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Can we change Facebook page password?

Can we change Facebook page password?

Yes, it is possible to change the password for a Facebook page you manage. Facebook allows page admins to update the password for additional security and access control.

Why would you want to change your Facebook page password?

There are a few key reasons why you may want to change your Facebook page password periodically:

  • Password hygiene – Changing passwords regularly is good security practice to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Former admin access revocation – If someone who previously had admin access to your page is no longer involved, changing the password prevents them from accessing the page.
  • Security incident or suspicion of compromised password – If you suspect your page has been hacked or the password has been compromised, changing it secures the page.
  • Personal Facebook account compromised – If your personal Facebook account that manages the page is hacked, changing your page password protects that page.

Overall, periodically changing your Facebook page password limits the chances of unauthorized access and allows you to maintain control over your business or organization’s presence on Facebook.

How to change your Facebook page password

Follow these simple steps to change the password for your Facebook page:

  1. Log in to your personal Facebook account that is an admin of the page.
  2. Go to the page you want to update the password for and click “Settings” at the bottom of the left sidebar.
  3. On the General settings page, click “Page Roles” on the left.
  4. Click on the name of the role you want to change the password for, likely “Admin” if you are the top admin.
  5. Enter the new password in the “New password” and “Confirm new password” fields. The password must be at least 6 characters long.
  6. Click “Save Changes.”

The next time someone tries to access admin functions on your page using the old password, it will fail. Only those with the new password will be able to access the page as an admin.

Who can change a Facebook page password?

Only current admins of a Facebook page can change its password. There are normally three levels of page admins:

  • Page Admin – The highest admin who has full control over content and settings.
  • Editor – Can edit page content, respond to and delete comments, create ads, and view insights.
  • Moderator – Can respond to and delete comments and posts as well as create ads.

Both Page Admins and Editors can change the page password. Moderators cannot, as they do not have access to the general page settings.

When multiple admins exist, any admin can set a new password. Lower-level editors and moderators will then need to be informed of the new password to access admin functions.

Does changing the page password affect admins?

Changing a Facebook page password affects any admins, editors, or moderators who try to access the page using the previous password. When the password is changed:

  • Any current admins using the old password will be logged out on their next attempt to edit that page.
  • They will need to enter the new password to regain editor access.
  • Admins who do not have the new password can no longer moderate comments, create posts, or leverage other admin functions.

Therefore, it is important when changing a page password to communicate the change to all current admins, editors, and moderators. This ensures no disruption to their workflow or access.

Does changing the password affect page followers?

Changing a Facebook page password does not affect people who have liked or followed the page in any way. Page followers access pages via their own Facebook accounts, not through page admin logins. The page remains fully visible and accessible to followers after a password change.

Best practices when changing your page password

Follow these best practices when changing your Facebook page password to ensure a smooth transition:

  • Log out and log back in after changing passwords to confirm you can access the page.
  • Notify all other admins, editors and moderators who need access to the page of the new password.
  • Update any saved passwords in web browsers or password manager apps.
  • Write down or securely save the new password so you do not lose access.
  • Consider enabling two-factor authentication for additional security.

Warnings about Facebook page password changes

Be aware of a few key warnings when changing your page password:

  • Locking out admins – Admins not informed may lose page access.
  • Losing the password – Losing or forgetting the password requires going through Facebook’s admin verification process.
  • Scams and fake password reset emails – Facebook will never email you directly asking for your password. Beware of phishing attempts after a change.

Restoring access if you lose the password

If you change your Facebook page password and subsequently lose or forget it, you have a few options to restore admin access:

  • Go through Facebook’s admin verification process by providing your ID.
  • Add another Facebook admin to the page who knows the password.
  • Have another admin reset the password following the steps above.
  • As a last resort, delete the page then recreate it to establish a new password.

Avoid getting locked out by keeping your new password in a safe but accessible place. Let us know if you need help getting back into your page after a password change.


Changing your Facebook page password regularly is a smart security practice to maintain control over your organization’s presence on the platform. Make sure to properly notify other admins, safely store the new password, and beware of potential scams afterwards.

With the right planning and communication, you can seamlessly update your page password. Just follow the steps outlined above. Let us know if you have any other questions!