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Can you both like and follow a Facebook page?

Can you both like and follow a Facebook page?

Yes, it is possible to both like and follow a Facebook page. On Facebook, liking and following are two separate actions that serve different purposes.

What does it mean to like a Facebook page?

When you like a Facebook page, you are indicating that you appreciate and support the content being shared by that page. Liking a page makes it show up in your news feed so you can see updates from that page. When you like a page, that page will also be able to see that you like their content.

Liking a Facebook page is a simple way to show support for brands, organizations, public figures, artists, businesses, and more on Facebook. It allows you to connect with things you are interested in and curate the content you see in your news feed.

When you like a Facebook page, it does not guarantee you will see all updates from that page in your news feed. The Facebook algorithm determines which updates appear in your news feed based on how often you interact with posts from a page and other engagement factors.

What does it mean to follow a Facebook page?

Following a Facebook page indicates you want to make sure you see all updates from that page in your news feed. When you follow a page, you will be notified every time that page posts new content.

Following ensures you do not miss any new posts from pages you care about. It overrides the Facebook algorithm and guarantees that page’s updates will appear in your news feed. Following a page makes it much more likely you will see everything posted by that page.

The main difference between liking and following a Facebook page is that following guarantees you will see all updates, while liking a page simply shows your support without necessarily seeing all content.

Can you like and follow a Facebook page?

Yes, it is absolutely possible to both like and follow a Facebook page. In fact, liking and following serve complementary purposes:

  • Liking shows your support for and interest in a page
  • Following ensures you see all updates from that page

Many social media users choose to both like and follow pages they care about to get the benefits of both actions. You indicate you like a page’s content through liking, and guarantee you see future updates by following as well.

How to like and follow a Facebook page

Liking and following a Facebook page are simple actions you can take right from that page:

To like a page:

  1. Go to the page you want to like
  2. Click the “Like” button below the page’s cover photo
  3. The button will turn blue to confirm you have liked the page

To follow a page:

  1. Go to the page you want to follow
  2. Hover over the “Like” button below the cover photo
  3. Click the “Follow” button that appears
  4. The button will say “Following” to confirm you are now following the page

Once you like and follow a page, you will see updates from that page in your news feed. You can unlike or unfollow at any time by clicking the “Liked” or “Following” button.

Benefits of liking and following pages

Here are some of the benefits of liking and following Facebook pages:

  • Stay up to date on posts from pages you care about
  • Show support for your favorite brands, artists, businesses, etc.
  • Get first access to news, deals, offers, and announcements
  • See relevant videos, photos, events, and other content
  • Join discussions and interact with like-minded communities

Liking and following pages is a key part of curating your Facebook feed with content relevant to your interests. It allows you to control the updates you see and connect with the people, organizations, and topics you care about.

Pages to consider liking and following

Here are some common types of Facebook pages you may want to like and follow:

Friends, family, and close connections

Keep up with updates from the important people in your life by liking and following their Facebook pages. This ensures you see updates from loved ones in your news feed.

Entertainment and pop culture

Follow favorite celebrities, TV shows, musicians, movies, games, and other entertainment. Get access to exclusive updates, announcements, deals, and discussions with fellow fans.

News and media

Follow news outlets, journalists, podcasts, online publications, and other media sources to stay informed. Get breaking news and in-depth analysis delivered right to your feed.

Businesses and brands

Liking and following companies you support is a great way to keep up with new products, promotions, events, job openings, and more.

Organizations and nonprofits

Show your support for causes you care about by liking and following key organizations. Follow their advocacy work and get involved in online communities.

Hobbies and interests

Feed your interests and hobbies by following relevant Facebook groups, events, figures, and communities. It’s an easy way to stay in the loop.

Funny and viral content

Follow meme pages, funny video channels, popular blogs, and aggregators of viral content for entertaining updates guaranteed to make you laugh.

How many pages should you like and follow?

There are no rules on how many pages you should interact with on Facebook. Here are some tips on balancing quality and quantity:

  • Like and follow enough pages to see frequent updates in your feed, but not so many that your feed is overflowing.
  • Focus on pages that align with your genuine interests, rather than indiscriminately liking pages.
  • Unlike or unfollow pages that are no longer relevant to prune your list over time.
  • Review your followed pages every so often to reassess if they are still worth following.

In general, most Facebook users like and follow anywhere from dozens to hundreds of pages. But do what feels right for your personal preferences and news feed goals.

Can pages see who likes and follows them?

Yes, Facebook pages have access to lists of their followers and people who like their page. However, the page cannot see personal details about individual followers beyond name and profile photo.

Some additional details pages can see about their likes and followers include:

  • Location (city-level)
  • Language
  • Gender and age demographic data

Pages use these aggregate analytics to better understand their audience and inform their content strategy. But they do not have access to non-public personal data of individual users or fans.

Options for liking and following

Here are a few additional options to consider when liking and following Facebook pages:


Adjust notification settings for individual pages to control if you are notified every time they post. Go to a page and click “Follow Settings” to manage notifications.


Organize pages you follow into custom lists like “News,” “Shopping,” or “TV Shows” to easily sort through updates.


Pages you like and follow may occasionally show ads in your feed. Use the menu on each ad to adjust settings and frequency.


If a followed page becomes overwhelming or irrelevant, unfollow at any time while still staying liked.

Trending pages

Discover new pages to like and follow by browsing Facebook’s trending pages and recommendations based on your interests.

Interactions beyond liking and following

Don’t forget that you can interact with Facebook pages beyond just liking and following them. Here are some additional ways to engage with pages:

  • Comment on and react to posts from pages you follow
  • Share interesting posts from pages with friends
  • Check in and mark yourself as “Going” for events hosted by pages
  • Join Facebook groups affiliated with pages you like
  • Tag pages in your own posts when relevant
  • Review pages for businesses by clicking “Recommendations” and writing a review
  • Sign up for email newsletters or SMS alerts offered by pages
  • Visit product pages or external websites affiliated with pages

The more you actively participate with the pages you follow, the more value you will get from them! Liking and following are just the first steps to an engaging experience.


Liking and following serve complementary purposes on Facebook. Liking a page shows your appreciation and makes updates visible. Following guarantees all updates from important pages appear in your feed.

There is no limit to how many pages you can interact with, but be selective and focus on connections meaningful to you. Take advantage of controls like lists and notifications to organize an optimal feed.

Go beyond just liking and following by commenting, sharing, tagging, reviewing, and otherwise engaging with the pages you care about. Facebook pages allow you to join diverse communities and conversations relevant to any interest, so find ones that excite and inspire you!