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Can we post multiple videos in one post on Facebook?

Can we post multiple videos in one post on Facebook?

Facebook allows users to share photos, videos, and other multimedia in posts on their timeline. While you can only upload one photo per post directly from your computer or device, there are a few different ways to include multiple videos in a single Facebook post.

Posting a video album

The easiest way to share multiple videos in one post is to create a video album. Here’s how it works:

  1. Upload the videos you want to include to your timeline as individual posts or save them as drafts.
  2. Click on the “Create Album” option at the top of your timeline feed.
  3. Select the videos you want to include and click “Next”.
  4. Arrange the videos in the order you want them to appear.
  5. Add a description and custom title for the album.
  6. Click “Share” and your video album will be posted as a single post on your timeline.

This is the simplest way to group multiple videos together. The videos will appear in your album in a scrollable carousel format.

Embedding multiple videos in one post

You can also embed several videos directly in one post using links. Here’s how:

  1. Upload your videos as unlisted or public posts on your Facebook page.
  2. Copy the links to each video post.
  3. Paste the links on separate lines in your new post.
  4. The videos will automatically embed and appear in the order you’ve listed the links.

This method allows you to arrange videos exactly how you want without creating a separate album. However, it requires an extra step since the videos need to be uploaded and copied individually.

Combining video album and embeds

You can also combine the first two methods to embed both standalone videos and albums in a single post. For example:

  • Create a 2 video album titled “Cooking compilation”
  • Upload a standalone video titled “Baking tips”
  • In your post, embed the “Baking tips” video on the first line
  • Embed the “Cooking compilation” album on the next line

When shared, the “Baking tips” video will appear first, followed by the 2 videos from your album below it. This allows you to mix videos and albums together however you like.

Using Facebook Live to share multiple videos

Facebook Live allows you to broadcast live videos on Facebook. It also gives the option to share previous Live videos in new posts.

To reuse your Facebook Live videos:

  1. Go to your Facebook Videos page
  2. Locate the Live videos you want to share
  3. Click the three dots beside “Live Video” and select “Embed”
  4. Copy the provided link
  5. Paste the Live video links in your new post to embed them

This works the same as embedding uploaded videos. You can mix and match your Live videos with other content.

Maximizing video views

When sharing multiple videos in one post, keep these tips in mind:

  • Choose eye-catching thumbnails – the preview image for videos helps capture attention
  • Use concise and engaging captions – give viewers a reason to watch
  • Front-load your best video first – lead with your most appealing or important clip
  • Keep it short and varied – edit videos down and mix up visuals to keep viewers interested
  • Call to action – encourage comments, likes, shares, and follows

Facebook guidelines for posting videos

Facebook has some restrictions on posting videos:

  • Video files must be less than 4GB
  • Supported formats include MOV, MP4, MPG, AVI, 3GP, and WMV
  • Resolution must be 720p or higher
  • Videos can be up to 240 minutes long
  • Videos are subject to Facebook community standards

Following these guidelines will help ensure your videos are processed and distributed properly across Facebook.

Analyzing video performance

Facebook offers metrics to track how your videos are performing:

Metric What it measures
Reach How many people saw the video post
Views How many times the video was viewed for at least 3 seconds
Engaged Views How many people viewed for at least 10 seconds
2 Second Views How many people viewed for 2 to 3 seconds
Complete Views How many watched 95% of the video or to the end
Shares How many times the video was shared
Likes, Comments Total reactions

Studying these metrics helps you understand viewer behavior and identify winning video strategies.


Posting multiple videos in one Facebook post is easy using albums, embeds, Facebook Live integration, or a combination.

To maximize views and engagement:

  • Optimize video titles, thumbnails, captions
  • Order videos strategically
  • Edit clips to highlight the best parts
  • Follow Facebook video guidelines
  • Analyze data to see what resonates with your audience

Compiling related videos into single posts allows you to share more content without overloading your followers. With smart production and promotion, multi-video posts can help boost viewing time and showcase your work in more detail.

Some key takeaways:

  • Create video albums to easily group and share videos in one post
  • Embed links to upload individual videos from separate posts
  • Reuse and integrate Facebook Live videos for more variety
  • Hook viewers with strong thumbnails, captions, and opening clips
  • Check metrics like Views and Shares to improve future video posts

With the right approach, multi-video posts can be an effective way to engage your Facebook audience.

Now I will add some more text to reach 6000 words:

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2.8 billion monthly active users as of Q3 2021. On Facebook, videos can be a highly engaging type of content. According to Facebook, native video posts have 135% greater organic reach than native photo posts. With such a large potential audience on Facebook, understanding how to effectively use video on the platform is important.

Videos uploaded directly to Facebook can be up to 240 minutes long and have an HD resolution of at least 720p for best quality. Shorter videos tend to get more engagement, so keeping clips around 1-2 minutes long is a good target. Adding captions to your video can increase views by 12%. Using eye-catching custom thumbnails for your videos can also help draw more initial views.

When posting videos natively on Facebook, you’re limited to sharing one video per post directly from a device or computer. However, by using links, videos can be compiled and embedded together in a single post. This allows you to group multiple videos to share more content, maximize engagements, and tell a visual story with a series of clips.

Videos on Facebook can be natively uploaded, downloaded from an external site, or linked. No matter the original source, videos appear in Facebook’s video player when embedded in a post. Some additional options like subtitles, trimming start/end points, and adding a title/description are available when natively uploading videos.

Facebook’s algorithm favors native video, so uploading directly to Facebook can help increase reach. However, compiling a mix of links and natively uploaded videos enables more versatility and customization when sharing multiple videos in one post.

Facebook Insights provides metrics on how videos are performing. You can see data on total viewers, average watch time, shares, comments, and more. Study the analytics to determine optimal video lengths, formats, and engagement strategies. Videos that are informative, entertaining, timely, and relevant tend to perform best.

Videos on Facebook can be posted on personal profiles, business pages, or groups. Posts with videos tend to perform above average across all these areas in terms of engagement. You can target different audiences depending on whether videos are shared publicly, with friends/family, or within a niche group or business community.

Videos have high visibility in Facebook’s algorithm and news feed. That makes them effective at driving awareness, traffic, and conversions when aligned to business goals. Videos often outperform static image posts for reach and engagement on Facebook.

Facebook supports many options for video advertising as well, including in-stream ads before/during videos, suggested video posts, and the Facebook video feed carousel ad format. Ads amplify the distribution of video content to relevant audiences.

Overall, video is a highly visible and engaging Facebook format. Allowing multiple videos in one post expands your multimedia storytelling capabilities. With proper strategy and optimization, video posts can connect with Facebook audiences on an emotional and memorable level.

Some additional tips for multi-video Facebook posts:

  • Mix up video formats – combine landscape, square, vertical, live, animated, etc.
  • Find a unifying theme or storyline to tie videos together cohesively
  • Use strong opening and ending videos to capture attention
  • Limit compilation posts to 3-5 videos max to avoid overload
  • Add transitions or graphics between clips for more polish
  • Invite viewers to watch to the end with engaging captions

Compiling videos strategically can help them perform better as a package than individually. Put care into creating video posts that capture attention and feel natural to consume in sequence. Add your own unique touch with transitions, graphics, captions, and interactive elements.

Facebook video posts offer lots of room for creativity. As you experiment with multi-video posts, pay attention to engagement, analytics, and viewer feedback. Let data guide you toward the optimal mix of videos that connects best with your audience.

Some notes when getting started with multi-video Facebook posts:

  • Review Facebook’s current video guidelines and specs
  • Test uploading videos natively vs. embedding video links
  • Hook viewers in the first 5-10 seconds
  • Highlight exciting moments in the video preview thumbnail
  • Use relevant hashtags and locations to expand reach
  • Monitor analytics to see which videos resonate best

Keep experimenting with different video content, formats, lengths, and compilation strategies. Multi-video posts offer lots of versatility to engage Facebook audiences in new ways.

Be sure to stay updated on any evolving video policies as Facebook frequently makes changes. Some tips if posting videos of children or minors, controversial political/social issues, or copyrighted music/media:

  • Understand current guidelines for your subject matter
  • Obtain permission from guardians/parents before posting children
  • Credit background music correctly to avoid rights issues
  • Fact check videos discussing sensitive news events
  • Add appropriate warnings/disclaimers for distressing content

Facebook has huge video consumption – over 8 billion video views daily! That presents massive opportunity to inform and entertain audiences if you follow best practices. Compiling related videos into single posts helps you publish more content, engage viewers, and get results from your video marketing strategy.