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Can you add multiple videos to a post on Facebook?

Can you add multiple videos to a post on Facebook?

Facebook allows users to share photos, videos, and other multimedia content on their profiles. One common question is whether you can add multiple videos to a single Facebook post. The short answer is yes, it is possible to include more than one video in a Facebook post. However, there are some limitations and requirements to be aware of when posting multiple videos on Facebook.

Posting a Single Video

Before getting into multiple videos, it helps to understand how to post a single video on Facebook. When creating a new post, click the Photo/Video button to add media. This will open up a window where you can select videos from your computer to upload.

Videos need to meet certain specifications for Facebook:

  • File formats allowed include MP4, MOV, and WMV
  • Video must be at least 720p resolution (HD)
  • Length cannot exceed 240 minutes
  • File size must be under 4GB

Once your video is uploaded, you can preview it and then post it. The video will play directly within your Facebook post.

Adding Multiple Videos

To include more than one video in a Facebook post, you need to upload the videos into a single post. Here are the steps:

  1. Create a new post as usual, then click Photo/Video to select your first video file and upload it
  2. Below the uploaded video, click Photo/Video again to add the second video
  3. Repeat this process until you’ve added all the videos you want to include
  4. Arrange the videos in the order you want them to play
  5. Preview the post and make any final edits before posting it

The videos will appear stacked on top of each other in the post. When viewing the post, the videos will play sequentially from top to bottom automatically.


There are a few limitations around multiple videos in Facebook posts:

  • You can add a maximum of 4 videos to one post
  • Total length can’t exceed 240 minutes across all videos
  • File size limit still applies to each individual video
  • Videos play sequentially, you can’t reorder once posted

So you won’t be able to create a post with 10 videos for example – 4 is the hard limit. Plan the order carefully, as once you share the post the video sequence is set.

Video Specifications

Any videos you include in a multi-video post have to meet Facebook’s requirements:

  • MP4, MOV, and WMV formats only
  • Minimum 720p resolution
  • 4GB maximum file size per video
  • No more than 240 total minutes for all videos

If any of the videos don’t meet these specs, they won’t upload properly to Facebook. Compressing large videos and converting formats can help before uploading.

Video Hosting

Facebook does have a 240 minute limit across multiple videos in one post. For longer form, multi-part video content, it may be better to host them natively on Facebook using Facebook Watch. You can upload and organize longer videos, create playlists, and share them more flexibly.

Native Facebook video hosting comes with additional features like view counts, comments, and the ability to share videos directly to your followers on Watch. The downside is you don’t get the same visibility as regular Facebook post videos.


Posting multiple videos can help boost engagement on your Facebook content. More videos mean more opportunities for viewers to like, comment and share your post. However, not everyone will sit through and watch multiple long videos in a post.

Here are some tips for increasing engagement on multi-video Facebook posts:

  • Keep each video to 2-3 minutes max
  • Spread the videos out into separate posts
  • Ask viewers questions between videos
  • Set up a viewing schedule (ex. one video a day)

Shorter, digestible videos split across multiple posts can perform better than a single long post with many videos. Play around with formats and pacing to see what works best for your audience.

Copyright Considerations

If you are uploading videos that you didn’t create yourself, be mindful of copyright laws. Avoid re-posting videos or segments from YouTube, TV broadcasts, movies, or other sources without permission. This can get your Facebook account banned.

Stick to uploading videos you have the rights to use, or properly cite and credit any copyrighted clips under fair use provisions. For professionally produced video content, it’s always safest to own full rights or get explicit usage consent from the copyright holder.

Alternatives to Multiple Videos

While you can include up to 4 videos in one post, that may not always be the best strategy. Some alternatives include:

  • Linking to YouTube or Facebook Watch rather than re-uploading videos
  • Creating a photo post or slideshow with preview clips
  • Embedding a highlight reel instead of full videos
  • Scheduling a Facebook Live session instead of prerecorded videos

There are always other engaging formats you can use besides multiple video posts. Test out different ideas to see what your audience most responds to. The right mix of live, short-form, and linked video content may work better than cramming everything into your Facebook feed.


Use Facebook’s analytics tools to gauge how multiple videos in one post perform compared to other formats. Look at metrics like reach, engagement rate, completion rate, and clicks to see what resonates.

Compare video posts with single vs multiple videos. Try splitting videos across multiple posts to see if it improves overall viewing time and completion rates. The data will show you the most effective video strategy for your audience.


Facebook does enable users to include up to 4 videos within a single post. While handy for consolidating a lot of video content, this format also has downsides. Length limits, visibility, and audience fatigue can diminish results. Analyze performance and consider alternative formats like Facebook Live or linking out to dedicated video platforms. With testing and analytics, you can optimize your Facebook video content strategy for maximum engagement.