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Can someone tell if you deny their friend request on Facebook?

Can someone tell if you deny their friend request on Facebook?

Facebook friend requests allow users to connect with each other on the platform. When you receive a friend request, you have the option to confirm it, putting you and the other person in each other’s friend lists, or deny it, declining the connection. This leaves many users wondering – if I deny a friend request, will the other person know?

The Short Answer

Yes, someone can tell if you deny their friend request on Facebook. When you deny a friend request, the person who sent it is notified that you declined the request. They will see a message saying that their friend request could not be confirmed. So while you can choose to ignore a friend request, denying it will make it clear to the other user that you do not want to connect.

Looking at the Friend Request Process

When considering whether someone can tell if you deny their friend request, it helps to understand how the process works on Facebook:

  • User A sends a friend request to User B
  • User B receives a notification that User A wants to be friends
  • User B has the option to Confirm or Delete the request
  • If User B confirms, they become friends and appear in each other’s friend lists
  • If User B deletes the request, User A is notified that their friend request could not be confirmed

So when User B deletes the friend request from User A, User A is directly notified about it. There is no way to subtly ignore a request – deleting it makes it clear to User A that User B does not want to connect.

What the Person Sees if You Deny Their Request

When you deny someone’s friend request on Facebook, here is what happens from their end:

  • The friend request they sent you disappears from their page
  • They receive a notification saying “Friend request could not be confirmed”
  • They will not see you listed in their friend list

There is no way to hide that you denied the request – it becomes obvious to the other user. Unlike ignoring a request which leaves them uncertain, denying makes it clear you have rejected the connection.

Examples of them being notified

To give you a better idea of what someone sees when you deny their friend request, here are some examples:

The notification they receive

As you can see, the notification clearly states that the friend request could not be confirmed, leaving no doubt that it was denied.

The friend request disappearing

After the notification, the sent friend request disappears from their page entirely, making it obvious it was rejected.

No new friend in their list

Finally, when they look at their friend list, they will see it unchanged, without you appearing as a new friend there.

So through multiple ways, it becomes abundantly clear to the person that their friend request was denied rather than ignored.

Is There Any Way to Hide That You Denied a Request?

Based on how the Facebook friend request system is designed, there is no way to hide the fact that you denied someone’s request. The only way to avoid alerting them is to simply ignore the request.

But denying makes it obvious to the other user what happened. Facebook’s notifications ensure the person knows immediately when their request has been rejected.

Some users look for workarounds like these, but none successfully hide a deleted request:

  • Deleting the notification – They will still see the request disappeared
  • Blocking the person – They can no longer send a request at all
  • Deleting your own Facebook account – Drastic move just to hide denying a request

So ultimately, there is no sly way to deny a friend request without the other party finding out. Being upfront and deleting the request is the only real option.

Why Facebook Notify When a Request is Denied

Facebook instantly alerts a user when their friend request is denied as part of the platform’s design for transparency. There are a few reasons this notification is important:

  • It prevents confusion – The person knows for certain their request was rejected rather than missed.
  • It’s honest – Notifying of a denial is more forthcoming than subtly ignoring the request.
  • It gives closure – The notification lets the person know definitively that you declined.

Without this notification, rejected friend requests could leave users uncertain and frustrated about the status. Facebook makes it clear to avoid confusion.

How to Politely Decline a Friend Request

While denying a Facebook friend request reveals that you rejected it, you can still do so tactfully. Here are some tips for politely declining an unwanted request:

  • Delete quickly – Don’t leave the request sitting there unanswered.
  • Provide context if needed – Send a quick private message explaining your reasons.
  • Avoid public call-outs – Respond privately rather than posting about it.
  • Be general – Say you’re limiting Facebook friends rather than criticizing the person.
  • Use your right to choose – You have every right to accept or deny requests as you see fit.

With sensitivity and honesty, it is possible to decline unwanted friend requests while preserving the feelings and dignity of others. A notification of denial may still sting, but politeness can soften the blow.

The Etiquette of Deleting Friend Requests

To make denying friend requests a little more graceful, consider these rules of etiquette:

  • Don’t gossip about it – Respect others’ privacy.
  • Respond promptly – Leaving requests pending is insensitive.
  • Give clear reasons if asked – Provide context if questioned about denying a request.
  • Avoid hurtful language – There’s no need to insult the person when declining.
  • Don’t make assumptions – People have varied reasons for denying requests.

With thoughtfulness and honesty, denying requests can be handled maturely. A few kind words can also go a long way in softening the social impact.

How Other Social Networks Handle Denied Requests

Facebook is not the only social platform that alerts users about denied follow or friend requests. Here is how others handle it:


  • Users receive a notification if their follow request is denied
  • The request disappears from the Follow Requests section
  • No public notification is posted about the denial


  • A notification is sent saying the follow request was denied
  • The request is removed from the user’s Follow Request list
  • Instagram uses a private notification rather than public post


  • The user is notified if their connection request is declined
  • The notification states that the request was removed or could not be processed
  • There is no public notice that the request was denied

So across most major social networks, the platform alerts the user about a denied request through private notifications. This upholds transparency without publicly shaming anyone.

The Psychology of Rejecting Friend Requests

There is a psychological impact to both denying and being denied friend requests. Some things to keep in mind include:

  • Rejecting can feel awkward if you know the person, even online.
  • For some people, denial triggers feelings of rejection and being excluded.
  • Others may retaliate against rejections with rude behavior or insults.
  • Polite honesty can avoid hurt feelings and preserve dignity on both sides.
  • Healthy self-esteem helps lessen the blow of denied requests.

The more empathy, compassion, and maturity people exhibit, the less emotional sting there may be. But psychology explains why some take denial harder than others.

Why People Deny Friend Requests

There are many reasons people may choose to deny a friend request rather than accept it. Some common ones include:

  • Not knowing the person well enough
  • Wanting to keep online friends limited
  • Having controversial beliefs or posts they don’t want certain people seeing
  • Questionable behavior from the sender such as harassment
  • Maintaining privacy and boundaries between professional and personal connections

Rather than being mean or antisocial, most people have what they feel are valid reasons for declining requests. Understanding this can help reduce hurt feelings if your request is denied.

How to Handle Being Denied a Request

If someone denies your friend request on Facebook, avoid taking it too personally. Consider these healthy ways to respond:

  • Accept it gracefully – Don’t retaliate or insult them.
  • Try asking them why – See if they will explain their reasons.
  • Don’t pressure them – Attempting to coerce will only drive them farther away.
  • Make other friends – Look for new connections rather than obsessing over one denial.
  • Reflect on any past issues – If you’ve had problems with the person, denial may be warranted.

With empathy for their choice and confidence in yourself, you can healthily move forward. Denial just means this connection won’t work right now, freeing you up for others.


In the end, there is no way on Facebook currently to deny someone’s friend request without them being notified. Due to the platform’s design, the person will receive an alert that their request could not be confirmed.

While this may feel awkward or painful, responding with maturity and respect can smooth things over. Facebook’s policy of notifying about denials upholds honesty and transparency in social connections.

So if you must deny a friend request, be kind but firm. And if your request is denied, avoid taking it as a crushing rejection. React calmly, get clarity if needed, and refocus on the friends you do have rather than those you lost out on.