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Can you add a link in Facebook message?

Can you add a link in Facebook message?

Yes, it is possible to add a link in a Facebook message. Facebook allows users to include URLs in messages sent through Facebook Messenger. This can be a useful way to share websites, articles, products, events, and more with your Facebook friends or connections.

Adding a Link in a New Message

Adding a link to a new Facebook message you are composing is simple. Here are the steps:

  1. Open the Facebook Messenger app on your mobile device or access Facebook Messenger through the Facebook website.
  2. Select the person or group you want to message.
  3. In the message composition box, type out your message as normal.
  4. When you want to add the link, type out the full URL (for example,
  5. The URL will automatically become a clickable link.
  6. Finish composing your message and hit send.

That’s all there is to it! The full URL will appear as a clickable link that the recipient can simply tap to open.

Adding a Link to an Existing Message

It’s also easy to add a link to a message you’ve already sent. Here’s how:

  1. Open the existing message thread where you want to add the link.
  2. Tap inside the text box as if you’re going to compose a new message.
  3. Type the full URL of the link.
  4. Hit send.

The URL will be sent as a new message and appear as a clickable link, the same as if you included it in your original message.

Link Formatting

When you add a URL to a Facebook message, it will automatically format as a clickable link. However, you have a couple options to customize the appearance:

  • Hide the URL: If you don’t want the full URL visible, you can customize the link text. Simply type the text you want visible in brackets followed immediately by the URL in parentheses. For example: [Visit our website](
  • Use the page’s title: You can configure the link to pull in the page’s title automatically by using angle brackets around the URL. For example: <>

Link Previews

Facebook will automatically generate preview images and descriptions for links shared in messages. This allows the recipient to see a preview of the content before clicking the link. Previews are generated based on data and images from the linked page.

However, some websites block Facebook from generating these automatic previews. In these cases, no preview will appear.

Adding Links to Photos

In addition to adding links to text within your messages, you can also add clickable links to any photos you share. Just like with text links, simply type the URL in brackets after the image to create a clickable link on that photo.

Link Limitations

Facebook does enforce some limits and restrictions around sharing links in messages:

  • Links must point to legitimate webpages – you cannot create clickable links to other areas within Facebook.
  • Any links deemed dangerous or malicious may be blocked.
  • You cannot include links in messages between you and people under 18 if you are not friends with their parents.

As long as your links are to appropriate and reputable external websites, you should have no trouble including them in your messenger conversations.

Troubleshooting Tips

In some cases, your links may not appear properly in messages. Here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Make sure you are using the full URL including https://. Shortened or incomplete URLs may not format properly.
  • Check your internet connection and try sending the message again if images/previews are not appearing.
  • If your messages with links are being blocked, you may be violating Facebook’s policies around dangerous or inappropriate content.
  • Try re-sending the message. Occasionally glitches cause links or previews not to show up on the first try.

Using Links Effectively

Now that you know how to add links to Facebook messages, you can use them more effectively in your communications:

  • Share articles, websites, or products that are relevant to the conversation.
  • Send event invites or online reservations as clickable links.
  • Share your new website or blog posts to drive traffic.
  • Send photo albums from trips or events by including a clickable album link.
  • Provide links to restaurant menus when making group dinner plans.

Adding links gives your messages more context and makes conversations more interactive. Just make sure to only share links that are genuinely useful, relevant, and appropriate.

Advantages of Link Sharing

Adding links to Facebook messages can make your communications better in several ways:

  • More informative – Add context and details by linking to outside content.
  • Multimedia – Include videos, images, and albums through links.
  • Simpler planning – Set up events, plan meetups, or share reservations.
  • Easier purchases – Share product links for quick buying.
  • Improved engagement – Get more interaction with clickable content.

Disadvantages of Link Sharing

While sharing links in messages can be beneficial, there are some potential downsides to consider as well:

  • Too many irrelevant links can clutter conversations.
  • Safety risks if you click questionable links from unknown contacts.
  • Previews can display more info than intended if not configured properly.
  • Recipient may not be able to access link if they don’t use Messenger.
  • Messenger doesn’t allow links to other areas within Facebook.

Facebook Link Sharing Policies

Facebook does enforce policies around sharing links through Messenger to protect security and privacy. It’s important to avoid violating these policies or your account could be at risk. Key Facebook link policies include:

  • Cannot send links with malware, viruses, or other dangerous content.
  • No sexually explicit or harassing content allowed.
  • Links must abide by Facebook’s community standards.
  • Limit sending unsolicited or irrelevant links.
  • Restrictions on sharing links with minors.
  • Facebook reviews certain links for safety.

Overall, be thoughtful about only sharing helpful, relevant links that do not violate Facebook policies. This will keep your account in good standing.

Messenger Link Alternatives

In some cases, Messenger links may not be the optimal way to share content. Here are a few alternatives to consider:

  • Photos/Videos: For images and videos, sending them directly as Messenger attachments can provide a better experience than links.
  • Facebook Posts: If you want to share content broadly with all friends, create a post and share the post link instead.
  • WhatsApp: For some contacts, sharing direct content through WhatsApp instead of a Messenger link may work better.
  • Email: Lengthy content may be better sent via email if Messenger’s character limits are a constraint.
  • Instant Article: For articles and blogs, use Instant Articles to publish directly to Messenger with richer formatting.

Evaluate whether sharing the direct content, posting instead, or using an alternative platform makes more sense depending on the context.

Messenger Link Tips

To recap, here are some top tips for sharing better links through Facebook Messenger:

  • Only include links relevant to the conversation and of interest to the recipient.
  • Use text link formatting to customize the visible link text.
  • Preview the generated link thumbnail before sending to understand how it will appear.
  • Double check that all links work properly before sending.
  • Avoid excessive link sharing that clutters conversations.
  • Follow Facebook’s link policies and avoid dangerous/inappropriate content.

The Bottom Line

Facebook Messenger provides a convenient way to share web links as part of your conversations. Simply copy and paste URLs to create clickable links that recipients can access right from the app. Use links appropriately to share helpful content, make plans, send recommendations, and have more engaging chats.

Just be sure to avoid sharing irrelevant or excessive links that provide a bad experience. With mindful link sharing that provides value, adding links can greatly enhance your communications.