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Can you block certain videos on Facebook?

Can you block certain videos on Facebook?

Yes, Facebook allows you to block or restrict access to certain videos that you don’t want to see in your News Feed. There are a few different ways to do this on both desktop and mobile.

How to block videos on Facebook desktop

On the Facebook website, you have a couple of options for blocking videos:

  • Unfollow or unfriend the person, page or group posting the videos
  • Hide the post with the video
  • Block the person, page or group from posting on your timeline
  • Use the News Feed Preferences to snooze or unfollow someone temporarily

Here are more details on how each method works:

Unfollow or unfriend

If a friend is constantly sharing videos you don’t want to see, you can unfollow them. This means you’ll remain friends, but their posts will no longer show up in your News Feed. To do this:

  1. Go to the person’s profile page
  2. Click on the Friends button
  3. Select Unfollow

Similarly, you can unfriend a person or unlike a page to no longer see their videos. This is more permanent – it removes the connection between you and that friend or page.

Hide the video post

See a video in your News Feed that you don’t want to watch? Hover over the top right corner of the post and click on the X icon. This will hide that specific post.

Block person, page or group from your timeline

If you want to prevent a person, page or group from being able to post on your timeline, you can block them:

  1. Go to their profile or page
  2. Click on the 3 dots in the top right corner
  3. Select Block

This means they will no longer be able to tag you or post on your timeline. However, you may still see their posts in your News Feed.

Use News Feed Preferences

Facebook’s News Feed Preferences allow you to snooze or unfollow someone temporarily:

  1. Go to the person, page or group’s profile
  2. Click on the 3 dots at the top right
  3. Select Snooze or Unfollow
  4. Choose for how long you want to snooze them (30 days, until you turn snooze back on, or indefinitely)

This will prevent their posts from appearing in your News Feed for the specified duration. You can reverse it at any time.

How to block videos on Facebook mobile

On the Facebook mobile app, you have slightly different options for blocking videos:

  • Unfollow the person, page or group posting the videos
  • Hide the post with the video
  • Unfollow the person, page or group from your News Feed
  • Snooze the person, page or group for 30 days


Similar to desktop, you can unfollow a friend from their profile page so their posts no longer appear in your News Feed. Tap on the Following button and select Unfollow.

Hide the video post

Tap on the three dots at the top right corner of the post and choose Hide Post to remove that specific video from your News Feed.

Unfollow from News Feed

To unfollow someone from your News Feed:

  1. Go to their profile page
  2. Tap on the Following button
  3. Select Unfollow in News Feed

This is similar to unfollowing, except it only removes their posts from your News Feed – you’ll still get notifications if they tag you, for example.

Snooze for 30 days

If you want to temporarily block posts from a person, page or group, go to their profile, tap on the Following button and select Snooze for 30 Days. After 30 days, their content will reappear in your News Feed.

How to block videos from Groups

In addition to blocking videos from individuals and pages, you can also block content from Groups:

  • Leave the Group to stop seeing all posts
  • Turn off notifications for the Group
  • Hide specific video posts
  • Mute the Group for a specific time period

Leave the Group

If a Group’s content is no longer relevant to you, you can leave it to stop seeing posts from that community. Go to the Group page, tap on the Joined button and select Leave Group.

Turn off notifications

To keep getting Group posts in your News Feed but stop getting notified about new videos and posts, turn off notifications. Go to the Group page, tap on the Joined button and select Turn Off Notifications.

Hide specific posts

Don’t want to see a particular video from a Group but still want to be part of the Group? Tap on the three dots at the top right of the post and select Hide Post.

Mute the Group

Muting a Group means you’ll temporarily stop seeing posts from that community in your News Feed. You can choose to mute for 30 days, until you manually turn it back on, or indefinitely. Go to the Group page, tap on the Joined button and select Mute Group.

How to block videos with Facebook settings

In addition to the options above for blocking videos from specific people, pages or Groups, you can also adjust some general Facebook settings related to videos:

  • Restrict videos with violence or graphic content
  • See fewer videos in News Feed
  • Turn off autoplay for videos

Restrict violent or graphic videos

If you want Facebook to show you fewer videos that contain violent or graphic content:

  1. Go to Settings & Privacy
  2. Select Settings
  3. Click on News Feed Preferences
  4. Turn on the setting to restrict videos with violent or graphic content

See fewer videos in News Feed

Reduce the number of videos overall that get shown to you in your News Feed:

  1. Go to Settings & Privacy
  2. Click on Settings
  3. Select News Feed Preferences
  4. Drag the slider for videos to the left to reduce the amount

Turn off autoplay

Stop videos from automatically playing as you scroll through your News Feed:

  1. Go to Settings & Privacy
  2. Select Settings
  3. Click on Media and Contacts
  4. Turn off the setting for autoplaying videos

This will make videos appear silently in your feed instead of playing right away.


There are many options on Facebook for blocking or restricting videos from appearing in your News Feed. The best approach depends on whether it’s an individual, page, group or you just want to limit videos globally. Unfollowing, snoozing, hiding posts and adjusting your News Feed preferences are all effective ways to see fewer unwanted videos.

Taking advantage of these options can help you customize your News Feed and avoid content that doesn’t interest you. That way, you’re more likely to see updates that matter to you and have an enjoyable experience scrolling through your Facebook feed.

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook hosts a vast range of content from friends, family, publishers, brands and viral videos. While this provides a diverse stream of information and entertainment, not all of it may be relevant to each user. Fortunately, Facebook offers robust preferences and settings to control what you do and don’t see in your feed.

In addition to blocking videos, you can filter status updates, stories, ads and posts from specific people or pages. These controls allow you to limit the reach of any type of content that you find annoying or inappropriate. You have the power to mold Facebook into a personalized feed that brings you joy, not frustration.

So if certain videos on Facebook make you cringe, fear not. With a few simple clicks you can keep your News Feed focused on the things – and the people – you care about. The ability to block videos gives you greater command over your experience. Facebook’s blocking features ensure the platform remains a safe, useful place to connect and stay up to date.

Facebook is more than just a social network – it’s also become a key entertainment source for over a billion people. With so much video content being shared, you’re bound to eventually come across some clips that you’d rather not see in your feed.

Luckily, Facebook offers robust settings and preferences to take control over the videos shown to you. You have options like unfollowing accounts, hiding posts, snoozing people and adjusting News Feed filters. Whether you want to temporarily remove a video or stop seeing a person’s videos altogether, Facebook provides the tools.

Exercising your ability to block videos ensures your News Feed remains an enjoyable, curated destination. The next time an unwanted clip pops up, don’t get annoyed – take action. A few taps is all it takes to say goodbye to those undesirable videos and get your personalized feed back on track.

In summary, Facebook grants users several techniques to prevent videos from certain individuals, groups or pages appearing in their News Feed. By unfollowing, unfriending, hiding posts, blocking accounts, snoozing content and altering video preferences, you can craft a customized feed that suits your tastes and preferences.

So if you ever want to limit the videos you encounter on Facebook, rest assured the option exists. Just dive into your settings and preferences to block those unwanted videos. Then you can get back to seeing the content you care about from the people closest to you.