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Can you block someone from your business page on Facebook?

Can you block someone from your business page on Facebook?

Yes, it is possible to block someone from your business Page on Facebook. As the admin of a Facebook business Page, you have the ability to restrict certain users from interacting with your Page or seeing your posts.

Why would you want to block someone from your business Page?

There are a few common reasons why a business may want to block someone from their Facebook Page:

  • The person is repeatedly posting spam or offensive comments
  • The person is harassing your customers or employees in comments or messages
  • The person previously worked for you and should no longer have access
  • The person is a competitor trying to glean information about your business
  • The person has no association with your business and is causing disruption

Blocking the person prevents them from interacting with your Page and protects your online community. It’s a useful moderation tool for maintaining a positive environment on your Page.

How to block someone from your Facebook business Page

To block a user from your Facebook business Page, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook business Page and click “Settings” at the bottom of your cover photo.
  2. On the left sidebar, click “Blocked Users”.
  3. Enter the name or profile link of the user you want to block. You can also search to find their profile.
  4. Click “Block”.

Once blocked, the user will no longer be able to comment on your posts, message your Page, react to content, or see any future posts. They are completely banned from interacting with your Page.

What happens when you block someone?

Here’s what happens when you block a user from your Facebook business Page:

  • They can no longer view any published posts on your Page
  • They cannot react to, comment on, or share your Page posts
  • They are unable to message your Page
  • Your Page is completely removed from their view
  • They do not receive notifications about your Page
  • They cannot tag your Page in posts or photos
  • Any tagged posts including your Page are hidden from their profile

Essentially, it’s like your Facebook business Page doesn’t exist to them anymore. They have no visibility or access.

Can a blocked user still see your page if not logged in?

No, a blocked user cannot view your Facebook business Page even if they are logged out of their account. The block applies regardless of whether they are logged in or not.

Facebook’s blocking feature restricts their access at the Page level, so they have no way to view the Page or content posted there. Logging out does not allow them to bypass the block.

Can you unblock someone from your Facebook business Page?

Yes, you can unblock users and restore their ability to view and interact with your Facebook business Page. To do so:

  1. Go to your Page’s “Settings”
  2. Click “Blocked Users” in the left sidebar
  3. Locate the user you want to unblock and click “Unblock”

This will remove the restrictions on the user so they can once again see your Page and posts.

What happens when you unblock someone?

When you unblock a user from your Facebook Page, here is what happens:

  • They regain the ability to view your Page and see posts
  • They can react, comment, and share your Page posts again
  • They can message your Page
  • Your Page content is returned to their news feed
  • They receive notifications from your Page again

Essentially, it reverses the block and gives them access to fully interact with your business Page as before.

Can you block someone who has not interacted with your Page?

No, in order to block someone from your Facebook business Page, they must have actively interacted with your Page in some way. This interaction could include:

  • Liking or following your Page
  • Commenting on your posts
  • Sharing your content
  • Tagging your Page in a post
  • Messaging your Page
  • Reacting to your posts (liking, loving, etc.)

Without any of these interactions, Facebook does not allow that user to be blocked from your Page. There must be some history of engagement to block them.

Can you prevent someone from interacting with your Page?

If someone has not yet interacted with your Facebook Page, you cannot preemptively block them. However, there are a couple options to prevent unwanted interactions:

  • Adjust comment settings – Disable commenting on your Page or require admin approval
  • Adjust messaging settings – Limit who can message your Page
  • Ban words/phrases – Facebook’s auto-moderation can filter out unwanted comments

Using these built-in moderation tools can help limit engagement from potentially disruptive users. But an outright ban isn’t possible unless they’ve already interacted with your Page.

Can you block someone who likes your Facebook Page?

Yes, you can block someone who has liked your Facebook business Page. Liking your Page is considered an interaction, so it enables you to block that user.

When you block someone who has liked your Page, here is what happens:

  • They will automatically unlike your Page
  • Your Page disappears from their view
  • They can no longer interact with any current or future content

So even if someone has simply liked your Page in the past, you can still restrict their access going forward by blocking them.

Should you notify someone when you block them on Facebook?

There is no obligation to inform someone that you have blocked them from your Facebook business Page. However, there are some pros and cons to consider:

Pros of notifying:

  • They understand why they can no longer interact with your Page
  • It provides a warning to discourage further poor behavior
  • Shows you addressed the issue professionally

Cons of notifying:

  • They may attempt to circumvent the block
  • It tells them they got under your skin
  • It could encourage retaliation or harassment

In general, it’s recommended to notify users of a block only if you feel comfortable doing so. There is no requirement, so proceed whichever way seems best for your Page.

Can a blocked user get around the block?

It is very difficult for a blocked user to circumvent their block from a Facebook business Page. Some possible workarounds include:

  • Creating a new account
  • Using another person’s account
  • Viewing your Page while logged out

However, these options are limited. Facebook’s systems usually detect suspicious account activity. And viewing your Page logged out shows them no content.

The block applies site-wide, so getting around it completely is very unlikely. The restrictions remain solid in most cases.

Should you notify Facebook when you block someone?

There is no need to proactively notify Facebook when you block someone from your business Page. The block functions at the individual Page level.

However, if the blocked person is harassing you, spamming you, or otherwise violating Facebook policies, you can report them to Facebook as well. This can trigger additional restrictions on their account.

But a standard block does not require contacting Facebook support. It is handled privately through your Page’s settings.

Can you block someone on Facebook without them knowing?

Yes, when you block someone on Facebook from your business Page or profile, it occurs silently without notifying them. The user is simply unable to view your Page anymore.

Facebook does not alert users that they have been blocked. So it can be done discreetly without their knowledge.

However, frequent commenters may eventually notice they can no longer view your Page. But the initial block happens behind the scenes.

Can a Facebook block be reversed?

A block from a Facebook business Page can be reversed by unblocking the user. You can always undo the block to restore their access and interaction abilities.

Here are two ways a Facebook block can be reversed:

  1. The Page admin chooses to unblock the user
  2. The user successfully appeals the block to Facebook (extremely rare)

In most cases, the Page admin voluntarily unblocks the user when desired. An appeal to Facebook is unlikely to work unless the block was an error.

Does blocking on Facebook prevent tagging?

Yes, blocking someone on Facebook prevents them from tagging your business Page anywhere on Facebook. Their ability to mention your Page in tags, posts, photos, etc is revoked.

When they attempt to tag your Page after being blocked, it will fail. The tag will not process and your Page will not be notified.

This applies across Facebook – they cannot tag you in Groups, onto other Pages, on their own Profile, or anywhere public or private on the platform.

Can you block someone from a Facebook Group?

Yes, admins can block users from Facebook Groups as well as Pages. To block someone from a Group:

  1. Go to the Group page
  2. Click Members in the left sidebar
  3. Hover over the member and click Block

This prevents them from viewing or interacting with the Facebook Group at all. Group blocking works similarly to Page blocking.

Can a Facebook block impact ads?

Blocking someone on Facebook restricts your organic Page content from their view. However, it does not automatically prevent your Facebook ads from reaching them.

Ads and organic posts function separately. So you may still want to exclude the blocked user from your target audiences for Facebook and Instagram ads.

You can do this manually in Ads Manager or via the Ad Settings for your Page. This will ensure a comprehensive block.

Is it better to ban or block on Facebook?

For Facebook business Pages, blocking is usually better than banning unless the user is violating Facebook policies. Here’s the difference:

  • Blocking – Prevents a user from viewing or interacting with your Page specifically. Done through Page Settings.
  • Banning – Removes a user’s account from Facebook entirely. Done by reporting to Facebook.

Blocking tailors the restrictions to just your Page. Banning requires Facebook to investigate and remove their account globally, which is reserved for severe repeat offenders.

Can you block followers on Facebook?

Yes, as a Facebook Page admin you can block any of your current followers from seeing future posts and interacting with your Page. Followers are not immune to blocks.

When you block a follower, here is what happens:

  • They automatically unfollow your Page
  • Your Page disappears from their view
  • They can no longer engage with your current or new content

So even loyal followers can be restricted at your discretion as the Page admin. Simply follow the normal block procedures.

Do Facebook blocks expire?

No, blocks administered on Facebook business Pages do not automatically expire. Once blocked, the user will remain restricted until manually unblocked.

Some key notes on Facebook blocks:

  • They remain in effect indefinitely
  • They do not expire after a set time period
  • The user remains blocked as long as the Page admin allows it
  • The only way a block is reversed is if the Page admin manually unblocks them

So you maintain full control over blocked users. If you want a block to expire after some time, you would need to schedule a reminder to unblock them later on.

Do I need to block someone on Facebook to remove them as a page admin?

No, blocking a user is not required to remove their administrator access to your Facebook business page. Removing admin privileges can be done independently.

To remove someone’s admin status without blocking them:

  1. Go to your Page Settings > Page Roles
  2. Click the “X” icon next to the person’s name

This eliminates their admin capabilities while allowing them to still view and engage with your Page normally. No block needed unless you also want to restrict their basic access.


Blocking users from a Facebook business Page is a powerful moderation tool to maintain a positive community. It completely eliminates someone’s access to view or interact with your public content.

Blocks can be enacted discreetly without notification and remain in effect indefinitely. However, they can also be reversed as needed. When handled responsibly, blocking aids in cultivating an engaged audience and mitigating disruption.

Overall, the ability to block users gives Page owners greater control over the environment and conversations on their public-facing platform. As Facebook continues to prioritize community integrity and safety, its blocking capabilities provide practical protection for businesses, brands and organizations.