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Can you be logged into more than one Facebook at a time?

Can you be logged into more than one Facebook at a time?

With over 2.9 billion monthly active users as of 2023, Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. Many people have more than one Facebook account for different purposes – personal, business, organization pages etc. A common question that arises is whether you can use and stay logged into multiple Facebook accounts simultaneously on the same browser or device. Let’s take a detailed look at the possibilities and limits around logging into multiple Facebook accounts at the same time.

Quick Answer

Yes, it is possible to be logged into more than one Facebook account at the same time on the same browser or device. Facebook allows you to add and switch between multiple accounts on their platform. However, you can only actively use one account at a time. Your other logged in accounts will be inactive in the background.

Ways to Log Into Multiple Facebook Accounts

Here are some ways you can log into and access more than one Facebook account on the same browser or device:

1. Add Account in Settings

The easiest way is to add your second (or third etc.) Facebook account in the Accounts setting:

– Go to the top right dropdown Settings & Privacy menu on Facebook
– Click on ‘Settings’
– Go to the ‘Your Facebook Information’ section
– Click on ‘Logins and Security’
– Under ‘Logins’, click on ‘Add Account’
– Enter the email/phone and password of the extra Facebook account you want to add

Once added, you can switch between the accounts using the top right account dropdown menu.

2. Open Second Account in New Tab

You can log into another account by simply opening Facebook in a new browser tab and logging in with your other credentials. Both accounts will remain logged in. You can switch between them by clicking on the relevant browser tabs.

This works for both desktop browser and mobile browser versions of Facebook.

3. Use Multiple Browsers

Another option is to log into each Facebook account on a separate browser or browser profile. For example, you could log into one account on Chrome and another account on Firefox or Internet Explorer.

If using multiple browser profiles (Chrome profiles, Firefox containers etc.), log into one account in the default profile and the other account in a second profile.

4. Use Facebook Apps on Mobile

On mobile devices, you can stay logged into multiple accounts by using the Facebook mobile app along with the Messenger app or Facebook Lite app.

Simply log into one account on the Facebook app and another one on Messenger or Facebook Lite. You can easily switch between them by tapping on the relevant app icons.

5. Use Separate Devices

You can remain logged into different accounts by accessing Facebook on separate mobile devices or computers.

For example, use one account on your phone and another account on your tablet or desktop computer. Staying logged into different accounts on separate devices allows easy access to both.

Limits of Using Multiple Accounts

While Facebook does allow multiple logins on their platform, there are some limits in place:

Only One Active Account at a Time

You can only actively use one Facebook account at a time on a browser or device. While you may be logged into 2-3 accounts simultaneously, only one will be active at a time.

Your other logged in accounts will be running in the background but not active. You have to manually switch between accounts to make them active.

No Simultaneous Logins on Mobile

On mobile devices, you cannot be logged into multiple accounts on the same Facebook app. Only one account can be active on the Facebook mobile app at a time.

You have to log out completely before logging into a different account. However, as mentioned above, you can use Messenger or Facebook Lite to log into a second account.

Potential Account Limitations

Actively using two or more accounts simultaneously to perform activities like Liking posts, commenting, sharing etc. could sometimes trigger security mechanisms and limitations imposed on your Facebook accounts.

This could include things like blocks on features, photo/video uploads or even full account suspensions in some cases if Facebook detects suspicious behavior.

Advertising and Data Implications

From an advertising perspective, logging into multiple accounts can merge some of your data and preferences across accounts which can affect ad targeting and relevance.

Your overall Facebook ad experience may become less personalized when logged into more than one account from the same device.

Staying Logged Into Multiple Accounts on Desktop

On desktop browsers, you can stay logged into multiple Facebook accounts simultaneously using these methods:

Browser Tabs

Open different accounts in separate browser tabs. You can manually switch between tabs to access the accounts. Works on Chrome, Firefox, Safari and other desktop browsers.

Browser Profiles

Sign in to each account using different browser profiles in Chrome or Firefox. For example, log into one account in default Chrome profile and second account in an incognito profile.

Multiple Browsers

Use different browsers like Chrome and Firefox to remain logged into separate accounts simultaneously.

Container Tabs (Firefox)

Use Container Tabs feature in Firefox browser to isolate accounts:

  • – Install Mozilla’s Multi-Account Containers add-on
  • – Right click on Facebook tab and select ‘Open link in new container tab’
  • – Log into a different account in new container tab

You can easily switch between container tabs to access accounts.

Dual Login Browser Extensions

You can use dual login browser extensions like MultiLogin or SwitchyOmega to log into multiple accounts:

  • – Install extension in Chrome/Firefox
  • – Setup different profiles for each account
  • – Easily switch between profiles via toolbar

Staying Logged Into Multiple Accounts on Mobile

On mobile devices, you have a couple options to use more than one Facebook account:

Facebook Apps

Log into one Facebook account on main Facebook app and second account on Messenger or Facebook Lite app. Toggle between apps to switch accounts.

Browser Tabs

Similar to desktop, open different accounts in separate mobile browser tabs. Switch tabs to change active account.

Private Browsing Mode

Use regular browser tab for one account and private/incognito tab for second account. Exit private mode to switch accounts.

Multiple Browsers

Log into accounts using different mobile browsers installed on your device e.g. Chrome and Firefox.

Third-Party Apps to Manage Multiple Accounts

Here are some third party apps and tools you can use to efficiently manage and switch between multiple Facebook accounts on desktop and mobile:


– Available as Chrome extension and iOS app
– Lets you log into unlimited Facebook accounts
– Switch between and post from different accounts
– Separate newsfeeds and notifications for each account

Switcher for Facebook

– Chrome and Firefox extension
– Create shortcuts to instantly toggle between accounts
– Keeps accounts logged in simultaneously
– Syncs open tabs between accounts

FastSwitch for Facebook

– Chrome extension for quickly swapping accounts
– Keyboard shortcuts to change accounts with one click
– Imports profiles and avatars for easy identification


– Mac menu bar app for switching Facebook accounts
– Creates menu dropdown to easily toggle accounts
– Stores username/passwords to log in automatically

Pros of Using Multiple Accounts

Here are some potential benefits of using more than one Facebook account:

Separate Personal and Professional Accounts

Maintain different accounts for your personal life and business/work identities. Keep them separate by using two accounts.

Anonymous Browsing

Have one regular account and a pseudonymous account for anonymous browsing and joining interest groups. Protects your privacy.

Manage Multiple Businesses

If you operate different businesses, create separate Facebook pages for each and easily switch between them.

Test New Features

Test unreleased Facebook features using a secondary “sandbox” account without affecting your main profile.

App Development and Testing

Developers can build and test Facebook-integrated apps efficiently using multiple test accounts.

No Missing Out

See updates from all your accounts in one place without missing out on posts from different friend/follower circles.

Cons of Using Multiple Accounts

However, using multiple Facebook accounts also comes with some downsides:

Tedious Account Management

Managing notifications, privacy settings, posts for several accounts can be time-consuming compared to using just one profile.

Ad Targeting Affected

Facebook ad targeting may get less optimized when you use more than one account from the same browser/device.

Security and Policy Violations

Activities like mass liking/commenting on posts from multiple accounts could trigger security mechanisms and account limitations.

Feature Limitations

Certain Facebook features may not work properly when logged into multiple accounts at the same time e.g. calls, games etc.

Posts Showing Up Multiple Times

Seeing the same posts from your various newsfeeds can lead to duplication and information overload.

Best Practices for Using Multiple Accounts

If you choose to use more than one Facebook account, here are some best practices to follow:

Don’t Perform Mass Actions

Avoid liking, commenting or sharing posts in bulk simultaneously across accounts. Can appear like spam behavior.

Separate Work and Personal Activity

Ensure you only do work/professional activities on your business/organization accounts to keep them distinct.

Log Out Before Switching Accounts

On mobile apps, log out fully from one account before logging into your second account for proper segmentation.

Turn Off Notifications for Secondary Accounts

Disable notifications for your secondary accounts to prevent duplicate alerts and reduce interruptions.

Use Different Profile Pictures

Have distinct profile pictures for each account to easily identify which account is currently active.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Strengthen security by enabling two-factor authentication, especially on your primary account.

Frequently Change Passwords

Update passwords regularly to all your Facebook accounts to prevent unauthorized access. Use different passwords.

Review Privacy Settings

Double check privacy settings on all accounts to ensure personal information is shared only with intended audiences.


In summary, while Facebook allows you to use multiple accounts, only one can be actively used at a time on a particular browser or device. You have to manually switch between your logged in accounts. Using more than one Facebook account has some benefits but also poses risks if best practices are not followed. Employ the tips outlined above to have the best experience if using multiple Facebook logins. Exercising caution and making security a priority is advised when accessing two or more accounts on the same platforms.

Pros Cons
Separate personal and professional accounts Tedious account management
Anonymous browsing Ad targeting affected
Manage multiple businesses Security and policy violations
Test new features Feature limitations
App development and testing Posts showing up multiple times
No missing out on updates