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Can you be blocked from joining a Facebook group?

Can you be blocked from joining a Facebook group?

Yes, it is possible to be blocked from joining a Facebook group. Group admins have the ability to restrict who can see and join their groups. There are a few main ways you can end up blocked from a Facebook group:

You were previously removed from the group

If you were a member of a group in the past and were removed by a group admin, you may be blocked from joining that group again. When an admin removes someone from a group, they have the option to block that person from re-joining. This prevents removed members from immediately trying to re-join the group they were kicked out of.

You violated the group’s rules

Facebook group admins can proactively block people who have violated their group rules and policies. For example, if you repeatedly post spam or offensive content in other groups, an admin may learn of this rule-breaking behavior and preemptively block you from their group.

You were banned from Facebook

If your Facebook account has been banned either temporarily or permanently, you will be automatically blocked from joining any Facebook groups. Bans can happen for reasons like violating Facebook’s terms of service, creating fake accounts, or spamming/harassing other users.

The group has specific join requirements

Some groups have certain requirements people must meet to join. For example:

  • Location-based groups may only allow people from a certain area to join.
  • Groups for employees of a company may only allow people with a company email address to join.
  • Interest groups may ask questions to confirm you actually fit the group topic.
  • Closed groups may require admin approval before you can join.

If you do not meet the specific join requirements set for a group, you may find yourself blocked from accessing it. Trying to join a location-based group from outside the allowed area or answering join questions inaccurately can result in being blocked.

The group reached its member limit

Facebook caps the maximum number of members allowed in a single group at 100,000. If a group has reached this limit, no one else will be able to join until existing members leave the group. So if you try joining a full group, you will be blocked until there is space available.

You are not friends with any group members

Private groups require you to be friends with an existing member in order to join. If you do not have any friends already in the private group you are trying to join, you will not be able to access it. The admin has restricted group membership to friends only.

The admin blocked you specifically

In some cases, a group admin may manually block your specific profile from joining their group. They may have interacted with you elsewhere and preemptively banned you from the group due to bad experiences.

The group uses a banned word in its name or description

Facebook prohibits certain words from being used in group names or descriptions. If a group name or description contains one of these banned words, Facebook’s system will automatically block people from joining it. Admins are unable to override the system block until the banned term is removed.

You reached Facebook’s daily group join limit

To prevent spammy behavior, Facebook limits the number of groups each user can join per day. The exact daily join limit is not publicly disclosed, but is believed to be around 100 groups per day. If you attempt to exceed the daily limit, you may find yourself temporarily blocked from joining additional groups.

Your account looks fake or suspicious

Facebook’s automated systems work to detect and block “inauthentic” accounts from accessing Facebook groups. If your account seems suspicious—for example if it was recently created, has no posts, friends or profile photo—you may be blocked from joining groups as Facebook’s system cannot confirm you are a real person.

You are under the minimum age requirement

Facebook requires users to be at least 13 years old to join groups. Attempting to join a group from a brand new account with a below-13 birthdate can result in being blocked until age requirements are met.

The group was deleted or archived

If a group is deleted by the admin or archived by Facebook, it will disappear from search results and become inaccessible. Attempting to visit the URL of a deleted group will result in an error blocking access.

How do you know if you’ve been blocked from a Facebook group?

There are a few signs that indicate you have been blocked from joining a specific Facebook group:

  • When you search for the group, it will not appear in results.
  • Visiting a direct link to the group will show a “Content Not Found” error.
  • If the group is public, you will see a “Join” button that is greyed out or unclickable.
  • When you try to join, you may see a message such as “Unable to join group” or “Could not join group.”

Can you undo being blocked from a Facebook group?

If you have been blocked from a group, there are a few things you can try to get the block lifted:

  • Contact the admins – Message the administrators of the group, explain why you should be allowed to join, and politely ask them to remove the block.
  • Wait for a ban to expire – If you were temporarily banned, wait out the specified length of the ban and then try re-joining the group.
  • Use a different account – If your personal account is blocked, try joining the group from another account not associated with the block.
  • Fix account issues – If your account seems inauthentic or underage, update your profile to make it seem more real.
  • Improve behavior – If you were blocked for violations or spam, improve your conduct in other groups for a period of time.

However, since admins have full discretion over group membership, there is no guarantee these steps will work. The group creator may choose to permanently ban you for any reason.

Preventing blocks from Facebook groups

Here are some tips to avoid getting blocked from Facebook groups in the future:

  • Behave respectfully and follow all group rules.
  • Do not post spam or prohibited content.
  • Use an account with your real name and identity.
  • Build connections with group members.
  • Interact in a positive way and add value.
  • Do not attempt to join hundreds of groups in a day.
  • Ensure your account meets the minimum age rules.

Keeping your account and conduct in good standing will limit the risk of Facebook group admins blocking you. Additionally, contributing value to groups is more likely to get you accepted into exclusive or closed groups.


Facebook group admins have full discretion to block specific people from accessing their groups. Getting blocked can happen if you break rules, get banned from Facebook, use a fake account, hit Facebook’s daily join limit, or simply do not meet a group’s join requirements.

There are limited options available if you are blocked from a group you want to join. Your best recourse is being polite and reasonable in communication with the group creator. But ultimately whether the block stays in place is up to the admin’s judgment.

Maintaining a good standing account and avoiding policy violations will help minimize the chances of ending up blocked. Facebook group blocks are inconvenient but sometimes necessary to protect groups from disruptive members.

Reason for Block Possible Solution
Removed from group previously Apologize to admin and request re-admittance
Broke rules in other groups Improve conduct and ask admin to reconsider
Account banned from Facebook Resolve issues with Facebook to lift ban
Does not meet join requirements Update profile to fit group rules
Group at member capacity Wait for space to open up in the group
Not friends with group members (private group) Befriend people already in the group
Manually blocked by admin Apologize if applicable and request admin remove block
Group uses banned term None – Admin must change group name/description
Exceeded daily join limit Wait until tomorrow to attempt joining again
Account seems fake/suspicious Update profile to seem more authentic
Under minimum age requirement Wait until age 13 to join groups

Being blocked from Facebook groups can be frustrating, but is sometimes done to protect groups and their members. Following Facebook’s rules and interacting positively can help avoid getting blocked in many situations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a Facebook group admin block you without you knowing?

Yes, Facebook group admins can block users from joining or viewing a group without explicitly notifying the blocked user. The user will simply be unable to find or access the group. The lack of notification is intended to prevent arguments between blocked users and admins.

Is it possible to get around a Facebook group block?

There is no guaranteed way to circumvent a Facebook group block. Using a secondary account to join may work temporarily but violates Facebook’s rules if caught. The only sanctioned option is to appeal to the group admin to lift the block from your account.

Why can’t I join a Facebook group that shows up in search results?

If you are unable to join a Facebook group that you can see in search results, it likely means you were blocked from that specific group. Groups you are blocked from will still show up in search results but will not allow you to successfully join.

Can I rejoin a Facebook group after being removed and blocked?

If you were removed from a Facebook group and then blocked from re-joining, the group admin has full discretion on whether to allow you back in. You would need to appeal to the admin and explain why you should be unblocked and re-admitted.

Is there a way to report being unfairly blocked from a Facebook group?

There is no formal appeals process for getting unblocked from a Facebook group – the admins have full discretion. If you feel you were blocked unfairly due to discrimination, you can file a report through Facebook’s Help Center.

How do I hide a Facebook group that blocked me?

To hide groups you’re blocked from seeing in Facebook search results: On desktop, go to Settings & Privacy > Groups > Groups You’ve Left or Been Removed From > Groups You Can’t Find. On mobile, go to Menu > Groups You’re In > More Options > Groups You’ve Left or Been Removed From.

What should I do if someone blocks me from all the groups we share?

If another member blocks you from multiple shared groups, it likely indicates a relationship problem or conflict. You should reflect on recent interactions with that person and consider apologizing and avoiding escalation if you contributed negatively. If the blocking seems unjustified, calmly discuss it with them or a mutual connection.

Can Facebook group admins see if you are blocked from the group?

Yes, Facebook group admins can see a list of people who have been blocked or banned from joining their group. This allows admins to manage and reverse blocks if desired.

If I’m blocked from a group, can I see who else is in that group?

No, if you are blocked from a private Facebook group, you cannot see any information about that group, including its member list. Even for public groups you are blocked from, you cannot access the list of members.

What should I do if I was blocked from a group that I believe was deleted?

If you are blocked from joining a Facebook group you believe was deleted, first confirm the group no longer exists by logging out and searching for it or asking others if they can find it. If the group looks deleted, the block is moot since the group is gone.

The Takeaway on Getting Blocked from Facebook Groups

The key points to remember are:

  • Facebook group admins can block anyone from joining for any reason.
  • Blocks prevent you from accessing or joining a group but do not notify you.
  • Getting unblocked requires appealing politely to the group admin.
  • Avoiding rule violations and having an authentic account can minimize chances of being blocked.
  • There is no way to override an admin’s decision if they choose to keep you blocked.

While frustrating, blocks are sometimes necessary to protect Facebook groups. All you can really do is control your own behavior and politely ask admins to reconsider if you feel a block is unfair.