to Cancel a Request

There are a few reasons why you may want to retract a friend request on Facebook:

  • You changed your mind about connecting with that person.
  • You accidentally sent the request to the wrong account.
  • You no longer know the person you sent the request to.
  • You want to temporarily remove the request for privacy reasons.

Basically, canceling allows you to undo a request that you don’t want active anymore for whatever personal reason. It clears up your sent requests list and ensures the recipient won’t see it on their end.

How Many Times Can You Cancel a Request?

There is no limit to how many times you can cancel and resend a friend request to the same Facebook user. You can retract a request and send a new one as many times as you want. Each canceled request will be immediately removed from both ends.

That said, repeatedly canceling and sending requests could come across as strange behavior to the intended recipient. Use the feature judiciously and only when you genuinely want to remove a pending request from their inbox.

Does the Recipient Get Notified?

No, canceling a Facebook friend request does not notify the intended recipient in any way. They will simply no longer see your request in their incoming requests list once you retract it.

The only way the recipient would know you canceled the request is if you personally told them in a separate message or conversation. Facebook does not send them an automated notification about the canceled request.

Can the Recipient Decline a Canceled Request?

No, it is not possible for the intended recipient to decline or accept a request that has already been canceled. Once you retract the friend request, it immediately disappears from their inbox as well.

At that point, the request no longer exists on either end. The recipient loses the ability to accept or deny the request once you cancel it. They won’t even know it was canceled unless you inform them directly.

Does Cancelling Prevent Future Requests?

Canceling a friend request on Facebook does not prevent you from sending a new request in the future. You remain able to send another invitation to the same user again down the road.

Retracting a request simply removes that specific pending invitation. It does not block you from sending a new one at any time. You can immediately send a new request after canceling the previous one if you choose.

Can the Recipient Still Accept a Canceled Request?

No, it is not possible for a recipient to accept a friend request that has already been canceled. The request will be immediately removed from their incoming requests inbox as soon as you retract it.

At that point, there is no pending request left to accept. Canceling effectively deletes the friend request from both ends. The recipient loses the ability to accept once you cancel.

What if You Accidentally Canceled a Request?

If you accidentally cancel a friend request that you wanted to keep active, don’t worry. You can easily send a new friend request to that same Facebook user again.

Just go to their profile page, and select the Add Friend or Send Friend Request button just like normal. A new request will be sent to their inbox that they can accept.

You’re free to send friend requests to the same person as many times as you want, even if you canceled previous requests in error.

Can You Cancel a Request After It’s Accepted?

Once a recipient accepts your friend request, you can no longer cancel it. Accepting the request forms an official connection between you and that friend on Facebook.

At that point, you would need to unfriend or block the user if you wanted to remove the connection. Cancelling is only possible before it’s accepted.

How Do Friend Requests Differ From Messenger Requests?

Friend requests are different than Messenger requests on Facebook. A Messenger request is when you invite someone to connect via the Facebook Messenger messaging platform.

Friend requests establish a full friends list connection on Facebook itself. Messenger requests simply open up a messaging channel. You can cancel Messenger requests in similar ways.

Criteria for Sending Requests

Facebook has some basic criteria around sending friend requests:

  • You cannot send requests to strangers or spam users with requests.
  • You should have an existing relationship or reason for connecting.
  • It’s best to customize requests with a message.
  • Don’t send repeat requests to the same user excessively.
  • Respect it if a user ignores your request.

Keep these best practices in mind when connecting with new friends on the platform.

In Summary

Canceling a pending Facebook friend request is straightforward:

  • Go to your sent requests page on desktop or mobile app.
  • Locate the request and click Cancel Request.
  • The request will immediately disappear from both ends.
  • No notification is sent to the recipient about the cancelation.
  • You’re free to send a new request again in the future.

Use the cancel feature judiciously when you change your mind about connecting with someone. And be sure to follow Facebook’s general rules around sending friend requests respectfully.

Platform Steps to Cancel a Request
  1. Click Friend Requests icon
  2. Locate request
  3. Click Cancel Request
Mobile App
  1. Go to Friends > Friend Requests
  2. Swipe to left on request
  3. Tap Cancel Request

Having the ability to retract sent requests gives you control over your connections on Facebook. Use it wisely when needed.