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Can they see if you Unsend a message on Facebook Messenger?

Can they see if you Unsend a message on Facebook Messenger?

Facebook Messenger’s unsend feature allows you to remove messages you’ve sent, but you may be wondering whether the recipient is notified when you use it. Here’s a quick overview of how Messenger’s unsend feature works and what the recipient can see when you unsend a message.

Does Messenger notify the recipient when you unsend a message?

Yes, if you unsend a Facebook Messenger message, the recipient will be notified that a message was removed. When you unsend a message, the recipient will see a note in the conversation that says “This message was deleted”.

So while the contents of your message are removed and are no longer visible to the recipient, they will see that a message was deleted from the thread. There is no way to secretly remove a message without leaving any notice.

Can the recipient see the original message before it’s unsent?

No, the recipient cannot see the contents of an unsent message. As soon as you choose to unsend a message, the contents are permanently deleted and are not visible to the recipient.

The only thing the recipient will see is the notice that a message was removed. They will not have a chance to read the original contents.

Does the time limit for unsending apply?

Yes, Facebook’s time limit for unsending messages also applies. You can only unsend a message within 10 minutes of sending it.

If more than 10 minutes have passed since you sent the message, the unsend option will no longer be available and you will not be able to remove the message.

Can you unsend messages in group chats?

Unfortunately, you cannot remove messages in group chats. The unsend feature only works for one-on-one conversations in Messenger.

Any messages you post in a group chat are permanent and cannot be unsent. The best option is to be cautious when messaging in group conversations.

Does deleting a message delete it for everyone?

No, when you delete a message, it is only deleted from your view of the conversation. The recipient can still see the notice that a message was removed.

There is no way to erase a message from the conversation for all participants. Only you will no longer see the content after unsending.

Can you unsend photos and videos?

Yes, Facebook’s unsend feature works for all types of messages, including text, photos, videos, gifs, and stickers. If you’ve sent any media within the last 10 minutes, you can remove it from the conversation.

The recipient will no longer be able to view the photo, video, etc. after you unsend it. But again, they will see that “This message was deleted” in the chat.

Does unsending prevent screenshots?

Unsending a message does not prevent the recipient from taking a screenshot before it’s deleted. If the recipient is quick to screenshot your message after you send it, they may still have the content saved even after you unsend.

There is no way to know if someone has taken a screenshot of your message before you unsend it. So it’s best not to rely on unsending to erase any sensitive messages.

Can you see when someone else unsends a message?

Yes, unsending works both ways. If someone deletes a message they sent you, you will see the “This message was deleted” notice just as they would if you unsent a message.

The notice does not indicate who deleted the message – just that a message sent in the conversation was removed.

Does Facebook notify you if your message was unsent?

No, Facebook does not directly notify you if someone unsends your message. However, you will be able to see the deletion notice in the conversation thread.

So if you look back at your messages with a person and see “This message was deleted”, that indicates a message from you was removed from their view of the chat.

Can you unsend messages on Instagram?

No, Instagram does not have an unsend feature like Facebook Messenger does. Any messages you send on Instagram Direct cannot be deleted or removed.

You can delete messages from your view of the conversation, but the recipient will still see them in their inbox. Instagram does not allow you to fully erase any messages after sending.


While Facebook’s unsend feature removes content from a conversation, it does not completely cover your tracks. Recipients are still notified when a message is deleted.

Before sending anything sensitive or that you may regret, consider that unsending only removes the message from your view of the chat. The recipient may still see that it was deleted and take other actions like screenshots.

For removing messages without a trace, Messenger’s unsend has limitations. But it can be useful for quickly eliminating typos, accidental messages, and other small mistakes shortly after hitting send.

Platform Can You Unsend? Recipient Notified?
Facebook Messenger Yes, within 10 minutes Yes, sees “message deleted” notice
Instagram Direct No N/A
WhatsApp Yes, within 1 hour No, message is completely deleted

Unsending messages on WhatsApp vs Messenger

Compared to Messenger, WhatsApp’s implementation of the unsend feature has some advantages for privacy:

  • Time limit is 1 hour vs 10 minutes on Messenger
  • Recipient is not notified the message was removed
  • Deletes message completely for all participants

However, WhatsApp also lacks some of Messenger’s features:

  • Cannot unsend photos, videos, etc – text messages only
  • No option to unsend in group chats
  • Cannot see if someone unsent your message

So while WhatsApp may be better for privately retracting messages, Messenger provides more flexibility overall.

Third-party apps for deleting messages

There are also third-party apps that can delete messages across various platforms:

  • Wickr Me – Encrypted messenger that lets you set messages to delete after being read
  • Confide – Allows expiring and screenshooting proof messages
  • Signal – Uses end-to-end encryption and disappearing messages

These apps can offer more security than unsending features built into Messenger, WhatsApp, etc. However, both parties need to be using the same app for the deleted messages to work.

Key takeaways

  • You can unsend Facebook Messenger messages within 10 minutes of sending
  • Recipient sees “This message was deleted” notice when you unsend
  • You cannot secretly delete messages without the other person knowing
  • Unsending removes message from your view but does not delete it for recipient
  • Other apps like WhatsApp and Wickr Me offer more private message deletion

While unsending on Messenger has limitations, it can still be a useful feature if used promptly after sending a message. Understanding exactly how unsending works helps ensure you use it effectively.

If you need to permanently erase sensitive messages, an encrypted messenger app may be safer than relying on Messenger’s unsend feature.