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Can you be logged into two different Facebook accounts?

Can you be logged into two different Facebook accounts?

Yes, it is possible to be logged into two different Facebook accounts at the same time. There are a few different ways to accomplish this depending on the device and browser you are using.

Being Logged Into Multiple Accounts on Desktop

On a desktop computer, the easiest way to be logged into two Facebook accounts simultaneously is to use different web browsers. For example, you could log into one account in Chrome and another account in Firefox or Safari. The browsers will keep the accounts separate with different cookies and sessions.

You can also log into multiple accounts within the same browser on desktop. In Chrome and Firefox, you can launch a regular window and an incognito/private window. Log into one account in the regular window and the other in incognito/private. Similarly, in Safari you can use regular and private browsing windows.

Additionally, Google Chrome has a Profile feature that lets you maintain separate environments within the same browser. You can log into a different Facebook account in each Chrome profile. To create and switch Chrome profiles on Windows or Mac, click your profile picture > Manage people. On ChromeOS, click your profile picture > Add persona.

Being Logged Into Multiple Accounts on Mobile

On mobile devices, you can be logged into different Facebook accounts by using the official Facebook app along with the Facebook Lite app or the Messenger app.

Download both the Facebook app and Facebook Lite/Messenger. Log into one Facebook account on the Facebook app and the other on Facebook Lite/Messenger. You can then switch between the two apps to post, message, and browse each account separately.

If you have multiple browsers installed on your mobile device, you can also use the same strategy as desktop by logging into one account on the Facebook app and another in the Chrome or Safari browser.

Using Multiple Accounts on One Device

Being logged into multiple accounts on the same device can be very useful. Here are some common scenarios where using two or more Facebook accounts on one device is helpful:

  • Maintaining separate personal and business pages – Manage your personal profile in one account and business page in another.
  • Managing multiple businesses – If you operate different businesses/brands, log into the associated pages with different accounts.
  • Overseeing clients’ pages – Access and post on behalf of clients’ pages by logging into their Facebook accounts.
  • Extra security and privacy – Use an alternate account for more private sharing with close friends and family.

Limits and Risks of Multiple Accounts

While you can technically log into multiple Facebook accounts on one device, it does come with some downsides:

  • Having to log out and switch accounts can be inconvenient compared to easily flipping between browser tabs/windows.
  • Possible confusion posting or messaging from the wrong account accidentally.
  • Facebook may flag rapidly switching accounts or locations as suspicious behavior.
  • Violates Facebook’s terms of service if used abusively, such as artificially inflating Likes or followers.

Overall, it is allowed to have more than one Facebook account and use them from the same places responsibly. Just be aware of the limitations.

Tips for Managing Multiple Accounts

Here are some tips to make accessing multiple Facebook accounts from one device easier:

  • Customize profiles – Use different profile/cover images to distinguish accounts visually.
  • Name accounts – Rename browser profiles descriptively like “Personal” and “Business”.
  • Color code apps – Pin Facebook app icons with distinct colors to differentiate them.
  • Bookmark key pages – Add bookmarks to each account’s home page to quickly identify and switch.
  • Separate notifications – Turn off notifications for one account if they become bothersome.
  • Check before posting – Take an extra second to verify which account you are in to avoid mistakes.

How Many Accounts Can You Have?

Facebook’s terms of service officially allow each person to maintain only one personal Facebook account. However, you are permitted to have multiple accounts for business, organization, or brand purposes.

Facebook may disable accounts that are duplicate personal profiles for a single user. The limit on business/organization accounts is less strict but having an excessive number could still get flagged.

It is recommended to keep business accounts to a reasonable number that matches your actual branded activities. While there is no definite account limit, staying under 5 total accounts per person including personal is prudent.

Can Accounts Be Merged?

If you end up creating multiple personal accounts over time that you want to consolidate, Facebook does allow those to be merged together. Here is how to merge Facebook accounts:

  1. Log into the account you want to keep as the main account.
  2. Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Account Ownership and Control.
  3. Choose “Merge Accounts” and follow the on-screen instructions to add the other account.
  4. Confirm the merge and log in to find everything combined under your main account.

Business accounts cannot be merged. You will need to manually copy over any important information from one business profile to the other before deleting.


Logging into and actively using two or more Facebook accounts on the same device is possible by utilizing multiple browsers, browsing modes, apps, and profiles. This allows convenient access for managing both personal and professional pages.

While permitted, routinely accessing too many accounts from one device can appear suspicious. It’s best to keep a reasonable number of accounts and take precautions not to violate Facebook’s policies.

With the right tools and strategies, having multiple accounts can be accomplished smoothly. Just be thoughtful in how the accounts are managed to avoid issues.

Some key takeaways:

  • Use different browsers/apps and browsing modes to segregate accounts.
  • Apply customizations and bookmarks to easily distinguish accounts.
  • Limit to 1 personal account plus reasonable business accounts.
  • Merge personal accounts if consolidating in the future.
  • Exercise caution to avoid policy violations when managing multiple accounts.

Following Facebook’s guidelines while implementing methods to easily switch between and track separate accounts will allow you to effectively maintain multiple profiles and pages from a single device.

Want to start building your online presence? Sign up for an account today to connect with people and share on the world’s largest social media platform.