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Can you attach to photos in a Facebook comment?

Can you attach to photos in a Facebook comment?

Facebook comments allow users to respond to posts made by their friends or pages they follow. Comments are a key part of Facebook engagement, allowing users to interact and have discussions.

One common question is whether you can attach a photo directly in a Facebook comment. Photos can help illustrate your comment or add visual interest. Attaching photos in comments can make them stand out on busy posts with lots of comments.

Can You Attach Photos in Facebook Comments?

The short answer is yes, you can attach photos directly in Facebook comments. This includes comments on your own posts, friends’ posts, or posts from pages you follow.

Facebook has allowed photo attachments in comments for many years now. It’s a handy feature that makes commenting more interactive.

To attach a photo in a Facebook comment on desktop:

– Click the photo icon below the comment box
– Select a photo from your computer to upload
– The photo will be attached above your comment

On mobile:

– Tap the photo icon below the comment box
– Choose a photo to upload from your camera roll
– The photo will be attached to your comment

You can upload and attach multiple photos in a single Facebook comment. There is no limit on how many you can attach.

The attached photos appear in a preview gallery above the comment text. People viewing the comment can click the photos to see their full size.

So in summary, yes, adding photo attachments directly in Facebook comments is completely possible and a common thing people do.

Types of Photos You Can Attach

You can attach all types of photos in Facebook comments, including:

– Vacation photos
– Selfies
– Nature shots
– Event or party photos
– Images with text like memes
– Artwork or creative photos
– Photos of pets or animals
– Food photos
– Anything else safe for Facebook!

The photo types are very flexible. Just make sure any photos attached follow Facebook’s community standards guidelines.

Some specific ways people use photo comments include:

– Sharing extra vacation pics on a friend’s post about their trip
– Showing what you’re currently up to like being at an event
– Adding funny reaction memes to join in on a joke
– Showing examples like recipes, crafts, artwork etc to give people ideas
– Sharing childhood photos on throwback posts
– Posting photos of a new pet or adopted animal
– And much more – get creative!

Size Limit for Attached Photos

Facebook does limit the file size of photos you can attach to comments. As of October 2022, the maximum file size for a comment photo is 8MB.

That allows for high resolution photos up to around 4000 pixels on the longest side. Much larger than that and you’ll hit the 8MB limit.

If your photo is over 8MB, it will fail to attach and you’ll have to choose another smaller photo or compress it to fit under the size limit.

The 8MB file size limit applies to each individual photo you attach in a comment. You can attach multiple photos up to 8MB each in a single comment.

Some tips to make sure your photos attach properly:

– Check the file size before uploading
– Compress overly large photos
– Crop or resize photos if needed
– Only attach 1-2 photos per comment if they are large files
– Use Facebook recommended photo resolutions

As long as you keep each attached photo under 8MB, you shouldn’t have any issues attaching multiple photos per comment on Facebook.

Do Attached Photos Count Towards Your Comment Text Limit?

In addition to photo file size limits, Facebook also has a limit on the amount of text you can include in a single comment. The comment text limit is 8,000 characters.

Attached photos do not count towards this text limit. You can type the full 8,000 characters of comment text, and attach photos on top of that without affecting the text limit.

Each attached photo shows as a separate preview above your comment text. The actual image data does not take up any of your text character allotment.

This means you can add long, detailed comment text, and supplement it with multiple related photos without worrying about going over the text limit.

The 8,000 character comment text limit is just for the words, sentences, and paragraphs you type in the comment box itself. Attached photos and their captions are exempt.

Do Attached Photos Show When Commenting on Facebook Ads?

Facebook offers advertising options to businesses and organizations. These Facebook ads often allow comments from users.

You may be wondering – can you attach photos to comments on Facebook ads, just like on regular posts?

The answer is yes, the photo attachment option is available when commenting on Facebook ads. You can attach multiple photos to your comment on an ad post just as you would on a normal post.

Advertisers can disable comments on their Facebook ads if they want. But if comments are enabled, comment photo attachments will work the same.

Attaching relevant photos to your comments on ads can help provide feedback and context to brands. Things like:

– Product defects or issues
– How you’re using a product
– Memes or jokes about the ad
– Relevant experiences related to the ad

Photo comments allow more meaningful engagement on Facebook ads when they have commenting enabled.

Can You Attach Photos in Facebook Live Video Comments?

Facebook Live allows broadcasting live video to your followers. Viewers can comment in real-time as they watch.

But can you attach photos to comments on a Facebook Live video stream?

Unfortunately this is not possible – Facebook does not support attaching photos in comments on Live videos. Only text comments are allowed.

Some possible reasons photo attachments are not enabled for Facebook Live comment include:

– Live video comments need to stream quickly in real-time
– Making moderation more difficult with photo attachments
– Technical limitations or bandwidth restrictions
– Photos are less relevant in the fast-moving live video context

Standard text comments are best for the Facebook Live experience. If you want to share photos relevant to a Live video, you can instead create a dedicated post and attach them there.

But keep in mind there is no option to add photo attachments directly to your comments in Facebook Live streams, only text.

Do Comment Photo Attachments Show in Messenger?

Facebook Messenger is a messaging app integrated with Facebook. It offers an alternative way to communicate with your Facebook friends list.

Can you attach photos in a Facebook Messenger comment?

Unfortunately, this feature is not available in Messenger. While Messenger supports sending photos within conversations, you cannot attach a photo to a written comment.

Messenger comments and reactions work differently than on Facebook itself. Messages appear in bubbles rather than below a main post.

Some reasons photo attachments likely aren’t supported in Messenger comments:

– Messenger prioritizes quick real-time messaging rather than commenting
– Could clutter the clean chat interface
– Technically more challenging to implement
– Less need for visual comments in private conversations

So in summary, while Facebook itself allows attaching photos in comments, this feature does not exist in the Messenger app. Stick to text-only comments and standard photo messages in Messenger conversations.

Do Page Admins and Moderators See Comment Photo Attachments?

When managing a Facebook page, admins and moderators can monitor comments for inappropriate content.

But can page admins see photos that users attach to comments on their page posts?

The answer is yes, page admins and moderators have the ability to view any photo attachments to comments on their page posts.

When moderating comments, page admins will see thumbnail previews of any attached photos right above the comment text.

They can then click the photos to view the full-size attachments if needed. This allows them to moderate visual content in comment attachments.

Some reasons page admins need to see comment photo attachments include:

– Monitoring for offensive or inappropriate images
– Spotting spam or repetitive attached photos
– Identifying any photos not related to their page
– Seeing relevant user-generated visual content
– Checking attached photos for guidelines violations

The ability for page owners to view photos attached to their page’s comments is important for maintaining oversight.

As a page admin, remember to periodically check for any problematic attached photos that may need removing along with the accompanying comment.

Can You Attach Photos in Facebook Group Comments?

Facebook Groups allow members to discuss shared interests and topics. Group members can comment on posts within the group.

But can group members attach photos in the comments on group posts?

Yes, the ability to attach photos in comments also applies to Facebook Groups. Groups work very similarly to regular Facebook, including support for photo attachments.

When writing a comment in a Facebook Group, you’ll see the option to attach photos above the comment text box:

– On desktop, select the photo icon then choose your photos
– On mobile, tap the photo icon and pick photos to upload

Your attached photos will display in the comment along with your text.

Comment photo attachments can be helpful in Facebook Groups for things like:

– Sharing related images and graphics
– Posting photos from group meetups or events
– Showing examples of projects, hobbies, pets etc
– Adding visuals to help illustrate a point
– Engaging more interactively in group discussions

Group admins and moderators can view and moderate attached photos in their group comments if needed.

Do Celebrities, Public Figures, and Brands Use Comment Photo Attachments?

Celebrities, public figures, brands, and other public Facebook pages often get high engagement on their posts.

When these popular pages enable comments, do their followers attach photos the same way as on normal posts?

The answer is yes – these high-profile pages also get user-submitted photo attachments in their comments just like regular accounts.

Fans and followers will frequently attach photos to their comments on celeb or brand posts. Some examples include:

– Selfies with a product or at an event
– Memes and pop culture jokes
– Fan art and creative editing
– Related images to illustrate feedback
– Photos using or showing off products

Photo attachments allow fans to express themselves creatively and feel more connected to the public figure or brand page.

Pages can disable comments if they prefer, but allowing them provides opportunities for fun user-generated visual content. Moderation helps ensure the photo attachments stay on topic.

Brands can even repurpose relevant photo comments for things like social media contests or future marketing. When used effectively, enabling photo comments brings benefits despite requiring some moderation.

Best Practices for Attaching Photos to Facebook Comments

Here are some top tips for effectively using photo attachments in Facebook comments:

– Ensure photos are high quality if possible – albums will make them larger and crisper. High-res photos look best when enlarged.
– Pick the most relevant, eye-catching photos to attach. Don’t just attach every photo “just because.” Curate the best visual content.
– Add captions to explain the attached photos if the context isn’t obvious. Captions help others understand their significance.
– Attach no more than 2-3 photos in one comment. Too many becomes overwhelming.
– Keep file sizes under 8MB so the photos attach properly.
– Only attach photos that are related to the post and discussion.
– Comment first, then attach photos second. Don’t just attach photos without text.
– Remember the context – funny memes may be inappropriate on serious or emotional posts.
– Follow Facebook Community Guidelines and standards when choosing photos. Don’t attach offensive, bullying, or private/revealing photos.
– Engage in the post discussion. Don’t just attach photos without interacting.

Using best practices for attached photos helps ensure your comments add value, encourage discussion, and make people smile!

Potential Issues to Avoid with Photo Attachments

Attaching photos in Facebook comments can be great when done properly. However, there are some potential issues to keep in mind:

Oversharing personal photos – Don’t attach anything too personal, revealing, or that violates someone’s privacy without permission.

Off-topic photos – Try to keep attachments relevant rather than random.

Too many attachments – Limit yourself to 1-3 photos max per comment.

Bandwidth usage – Having lots of large uncompressed photos can use data and slow loading.

Data privacy – Remember attached photos are public and viewable by anyone.

Inappropriate content – Don’t attach offensive, bullying, or ribald/meme photos in sensitive contexts.

Copyright violations – Only attach photos you own or have rights to use.

following community standards helps avoid problems or offenses with attached photos. Use good judgment!

Do All Facebook Users Have Access to Attach Photos in Comments?

The option to attach photos in Facebook comments is available to most users globally. However, there are some exceptions.

In some specific cases, users may not see the option to attach photos in comments:

– If their account is restricted in some way
– If they are temporarily banned from commenting
– If comment attachments are disabled on a specific post
– If they are using an outdated Facebook version
– If their region blocks comment attachments due to legal restrictions

In addition, Facebook offers the option for page admins to completely disable comment photo attachments if they choose. But this is rare.

For most typical users and pages, attaching photos in comments will be available. It’s a very common Facebook feature globally.

But in case the option ever disappears, check whether you have any active restrictions or bans on your account that could explain it.

Can Facebook Remove or Disable Comment Photo Attachments?

Facebook has full discretion to remove features or change how the platform works over time. This raises the question – could Facebook disable attaching photos in comments in the future?

It’s unlikely Facebook would completely remove comment photo attachments, since it’s a popular feature users enjoy.

However, Facebook could potentially limit attachments in certain contexts, like Live videos or messaging. They may also restrict specific abusive photo attachments.

Some hypothetical reasons Facebook could modify or restrict comment photo attachments include:

– Reducing bandwidth usage for performance
– Preventing harassment or policy violations
– Increasing privacy protections
– Simplifying comment interfaces
– Encouraging more text discussions
– Pushing people towards other creative features

We can’t predict the future. But for now, count on Facebook comment photo attachments being around for the foreseeable future. The feature does not appear to be going anywhere anytime soon unless Facebook experiences technical limitations.

Facebook has invested in building the functionality, so they probably want to get return on that investment long-term. Time will tell how Facebook evolves.


Attaching photos in Facebook comments can add fun and visual interest to your interactions. Follow best practices, stay on topic, and keep file sizes reasonable. Avoid potential issues like oversharing personal pics.

Consider tagging friends in your photo comments when relevant so they get notified. Comment photos can encourage lively discussions, especially on active posts with lots of existing engagement.

Just remember to attach photos thoughtfully. Don’t bombard people with a ton of off-topic attachments. Pick your best, most relevant visuals to mix in with your written thoughts.

Used appropriately, photo attachments bring Facebook commenting to life! So go ahead, snap some pics and attach away in your next comment conversation.