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Can you add Instagram link to your Facebook profile?

Can you add Instagram link to your Facebook profile?

As social media continues to grow in popularity, many users are looking for ways to connect their various accounts and profiles across platforms. Two of the most widely used sites are Facebook and Instagram, which are both owned by Meta. A common question among users of these platforms is whether or not you can add your Instagram profile link to your Facebook profile.

The short answer

The short answer is yes, it is possible to add an Instagram link to your Facebook profile. However, it does require a few simple steps to set up properly.

Linking vs. connecting your Instagram and Facebook accounts

Before going into the steps on how to add your Instagram link to your Facebook profile, it’s important to understand the difference between linking and fully connecting your Instagram and Facebook accounts:

  • Linking – This simply adds your Instagram username/profile link to your Facebook profile’s bio or “About” section. Anyone who views your Facebook profile can now click to access your Instagram profile in a new tab.
  • Connecting – This fully syncs your Instagram account and Facebook account together. Your Instagram posts and Stories may automatically also post to Facebook, you may log in to one using the other, etc.

Adding an Instagram link to your Facebook profile is considered linking them, not fully connecting them. Your accounts remain separate but are linked for added visibility.

Requirements for linking Instagram and Facebook profiles

In order to add an Instagram link to your Facebook profile, here are the requirements:

  • You must have both an Instagram account and Facebook account
  • Your Instagram account needs to be public in order for the link to work properly
  • Your Facebook profile needs to allow public viewing for others to see the Instagram link

As long as you meet these requirements, you can move ahead with adding your Instagram link.

Step 1 – Copy your Instagram profile URL

First, you need to copy the URL link to your Instagram profile:

  1. Open the Instagram app on your mobile device or navigate to Instagram on your desktop.
  2. Go to your profile by tapping your profile picture (app) or avatar (desktop).
  3. Tap the three dots or options menu next to your profile name.
  4. Select Copy Profile URL.

This copies your unique Instagram profile link to your clipboard, which you’ll paste into your Facebook profile in the next step.

Step 2 – Paste your Instagram link on Facebook

Now it’s time to head to Facebook to paste your Instagram profile URL in your profile:

  1. Log in to Facebook and go to your profile page
  2. In the About section, click Add/Edit Links
  3. Paste your copied Instagram profile URL into the website URL field
  4. Click Save Changes

Your Instagram username/profile link will now be visible on your Facebook profile for others to click on.

Step 3 – Customize link text (optional)

By default, the link text will show your Instagram username. However, you can customize it to say something like “Follow me on Instagram” or “My Instagram page” instead.

To do this:

  1. Go back to your Facebook profile’s About section
  2. Click Add/Edit Links again
  3. Change the text next to the Instagram URL to your preferred custom text
  4. Click Save Changes

The customized text for your Instagram link will now display on your profile.

Other Facebook profile locations to add Instagram link

In addition to your About section, there are a couple other profile locations where you can add your Instagram link on Facebook:

  • Featured – Pin your Instagram link as a featured/highlighted post on your profile
  • Bio – Include it in the bio statement at the top of your profile

Adding it to any or all of these locations will maximize visibility of your Instagram account to your Facebook friends and followers.

Tips for linking Instagram and Facebook profiles

Here are some useful tips to keep in mind when linking your Instagram profile on Facebook:

  • Add your Instagram username or custom text – Don’t just paste the URL itself
  • Customize the link text for branding – Include your name, business, etc.
  • Be consistent with your profile photos – Use the same profile image for both platforms
  • Cross-promote new posts – Share your Instagram posts to Facebook to maximize reach
  • Monitor comments and interactions – Respond to any comments from followers on both platforms

Pros of linking Instagram and Facebook

Here are some of the key benefits and advantages of linking your Instagram profile to your Facebook account:

  • Increased visibility – Broadens your audience reach to both communities
  • Added convenience – Easy one-click access between profiles for your followers
  • Expanded brand presence – Showcases a consistent brand image across multiple platforms
  • Cross-promotion – Allows you to easily share content between Instagram and Facebook
  • Analytics – Provides insights into your audience across both platforms

Cons of linking Instagram and Facebook

There are also a few potential drawbacks to keep in mind when linking Instagram and Facebook profiles:

  • Time commitment – Added time needed to manage and post on two different platforms
  • Content repetition – Followers may see duplicate content on both Instagram and Facebook
  • Analytics complexity – Harder to analyze data and metrics across different platforms
  • Security concerns – Linking accounts could compromise privacy if one platform is hacked
  • Follower differences – Not all followers are present on both Instagram and Facebook

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I link multiple Instagram accounts to my Facebook profile?

No, Facebook only allows you to link one Instagram account per Facebook profile. You can create separate Facebook profiles for any additional Instagram accounts you want to link.

What happens if I make my Instagram account private after linking to Facebook?

The link on your Facebook profile will stop working. To restore it, you would need to make your Instagram account public again or unlink and relink the accounts.

Will all my Instagram posts automatically post to Facebook after linking?

No, simply linking your Instagram profile to Facebook will not automatically post your Instagram content to Facebook. You would need to fully connect/sync your accounts for that functionality.

Can I unlink my Instagram profile from Facebook?

Yes, you can easily unlink your Instagram profile link from your Facebook profile at any time. Just go to your Facebook About section and delete the Instagram URL.

What if I change my Instagram username after linking to Facebook?

The link on your Facebook profile will stop working. You would need to unlink the old Instagram username and paste your new Instagram profile URL to update the link.


Linking your Instagram profile on your Facebook page is a simple process that provides the benefit of increasing your visibility and reach across both platforms. Just copy your Instagram profile URL, paste it into the About section of your Facebook profile, customize the link text, and keep your accounts public. While it does take a bit more effort to manage both profiles, the crossover promotion and analytics are typically worthwhile for most users looking to expand their social media presence.