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Can WooCommerce integrate with Facebook?

Can WooCommerce integrate with Facebook?

Yes, WooCommerce can integrate with Facebook in a few different ways to help online stores market their products on Facebook and sell directly through Facebook tools. The main ways to integrate WooCommerce with Facebook include:

Using the Facebook for WooCommerce plugin

The official Facebook for WooCommerce plugin allows you to easily connect your WooCommerce store with your Facebook Business Manager account. This opens up various options for marketing and selling through Facebook:

  • Create an Instagram shopping channel
  • Use Facebook analytics
  • Create Facebook product catalogs
  • Sync products from WooCommerce to Facebook
  • Tag existing products on Facebook
  • Enable an onsite Facebook Shop section
  • Sell through Facebook Shops
  • Run product ads on Facebook/Instagram
  • Create special offers like coupons
  • Send abandon cart reminders
  • Track conversions from Facebook

The Facebook for WooCommerce plugin handles all the integration work behind the scenes so you can enable these features without needing to manually connect data or hire developers. It’s the easiest way to link WooCommerce with Facebook marketing and selling tools.

Using Facebook shops

Facebook Shops allow businesses to set up an online store directly on their Facebook page or Instagram profile. This gives customers a seamless shopping experience without leaving the Facebook/Instagram apps. WooCommerce stores can connect their product catalog to Facebook Shops in a few clicks using the Facebook for WooCommerce plugin.

Once connected, products synced from WooCommerce will auto-populate the Facebook Shop section. Customers can browse products, view details, add items to cart and checkout to place an order. The order information seamlessly integrates with the WooCommerce backend so stores can fulfill orders just like any other purchase.

Facebook Shops help merchants reach millions of potential new customers without requiring them to build a website. For existing WooCommerce stores, it provides another sales channel while also giving existing customers an easy mobile checkout experience.

Selling through Instagram shopping

Instagram shopping allows merchants to tag products in their Instagram posts and stories. Customers can then click on the tagged products and complete the purchase through the brand’s website.

WooCommerce stores can enable Instagram shopping by connecting their product catalog to the Facebook for WooCommerce plugin. Once products are synced, merchants can start tagging products in their Instagram content. The tag will lead customers to the corresponding product page on the brand’s WooCommerce website.

Instagram shopping is a great way for merchants to drive traffic and sales through visual content marketing. The seamless checkout via WooCommerce website results in a streamlined purchase process for customers.

Using Facebook product catalogs

Facebook product catalogs allow businesses to showcase and market their products to Facebook users. For WooCommerce stores, product catalogs can be created by syncing products to Facebook through the Facebook for WooCommerce plugin.

Once the catalog is set up, merchants can create product collections, tag products in posts, run dynamic ads with product images/details, and retarget shoppers who viewed specific products. For customers, product catalogs provide an easy way to browse a brand’s goods before visiting their website.

Product catalogs help WooCommerce stores advertise their products to a targeted audience, drive traffic to products and category pages, and retarget shoppers who already expressed interest. The catalogs auto-update whenever new products are added in WooCommerce so the Facebook list stays in sync.

Running Facebook Dynamic Ads

Facebook Dynamic Ads allow advertisers to create highly targeted, customizable ads using product images and details from their catalog. WooCommerce stores can leverage dynamic ads by first syncing their products to Facebook using the Facebook for WooCommerce integration.

With the product catalog connected, merchants can select products they want to promote, customize ad creative and text, set audience targeting parameters, establish budgets and schedules, and launch dynamic ads campaigns. The ads will dynamically populate with images, titles and descriptions from the synced WooCommerce products.

Dynamic Ads provide a powerful way for WooCommerce brands to generate traffic and sales through customized Facebook/Instagram ads at scale. The ads can be laser-targeted while also dynamically showcasing the latest products.

Retargeting shoppers

Facebook Retargeting allows advertisers to show ads specifically to people who previously visited parts of their website. WooCommerce stores can take advantage of this by integrating with the Facebook pixel.

The Facebook pixel is a small tracking code that can be installed on your WooCommerce website. It will trigger when shoppers visit pages or perform actions like viewing products, adding items to their cart, or starting a checkout. You can then create custom audiences in Facebook based on these actions.

For example, you can target all visitors who added a product to their cart but didn’t complete the purchase. Or target everyone who visited a certain product category page. Dynamic retargeting ads remind users about items they previously viewed or encourage them to complete their purchase.

Messenger integration

WooCommerce stores can provide customer support and accept orders directly within Facebook Messenger. This is enabled by integrating Messenger with your WooCommerce website.

Once configured, customers can start conversations from your Facebook page. A messaging menu allows them to browse products, view their cart, track orders and get support without leaving Messenger. As the merchant, you receive notifications when a customer messages your business.

Messenger integration helps WooCommerce stores provide speedy support and enable a convenient native checkout. Customers may appreciate answering quick questions or making purchases without installing another app or navigating away from Facebook.

Instagram Shopping Checkout

Instagram Checkout allows customers to complete orders from Instagram without leaving the app. Shoppers can check out directly within Instagram instead of being redirected to your website.

To enable Instagram Checkout, WooCommerce stores need to integrate their product catalog and sync it to Instagram Shopping. Once live, merchants can tag products in Instagram posts with a checkout button. Customers can then view products and checkout within the Instagram app itself.

For WooCommerce stores, Instagram Checkout provides a fast, convenient native buying experience that retains customers within Instagram. It may increase conversion rates from Instagram product discovery to final purchase.

Third-party integrations

There are also various third-party platforms that integrate WooCommerce with Facebook marketing and selling capabilities:

  • Product Sync & marketing automation: Apps like Woocart push products to Facebook and automate campaigns.
  • Social media management: Tools like Buffer allow you to schedule Facebook posts with product links.
  • Facebook chat: Many live chat apps integrate messaging with Facebook Pages.
  • Shopping personalization: Extensions like Segmentify recognize Facebook users and provide personalized recommendations.
  • Automate Facebook ads: Ad platforms like AdEspresso offer ad creation workflows.

These third-party platforms provide additional ways to connect WooCommerce with Facebook for a more robust marketing and selling strategy.

Benefits of integrating WooCommerce with Facebook

Integrating WooCommerce with Facebook provides a variety of potential benefits for online merchants:

  • Reach larger audiences where they are already active on Facebook/Instagram
  • Enable seamless native shopping experiences
  • Sync products lists without manually updating
  • Create targeted, dynamic ads at scale
  • Remarket to interested shoppers across Facebook’s network
  • Provide messaging-based customer service
  • Sell products directly on Facebook & Instagram
  • Unified data and analytics in one dashboard
  • Omnichannel sales capabilities

Challenges with Facebook/WooCommerce integration

While there are many advantages, some potential challenges include:

  • Complex setup and initial configuration
  • Extra costs involved for product sync and ads
  • Steep learning curve for properly managing campaigns
  • Additional time investment needed to manage marketing/sales channels
  • Difficulty tracking ROI across multiple platforms
  • Potential for overspending on the advertising platform
  • Reliance on external platform as a sales channel
  • Needing to provide support and service on yet another platform

Merchants should strategically evaluate which Facebook options align with their ecommerce objectives and current capabilities. The wide array of options provides flexibility, but can also add complexity.

Step-by-step guide to integrating WooCommerce with Facebook

Here is a step-by-step overview of how to connect your WooCommerce website with Facebook for both marketing and selling capabilities:

  1. Install the Facebook for WooCommerce plugin on your WordPress/WooCommerce site. Connect the plugin with your Facebook Business Manager.

  2. Configure your Facebook pixel and install it on website to enable custom audience creation for retargeting.

  3. Enable Messenger and Instagram shopping in the plugin if you want those sales channels.

  4. Sync your WooCommerce products to Facebook. This will create your product catalog.

  5. Create collections or groups of products within Facebook to segment your catalog.

  6. Tag existing Facebook posts/ads with products using the product selector.

  7. Create dynamic retargeting ads for site visitors in Business Manager based on configured audiences.

  8. Make Instagram posts and stories featuring products, and tag them using the product catalog.

  9. Monitor analytics and sales performance in Ads Manager and Facebook Analytics.

  10. Provide messaging support and accept orders via Messenger (optional).

Following these steps will get your WooCommerce website connected with all of Facebook’s major marketing, selling and tracking capabilities.

FAQs about integrating WooCommerce with Facebook

Here are some common questions businesses have about linking WooCommerce with Facebook tools:

Does Facebook integration work with every WooCommerce site?

The official Facebook for WooCommerce plugin works with any self-hosted WooCommerce site. WooCommerce sites on hosted ecommerce platforms may have limited integration capabilities depending on the platform.

What steps are needed to sell through Facebook Shops?

To sell through Facebook Shops, first connect your Facebook Business Manager using the Facebook for WooCommerce plugin. Sync your products to Facebook to create a shop catalog. Enable checkout settings in the plugin so orders place on Facebook.

Can I import Facebook reviews into my WooCommerce store?

Yes, you can automatically import Facebook reviews into WooCommerce products using the WooCommerce Facebook Reviews plugin. This displays your Facebook reviews alongside existing product reviews.

Does WooCommerce work with Facebook Remarketing ads?

Yes, you can create Facebook Remarketing campaigns by integrating your WooCommerce website with the Facebook pixel. The pixel lets you build custom audiences to retarget across Facebook.

Can I schedule WooCommerce product posts on Facebook?

Yes, Facebook post scheduling is possible using third-party social media management tools like Buffer. Connect your WooCommerce product catalog, then schedule your posts.

How do I create a Facebook shop on WooCommerce?

Use the Facebook for WooCommerce plugin to connect your product catalog with Facebook. This will automatically create a shop section on your Facebook page showcasing products from WooCommerce.


Integrating WooCommerce with Facebook provides powerful marketing, retargeting and omnichannel sales capabilities to further a merchant’s ecommerce strategy. While Facebook integration requires technical setup, the potential benefits may make it a worthwhile investment for established stores. Smaller merchants should evaluate if managing additional sales channels provides sufficient ROI. When strategically implemented, integrating WooCommerce with Facebook tools like product catalogs, ads, Instagram shopping and Messenger can help enterprises significantly increase brand awareness, traffic and conversions.