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Can you ask questions in Facebook ads?

Can you ask questions in Facebook ads?

Yes, you can ask questions in Facebook ads. Questions in ads catch attention, spark interest, and get engagement. Asking the right questions helps you connect with your target audience and motivate them to take action.

Why ask questions in Facebook ads?

Here are some key reasons to use questions in your Facebook ad copy:

  • Gets attention – Questions stand out in the crowded newsfeed. They interrupt scanning and pique interest.
  • Creates curiosity – Questions generate curiosity and incentivize clicking to find the answer.
  • Drives engagement – Questions provoke reactions and comments better than statements.
  • Sparks conversation – Questions encourage two-way communication between you and your audience.
  • Conveys empathy – Asking about problems/needs shows you understand your audience.
  • Qualifies leads – Questions help you identify motivated prospects worth targeting.
  • Encourages sharing – Intriguing questions prompt audiences to share with friends.

In short, strategic questions can boost ad performance by improving relevance, click-through rates (CTR), and return on ad spend (ROAS).

Types of questions to ask in Facebook ads

Here are some effective types of questions you can incorporate in your Facebook ad copy and creatives:

Problem Questions

Highlight your audience’s pain points, frustrations or needs. Emphasize how your offering solves them.


  • Tired of wrestling with your old vacuum cleaner?
  • Frustrated with high interest rates on your credit card?
  • Want to finally lose that stubborn belly fat?

Curiosity Questions

Spark curiosity about your product/service and incentivize clicking on the ad.


  • What’s the #1 food to boost energy fast?
  • Want to see the fastest way to pack for vacation?
  • Ready to laugh? Watch this hilarious video now!

Self-Selection Questions

Help your ideal audience self-identify themselves for better targeting.


  • Bothered by frizzy hair?
  • Want to start investing but don’t know how?
  • Need help getting out of credit card debt?

Call-to-Action Questions

Prompt audiences to take your desired conversion action.


  • Want to try our skin serum free for 30 days?
  • Ready to book your dream vacation?
  • See how much you could save by switching to us?

Common Objection Questions

Raise and address any potential objections proactively.


  • Is our small shop too risky to buy from?
  • Can this course really help me change careers?
  • Will I ever be able to afford a home?

Social Proof Questions

Highlight positive experiences of past customers to build trust.


  • See why customers rate us 5 stars?
  • Want to know our success stories?
  • Read reviews from real users here.

Best practices for asking Facebook ad questions

Follow these best practices when incorporating questions in your Facebook ad copy and creatives:

Best Practice Explanation
Ask one key question Don’t overwhelm with too many questions. Focus on one strong, click-worthy question.
Place question upfront Ask the question within the first 1-5 seconds to maximize impact.
Alternate question formats Switch between headline, body copy and visual questions.
Target questions Tailor questions to your audience and campaign goals.
Answer questions Provide enough context to satisfy curiosity but incentivize clicking.
Test different questions Experiment with different phrasings and formats for optimal results.

Let’s look at some question examples in Facebook ads and best practices in action.

Facebook ad question examples

Here are some real examples of Facebook ads using strategic questions effectively:


  • “Tired of Stuffing Receipts and Paperwork in Your Glovebox?” – Evernote
  • “Are You Making This $152 Billion Mistake?” – TheMotleyFool
  • “Bored with canned soups?” – Kettle & Fire

Body Copy

  • “Want to earn money driving your car?” – Uber
  • “Have Questions About Life Insurance?” – SelectQuote
  • “Want to know how I lost 20+ pounds?” – IdealFit


  • Quizzes and polls like “What’s your cleaning style?”
  • Before-and-after transformation photos asking “Ready for a change?”
  • Infographics with questions like “How much $$$ are you losing to ___?”

These ads instantly grab attention and connect with the target viewer’s situation and intent.

Best Practices in Action

Let’s see some examples of implementing question best practices:

  • Ask one key question – “Want to Discover the Top 10 Stocks to Buy Now?”
  • Place question upfront – “Hungry Right Now?” – UberEats
  • Alternate question formats – Poll + explanatory copy – “Are You a _______ or _______ person?
  • Target questions – “Don’t have 10 hours a week to workout?” – 7 Minute Workout App
  • Answer questions – “How can we guarantee the lowest price? By cutting commissions…” – Purple Mattress
  • Test different questions – Trying “Hungry?” vs “Craving _____?” headline variants

Tips for writing great Facebook ad questions

Use these tips to write compelling, click-worthy questions for your Facebook ads:

Get personal

Use “you” and talk directly to your target user.

Speak their language

Use words and phrases they relate to.

Emphasize benefits

Focus on emotional benefits vs just features.

Add urgency

Prompt action with words like “now,” “today,” “free trial.”

Watch tone

Match the tone of their environment on Facebook.

Aim for simplicity

Keep questions short, crisp and scannable.

Test questions

Experiment to identify what resonates best.


Asking strategic questions in your Facebook ads can grab attention, spark engagement and drive conversions for your campaigns. The key is identifying your audience’s pain points and presenting your solution in a compelling way.

Use a mix of headlines, body copy and visual questions to pique interest and motivate action. Follow best practices around targeting, placement and writing. Continuously test different questions to make your ads irresistibly clickable.