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Can someone unfriend you on Facebook while your account is deactivated?

Can someone unfriend you on Facebook while your account is deactivated?

When you deactivate your Facebook account, it goes into a disabled state where you are no longer active on the platform but your information is retained. Your profile and photos will be hidden until the account is reactivated. But what happens to your Facebook friends while your account is deactivated? Can people still unfriend you?

Quick Answer

Yes, someone can unfriend you on Facebook while your account is deactivated. Your friends list remains visible to your connections even though your profile is hidden. So people can still remove you as a friend while your account is deactivated.

Can People See Your Profile When Your Account is Deactivated?

When you deactivate your Facebook account, your profile is hidden from public view. Your photos, posts, and other information will not show up in search results or be accessible to anyone else on Facebook. Essentially, it’s like your account does not exist on the platform while deactivated.

However, there are some key differences between deactivating and completely deleting a Facebook account:

Deactivated Account Deleted Account
– Profile is hidden – Profile is permanently removed
– Friends list remains visible – Friends list is deleted
– Information remains stored by Facebook – All information is erased by Facebook
– Account can be reactivated at any time – Account cannot be recovered

So while your profile and activity are hidden from view, your connections on Facebook can still see that you are listed as a friend while your account is deactivated.

Are You Still Connected as Friends?

Yes, when you deactivate Facebook your friends list and connections remain intact.

You are still friends with all the same people you were connected to before deactivating your account. Your friend networks are retained by Facebook so that they can be restored when you reactive your profile.

Although your profile is hidden, your deactivated account remains visible on your friends’ lists. Your connections can still access your account to remove or block you as a friend.

Can Someone Unfriend You While Deactivated?

Because your friends list remains visible, someone can unfriend or block you while your Facebook account is deactivated.

Your connections may decide to unfriend you for a variety of reasons:

  • They are doing a friend list cleanup and removing inactive friends
  • They no longer want to be connected to you
  • They are concerned about posting content that you could see after reactivating
  • They are worried your deactivated account signals you no longer want to be friends
  • They do not realize you have simply deactivated temporarily

Regardless of the reason, people are able to disconnect your friendship while your profile is deactivated. You will no longer appear in their friends list and they will be removed from yours.

If someone unfriends you while deactivated, you will see you are no longer connected when your account is reactivated. The friend removal occurs immediately even though your profile is not currently active.

Will You Get a Notification if Unfriended?

You will not receive any notification if someone unfriends you while your account is deactivated. Facebook will not send you an automated message informing you of the removed connection.

Since your account is essentially dormant, Facebook will not actively alert you about any changes to your friends list or notifications. You will only find out about any removed friends once you reactive your profile.

Can You Tell Who Unfriended You?

When your Facebook account is reactivated after being deactivated, you will be able to see your updated friends list. However, you will not be able to tell specifically who removed you as a friend while your profile was disabled.

Facebook does not keep track of who initiates a friend removal or when it happened. So there is no way to identify the specific friend who disconnected from you during the deactivated period.

Your only indication will be seeing fewer friends than before deactivating your account. Unless someone directly tells you they unfriended you, it will appear as a mutual unfriending on both ends.

Unfriending Vs. Blocking on Facebook

There are a couple ways someone can disconnect from you on Facebook:

  • Unfriending – Removes you as a friend but does not block any interactions.
  • Blocking – Severs the connection and prevents you from viewing each other’s profiles or interacting.

Both options allow someone to disconnect while your account is deactivated. With unfriending, either person can send a new friend request in the future. Blocking prevents any further contact or viewing of posts.

How to Prevent People Unfriending You When Deactivated

If you want to avoid people removing you as a friend when your account is deactivated, there are a couple options:

  • Temporarily deactivate – Only disable your profile for short periods to limit unfriending.
  • Explain to friends – Let close connections know you are deactivating but will reactivate.
  • Delete account – Permanently delete your account so there is nothing left to unfriend.

Keeping your account deactivated for shorter timespans reduces the chance of friends disconnecting from your profile. You can also let close friends know not to worry about your deactivated account and that you will be back soon.

Ultimately, if you want to permanently disconnect, deleting your Facebook account removes the ability to unfriend you entirely. Just know this is irreversible if you ever want to rejoin.

Should You Delete or Deactivate Your Facebook Account?

Deactivating your Facebook account is temporary, and ideal if you think you may want to return in the future. All of your information remains stored by Facebook when deactivated. Deleting is permanent removal of your account, which cannot be undone.

Here are some key factors to weigh when deciding:

Deactivate Delete
– Temporarily disable account – Permanently remove account
– Maintain friend connections – Lose friend connections
– Preserve profile and data – Remove profile and data entirely
– Can still be unfriended – Cannot be unfriended
– Simple to reactivate account – Extremely difficult to recover account

In most cases, deactivation allows you to take a break while maintaining your account’s removal if desired. But deleting the account permanently severs all Facebook ties.


While your Facebook profile is hidden from view when deactivated, your friends list remains visible to your connections. This allows people to unfriend or block you while your account is disabled.

You will not receive notifications about removed friends while deactivated. And when you reactive your profile, you will not be able to identify who specifically unfriended you during that time.

The only way to prevent unfriending completely is to permanently delete your Facebook account. Otherwise, you can minimize removals by keeping deactivation periods short or informing close friends about your plans.