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Can you ban people from Facebook pages?

Can you ban people from Facebook pages?

Yes, Facebook Page admins have the ability to ban or block people from their Pages. This prevents banned users from viewing the Page, posting content, or interacting with other people on the Page.

Who can ban users from a Facebook Page?

The ability to ban users is reserved for Page admins and moderators. Here’s a quick rundown of who can ban users:

  • Page Admins: The person who created the Page and any users they have designated as admins have full permissions, including the ability to ban users.
  • Page Moderators: Admins can assign moderator roles to other users. Moderators can help monitor activity and ban users from the Page.
  • Page Editors: This limited role can only view insights and edit Page content. They cannot ban users.

So in summary, any designated admins or moderators have the power to ban users from a Facebook Page. Editors and regular users do not have this ability.

How do you ban someone from a Facebook Page?

The process of banning a user from a Facebook Page is straightforward:

  1. Go to the Facebook Page and pull up the profile of the user you want to ban.
  2. Click on the 3 dots beside their name and select ‘Ban User’ from the dropdown menu.
  3. You will be prompted to select a ban length, which can range from 1 day to permanent.
  4. The user will be immediately banned and notified of the ban.

Banning a user prevents them from posting, commenting, sharing content, and interacting with others on the Page. Any existing content from a banned user will remain on the Page for admins to moderate.

Why would you ban someone from a Facebook Page?

There are a few common reasons Page admins may ban or block users:

  • Harassment/Bullying: Banning users who are repeatedly harassing or bullying other users.
  • Abusive Language: Removing users who regularly post offensive, abusive or threatening language.
  • Spam: Banning accounts that are spamming the Page with irrelevant or repetitive content.
  • Inappropriate Content: Blocking users who post graphic, explicit or illegal content.
  • Competitors: Banning people who work for competing brands and post unwanted marketing content.

The goal is generally to foster a positive community and remove disruptive users when necessary. Page admins should exercise judgment in when bans are warranted.

What happens when you ban someone from a Facebook Page?

Here’s an overview of what happens when you ban a user from a Facebook Page:

  • They will immediately stop being able to view any content from the Page or interact with it in any way.
  • Any new comments/posts they make will be automatically deleted and hidden from other users.
  • Their past comments and posts will remain visible on the Page (admins can choose to delete them).
  • They will not be notified of any new posts, events or activity related to the Page.
  • If they attempt to visit the Page, they will see a message saying they are banned.

Essentially, banning completely removes the user’s access to the Page and its content. They become invisible to other members of the community.

Can you unban someone from a Facebook Page?

Yes, Page admins have the ability to lift or revoke bans placed on users. The steps are:

  1. Go to the list of banned users under your Page’s Settings & Moderation tab.
  2. Locate the user you want to unban and click ‘Lift Ban’.
  3. The user will now be able to interact with and view your Facebook Page again.

It’s a good practice to give users a second chance if they were banned for minor infractions. However, admins should be cautious about unbanning users who repeatedly violate community guidelines.

Can you ban someone on Facebook without them knowing?

When you ban a user from a Facebook Page, they are immediately notified of the ban. There is no way to secretly ban someone without them knowing.

When a user is banned, they will see a message alerting them that they are unable to view or interact with the Page due to being banned by an admin. So it’s not possible to hide a ban from a user.

Can a banned user still see your page if they are not logged in?

No, banned users will not be able to view or interact with the Facebook Page even if they are logged out or visiting anonymously.

The ban is tied to their account and enforced regardless of whether they are logged in to Facebook or not. So logging out does not allow a banned user to evade the restrictions.

Can you ban someone from a Facebook group but not a page?

Yes, admins can choose to ban users from either groups or pages separately. Banning someone from a Facebook group does not automatically ban them from any associated pages you manage.

And vice versa – banning a user from a page will restrict them from that specific page, but does not stop them engaging with any related groups. The bans are targeted to the specific community.

So it is possible to have a user banned from a group but allow them to still view and engage with a linked page. Or ban them from a page but allow group access. Admins have flexibility in moderation.

Can a user comment on a Facebook page if they are banned?

No, banned users are unable to comment or interact in any way with a Facebook page they are blocked from. Any attempts to comment, react, share or otherwise engage will be automatically prevented.

From the banned user’s perspective, the page will appear empty – they will not see any posts, info, media or existing discussions. And any new comments they add will be blocked from going live.

Moderators will also not be notified of any attempted posts or comments from a banned account. The user is essentially invisible to the page until the ban is removed.

Can you ban someone from Facebook Messenger?

No, there is no way to completely ban or block a user from Facebook Messenger. You can block them which will prevent them from starting new Messenger conversations with you.

But they could still participate in existing group conversations you are both part of. For full blocking capability, it’s better to ban users directly from any associated Facebook groups or pages.


In summary, Facebook Page admins and moderators have robust tools to ban users from pages when necessary. Banned users immediately lose all access and visibility to the page community.

Admins can ban users for policy violations, harassment, spam and other unwanted behavior. It helps maintain the page’s culture and norms. Lifting bans is also possible if warranted. Overall page banning is a powerful moderation tool.