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Can you accept all friend requests on Facebook at once?

Can you accept all friend requests on Facebook at once?

Facebook friend requests allow you to connect with new people on the social media platform. When you receive a friend request, you have the option to accept or ignore it. While you can accept requests one by one, Facebook does not have a built-in feature to accept all pending requests at the same time. However, there are some workarounds to accept multiple friend requests on Facebook faster.

How Facebook Friend Requests Work

When someone sends you a friend request on Facebook, you will receive a notification on your account. The request will show up in your Notifications tab as well as at the top of your Facebook page. You can click on the request to view the person’s profile and decide whether to accept or ignore it.

If you want to accept the request, simply click on the Confirm button. If you would rather not connect with that person, click on the Delete Request button to ignore it. The request will be removed and they will no longer be able to send you another request in the future.

Once you accept a friend request, that person will be added to your Friends list. They will be able to view your profile posts and information set to be visible to friends. You will also be able to see their profile and posts. In your Friends list, you have the option to unfriend or block them if you change your mind later.

The Limitations of Accepting Friend Requests on Facebook

While Facebook provides an easy way to accept or ignore requests one at a time, the platform does not have a built-in feature for accepting multiple friend requests simultaneously. This can make the process time-consuming if you have a high volume of pending requests.

Some key limitations include:

  • You have to click through each request individually to accept it.
  • There is no “select all” or “accept all” option for pending requests.
  • You cannot bulk accept requests from a list or queue.
  • Facebook does not let you filter requests to select ones to accept.

Because of these restrictions, it is not feasible to accept dozens or hundreds of requests at the same time through Facebook’s native interface. You have to go through them one by one.

Workarounds to Accept Multiple Friend Requests Faster

While Facebook does not have built-in tools for mass accepting requests, there are some workarounds and techniques users have come up with to streamline the process:

Use Facebook’s List Feature

Facebook allows you to organize your Friends list into different sub-lists. You can use this to your advantage by:

  1. Manually adding incoming requests to a list such as “Pending Requests.”
  2. Once you have added them, go to that list and click “Confirm” for all members.

This lets you selectively accept requests from people you have already filtered and organized into a list.

Use a Third-Party Facebook App

Several third-party apps exist that provide ways to accept multiple Facebook requests at one time. Some popular options include:

  • Social Toolkit: Browser extension that lets you mass accept or delete requests.
  • FBFriendAccept: Website that accepts all your requests with one click.
  • Accept All Requests: Android app to accept requests in bulk.

The advantage of these tools is convenience, but be aware they will require you to provide access to your Facebook data.

Use Facebook on a Computer

The Facebook interface on a computer makes it somewhat easier to quickly click through multiple requests. On a laptop or desktop, you can easily open multiple browser tabs and switch between Confirm pages.

Using keyboard shortcuts can help speed things up:

  • Ctrl + Click (PC) or Cmd + Click (Mac) on Confirm buttons to open the pages in new tabs.
  • Ctrl/Cmd + W to quickly close tabs after accepting.
  • Ctrl/Cmd + Tab to switch between open tabs.

Tune Facebook’s Notifications Settings

To avoid a buildup of pending requests, you can adjust your Facebook notifications settings to receive requests less frequently. This way requests come in more slowly and are easier to manage.

To adjust notifications settings on Facebook:

  1. Click on the arrow in the top right and select “Settings & Privacy.”
  2. Go to the “Notifications” tab.
  3. Scroll down and click “Friend Requests.”
  4. Select a lower frequency for notifications such as “Per Week.”

Should You Accept All Friend Requests on Facebook?

While you can employ tricks to accept requests faster, it is also important to consider the implications of accepting all requests indiscriminately. Here are some pros and cons to weigh:


  • You can connect with more people easily and expand your network.
  • It becomes easier to find and reconnect with old friends or relatives.
  • Your friend count and perceived popularity may increase.
  • You avoid a cluttered queue of pending requests.


  • You may add strangers, spammers or fake accounts by mistake.
  • People you don’t know well can see more personal information.
  • Your feed becomes cluttered with unimportant posts.
  • You cannot undo massaccepts later if you change your mind.

The risks of accepting all requests are having your account and information exposed to unwanted people. Be selective about who you add as friends for privacy and security.

Best Practices for Managing Friend Requests

Here are some tips to maintain control over your Facebook contacts:

  • Review profiles carefully – Vet each request to ensure the person is known to you and legitimate.
  • Separate friends into lists – You can target posts to groups and restrict access.
  • Unfriend or block – Prune your Friends list by removing unwanted contacts.
  • Limit old requests – Delete requests older than a certain time period such as 1 month.
  • Adjust privacy settings – Limit what friends can see and who can request you.


While Facebook does not allow users to accept all friend requests at once natively, there are some workarounds to streamline the process through third-party tools, Facebook lists, browser shortcuts, and modifying notification settings. However, it is wise to be prudent about who you connect with for privacy and security.

Review each request carefully, organize your contacts into lists, and prune your Friends list periodically. With some diligence, you can expand your Facebook network easily while keeping your account safe.