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Can you boost an event page on Facebook?

Can you boost an event page on Facebook?

Yes, it is possible to boost an event page on Facebook. Facebook provides the option to boost event pages just like regular Facebook posts. Boosting an event page can help increase visibility, reach new audiences, and drive more event signups.

What is boosting on Facebook?

Boosting on Facebook refers to paying to increase the reach and visibility of a post. When you boost a post, Facebook displays it higher in the News Feed of your target audience. Boosting is done through Facebook Ads Manager.

When you boost an event page, more people will see the event in their News Feed, which can result in higher attendance. It’s an effective way to get your event in front of interested people who may not have seen it otherwise.

Benefits of boosting a Facebook event page

Here are some of the key benefits of boosting a Facebook event page:

  • Increased reach – Boosting expands the number of people who see your event in their News Feed.
  • Targeted audience – You can choose the demographics and interests of who sees your boosted event.
  • More event signups – An increased reach and targeted audience drives more RSVPs and ticket sales.
  • Event awareness – People share and engage with your event, spreading awareness to their networks.
  • Sales – If you’re selling tickets or merchandise, boosting provides a sales boost.
  • Cost-effective – Boosting is relatively affordable, with flexible budget options.

How to boost a Facebook event

Boosting a Facebook event is easy to set up. Just follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook event page
  2. Click “Boost Event” in the bottom left
  3. Set your budget with flexible options like daily budgets
  4. Choose your target audience by location, demographics, interests, and more
  5. Customize the text and image for your boosted event post
  6. Click the “Boost” button
  7. Monitor performance and make any necessary edits in Ads Manager

Once boosted, your event will have an orange megaphone icon on it. People will see it higher in their feeds and in the right column.

Tips for successful event boosting

Here are some tips to ensure your boosted event performs well and converts attendees:

  • Boost at least 7-10 days before the event
  • Target a local audience within driving distance
  • Use compelling visuals like videos and photos
  • Highlight key details like time, location, and speakers
  • Run the boost for 3-7 days minimum
  • Set an attractive ticket price if selling them
  • Segment your audience for the most relevant reach
  • Track and optimize based on results in Ads Manager

Ideal budget for boosting events

Figuring out the right budget for boosting events takes some experimentation. Start small and expand your budget as you analyze the results over several event promotions. Some general benchmarks to keep in mind:

Event Size Boosted Post Budget
Small event (under 100 people) $50 – $150
Medium event (100 – 500 people) $150 – $350
Large event (500+ people) $350 – $1,000+

Consider your overall event marketing budget when deciding on boost spend. Monitor costs per ticket sold or RSVP to gauge return on investment.

Analyzing the results of a boosted event

It’s important to track and analyze the performance of your boosted event post. This provides insights to refine your approach for future events.

Facebook provides data on boosted post reach, engagement, clicks, and more. You can find this in Ads Manager under the “Results” column. Metrics to analyze include:

  • Reach – how many unique people saw the post
  • Impressions – total views of the post
  • Link clicks
  • Engagement rate – likes, comments, shares divided by reach
  • Event responses – signups and ticket sales
  • Cost per result – spend divided by conversions
  • Demographics data – audience age, gender, location, interests

Compare this to your goals and make adjustments to target audience, creatives, budget, and duration to boost performance.

Should you always boost Facebook events?

Here are some guidelines on when you should consider boosting an event:

  • The event has high revenue potential – concerts, conferences, fundraisers
  • Attendance is critical to event success
  • The event appeals to a broad local audience
  • You want to test the market for a type of event
  • The event is central to your organization or brand
  • There is a marketing budget allocated for the event

However, boosting may provide minimal impact for events such as:

  • Small private gatherings
  • Events with a very niche audience
  • Events that already sell out every time
  • Organization member-only events
  • Low-budget events without monetization

Assess each event individually to determine if boosting makes sense. Monitor the return on spend over time for different event types.

Facebook event boosting checklist

Here is a handy checklist to guide your process of boosting a Facebook event successfully:

  • Create an eye-catching and informative event page
  • Set event optimization such as a clear place and time
  • Develop a targeted audience list for the boost
  • Design compelling ad creative assets
  • Set a daily budget and full campaign budget
  • Launch the boost 7-10 days before event date
  • Share event page natively with your audience
  • Monitor and optimize boost based on results
  • Follow up with additional email or ad reminders
  • Send a post-event thank you to attendees


Boosting your event page is an excellent way to increase visibility and ticket sales for your event on Facebook. With proper targeting, budgeting, timing, creative, and analytics, you can achieve great results. Test out event boosting across different types of events and audiences to determine the best approach for your marketing objectives.