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Can you add photos you already posted on Facebook to an album?

Can you add photos you already posted on Facebook to an album?

Yes, it is possible to add photos you have already posted on Facebook to a Facebook photo album. Here are the steps to do this:

Add Already Posted Photos to an Existing Album

If you want to add already posted photos to an album you have already created on Facebook, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile and click on the “Photos” tab in the left sidebar.
  2. Click on the album you want to add photos to. This will open up the album.
  3. In the upper right hand corner of the album, click on “Add Photos/Videos.”
  4. A dropdown menu will appear. Click on “Upload Photos/Videos.”
  5. This will open up the upload window. Click on “Choose From Facebook” in the bottom left.
  6. A window will pop up showing all of your previously posted photos. Select the photos you want to add by clicking on them.
  7. Once you’ve selected all the photos you want, click “Choose” in the bottom right corner.
  8. The selected photos will be added to your album. You’ll see them uploading in the album page.

And that’s it! Those steps will allow you to quickly and easily add already posted photos to any existing Facebook photo album.

Create a New Album for Already Posted Photos

If you want to add already posted photos into a brand new album, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile and click on the “Photos” tab.
  2. In the left sidebar, click on “Albums” and then click on the “+” icon to create a new album.
  3. Give your album a name and optional description. Click “Create Album.”
  4. With your new album open, click “Add Photos/Videos” in the upper right corner.
  5. Select “Choose From Facebook” in the bottom left.
  6. Select all the already posted photos you want to add to this new album.
  7. Click “Choose” once you’ve selected them all.
  8. The photos will be added into your new album for you!

Creating a brand new album is great if you want to collect already posted photos into one dedicated place and group them together.


When adding already posted photos to an album, keep a few things in mind:

  • The photos will appear in both your album AND individually on your timeline still.
  • If you delete a photo from an album, it will still exist on your timeline.
  • You can only add photos you yourself have posted – not photos you’ve been tagged in.
  • The photos will appear in the album in the order they were uploaded.
  • There is no limit to the number of photos you can add.

So in summary, adding already posted photos to an album just copies them into that album. The originals will still be visible on your profile unless you delete them.


Here are some useful tips for managing photos in Facebook albums:

  • Add captions or descriptions to photos when posting them to help you identify them later.
  • Use albums to organize and group types of photos, like an album for a specific event or time period.
  • You can rearrange the order of photos within an album by dragging and dropping.
  • Delete poor quality photos from albums by hovering over them and clicking “Remove”.
  • Use the editing tools to enhance photos in an album by cropping, filtering, or adjusting.
  • Customize who can see each album based on your preferences.


To recap how to add existing Facebook photos to an album:

  1. Go to your profile’s Photos page.
  2. Click the album you want to add photos to.
  3. Click “Add Photos/Videos” and select “Choose From Facebook”.
  4. Select the photos you want to add.
  5. Click “Choose” to add the photos.

Or, to create a new album:

  1. Go to Photos and click “Albums”.
  2. Click the + icon to create a new album.
  3. Give the album a name and click “Create Album”.
  4. Open the album and click “Add Photos/Videos”.
  5. Select “Choose from Facebook” and pick photos.
  6. Click “Choose” to add them.

It’s a quick and easy process! With Facebook albums you can organize and collect photos in one place, even if they were posted separately over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions about adding existing Facebook photos to an album:

How many photos can I add to a Facebook album?

There is no limit to the number of photos you can add to a Facebook album. You can keep adding photos over time to a single album for ongoing collections.

Can I add the same photo to multiple albums?

Yes, you can add a photo to as many different albums as you like. The same photo can appear in multiple albums simultaneously.

What privacy settings apply when adding photos to an album?

The privacy settings of the album will apply to any photos you add to it. Be sure the album privacy is appropriate before adding any photos.

Will adding photos to an album delete them from my timeline?

No, adding photos to an album does not remove them from your timeline. They will exist both individually on your profile and in the album collection.

Can I rearrange the order of photos within an album?

Yes! You can rearrange photos in an album by dragging and dropping them into your preferred order. The most recently added will be at the bottom.


Facebook albums provide a great way to organize and group photos on your profile. You can easily build up collections by adding already posted photos into new or existing albums. Just go to your Photos page, select “Choose from Facebook” and pick the photos you want to add. With the ability to constantly add photos over time, Facebook albums let you build ongoing galleries and collections of your favorite snapshots.