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Can you add photos to an album on Facebook page after posting?

Can you add photos to an album on Facebook page after posting?

Quick Answer

Yes, it is possible to add photos to an existing Facebook album after the initial post. When you create a new album on your Facebook page, it remains open and editable allowing you to add more photos at any time. The ability to add photos to an already posted album makes it easy to continually update and curate the content over time.

Overview of Facebook Albums

Facebook albums allow page owners to organize and share multiple photos in one place. Here are some key things to know about Facebook albums:

  • Albums are created from the Photos section of your Facebook page.
  • You can give the album a name and description.
  • Photos are uploaded individually or in bulk to the album.
  • The album post goes live immediately with the photos that were added initially.
  • The album remains open after posting so you can add more photos.
  • You control the privacy settings determining who can see the album.
  • Albums are a great way to group related photos like product shots, event pics, staff photos, etc.

So in summary, a Facebook album allows you to publish a collection of photos all at once, but still gives you the flexibility to add more photos after the initial post goes live.

Steps to Add Photos to an Existing Facebook Album

If you want to add photos to an album you’ve already posted on your Facebook page, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook page and click on “Photos” in the left menu.
  2. Click on the album you want to add photos to.
  3. Once inside the album, click on “+ Add Photos” at the top.
  4. Select the photos you want to add from your computer files.
  5. You can upload multiple photos at once.
  6. After uploading, the new photos will now be part of the album.
  7. Click “Post” and the new photos will be live in the album.

The process is exactly the same as when initially creating the album. The only difference is you are accessing an existing album rather than starting a new one from scratch.

Tips for Managing Facebook Albums

Here are some tips for effectively managing and updating albums on Facebook pages:

  • Give albums descriptive names so fans can easily find what they’re looking for.
  • Use album descriptions to provide context and background.
  • Rearrange the photo order as needed to tell a story.
  • Remember to periodically add new relevant photos to keep albums fresh and engaging.
  • Consider creating album series like “Product Photos Vol. 1” and “Product Photos Vol. 2.”
  • Delete any redundant, irrelevant or outdated photos.
  • Use albums to highlight your best content that you want fans to see.
  • Link to albums from website, other social media, and email campaigns.
  • Analyze album engagement and reach in Page Insights.

Benefits of Adding Photos Over Time

Here are some of the benefits of gradually adding photos to Facebook albums versus only posting them once:

  • Ability to expand album content. Adding photos over time allows you to grow the album’s scope and purpose.
  • Incorporate new products or inventory. You can seamlessly integrate new product photos into existing albums.
  • Include recent events. As you host more events, easily add new event pics to ongoing event albums.
  • Improved storytelling. Adding photos later can strengthen the narrative you’re creating with the album.
  • Maintain fan interest. Fresh photo additions encourage fans to re-engage with albums they’ve already seen.
  • Better organization. New photos can be added to the most relevant album as your collection grows.

Drawing out album updates over time creates a more organic, real-time feel as opposed to just a static one-off post. Fans appreciate when albums remain current and actively maintained.

Potential Drawbacks

Posting photos to an existing album rather than starting a new one does have a few drawbacks to consider:

  • Can cause clutter if not curated properly. Too many photos may overwhelm fans.
  • Makes albums harder to name and theme if subject matter is too broad.
  • May disrupt any narrative flow that the initial photos established.
  • Photos added later don’t benefit from the original album post engagement.
  • If privacy settings change, old photos may be impacted.
  • Albums with lots of additions could seem disorganized.

However, the benefits tend to outweigh the drawbacks if you closely manage albums and intentionally add relevant photos.

Best Practices

To take full advantage of the ability to add photos to existing Facebook albums, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Establish a content calendar and plan album updates in advance.
  • Curate albums by removing redundant or poor performing photos.
  • Add new photos in batches for greater impact rather than one-offs.
  • Re-engage fans by posting when new photos are added to an album.
  • Use photo captions to provide context for newly added shots.
  • Monitor analytics onalbum reach and engagement over time.
  • Avoid flooding albums by adding too many photos at once.

Planning album updates thoughtfully and consistently will lead to the best results.

Facebook Album Examples

Here are a few examples of Facebook albums that effectively incorporate ongoing photo additions:

Page Name Album Name Description
NASA “Hubble’s Ultra Deep Field” Album of deep space images continually updated with new Hubble telescope photos.
Sephora “Beauty Inspo” Regular makeup and beauty inspiration photos added daily.
NIKE “Nike Women” Expanded over time to include their latest apparel and gear for female athletes.

These demonstrate the range of possibilities when leveraging Facebook’s open album format. Photos can be added on an ongoing basis to maintain freshness and engagement.

Advice for Social Media Managers

For social media managers overseeing Facebook pages, here are some tips on managing open albums:

  • Audit existing albums and remove any irrelevant, duplicate or poor quality photos.
  • Identify albums that could benefit from expanded content over time.
  • Plan monthly photo shoots to fuel ongoing album updates.
  • Create an editorial calendar to strategically add new album content.
  • Develop guidelines on album length and number of photos to maintain quality.
  • Engage fans by posting when new photos are added or milestones are reached.
  • Analyze album metrics regularly and address any drop-offs.

With some advanced planning and promotion, incremental album updates can significantly boost engagement.


Facebook albums remain flexible and open even after initially being posted allowing page owners to continuously add new photos over time. This creates a more dynamic, real-time user experience versus a static post. Adding photos expands the album’s potential, keeps content fresh and gives fans a reason to revisit and engage. Just be thoughtful in how photos are curated and promoted. With strategic ongoing album management, it’s a valuable tool for connecting with audiences on Facebook.