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Can someone see you on FB Dating if you block them?

Can someone see you on FB Dating if you block them?

Facebook Dating is a relatively new dating feature within the Facebook app that allows users to match with potential romantic partners. It operates similarly to other dating apps, with a few key differences. One question that often comes up is whether someone you’ve blocked on Facebook can still see your dating profile or interact with you on Facebook Dating. The short answer is no, someone you’ve blocked cannot see you or interact with you on Facebook Dating.

How Blocking Works on Facebook

To understand why blocking prevents visibility on Facebook Dating, it’s important to first understand how blocking works on Facebook in general. When you block someone on Facebook:

  • They can no longer see things you post on your profile, tag you, invite you to events or groups, start conversations with you, or add you as a friend.
  • Any conversations you previously had with them are also removed from your inbox.
  • You essentially become invisible to them on Facebook.

So blocking doesn’t just stop communication, it prevents the blocked person from seeing any of your current or future activity on Facebook.

Facebook Dating and Blocking

Facebook Dating operates within the main Facebook app, but functions as its own separate space. Your Facebook Dating profile pulls basic information from your regular Facebook profile to get you started, such as your name, age, location, and a few photos. But the two profiles can be edited and managed separately after setup.

Importantly, your Facebook Dating profile and activity on the dating service is covered by the same blocking restrictions as the rest of Facebook. So if someone is blocked from seeing your regular Facebook profile, they are automatically blocked from seeing your Facebook Dating profile too.

Some key points on how blocking works specifically on Facebook Dating:

  • Someone you’ve blocked cannot see your dating profile, your photos, your responses to prompts, or any other information you’ve added to customize your dating profile.
  • They will not be shown to you as a potential match, and you will not show up as a potential match for them.
  • They cannot like or comment on your dating profile, send a message to your dating inbox, or interact with you in any other way on the dating service.
  • Any past likes, messages, or conversations you had with the blocked person on Facebook Dating will be removed from your dating inbox and matches list, just like regular Facebook messages.

In summary, blocking completely removes you from their view on Facebook Dating. You essentially become invisible to each other on the dating platform.

Blocking vs. Unmatching

It’s important to note the difference between blocking someone and simply unmatching with them on Facebook Dating. When you unmatch with someone, it simply removes your connection and conversation history specifically within the dating service. But it doesn’t block them from viewing your dating profile or trying to match with or message you again later.

Blocking goes a step further to prevent any future connections or interactions on Facebook Dating, or any part of Facebook. So if you want to preemptively prevent a Facebook friend from seeing you on Facebook Dating, you would need to block them. Simply unmatching would not achieve that.

How to Block Someone

If you do need to block someone on Facebook (regular Facebook and Facebook Dating), here is how you do it:

  1. Go to the Facebook profile of the person you want to block.
  2. Click on the three dots in the upper right corner of their profile.
  3. Select “Block” from the dropdown menu.
  4. Confirm that you want to block the user when prompted.

Once you block them, they will immediately be unable to see your profile or interact with you on both regular Facebook and Facebook Dating.

Can the Blocked Person Tell?

When you block someone on Facebook, it does not notify them or indicate to them that they have been blocked. As far as the blocked person is concerned, you simply seem to have disappeared from their view. They will be unable to visit your profile, contact you, or find you in searches.

So you can rest assured that if you block an acquaintance, friend, or ex on Facebook, they will not know they have been blocked. Your Facebook Dating profile will simply vanish from their sight once blocked.

Can You Unblock Them Later?

If you eventually decide you want to unblock someone on Facebook, that is easy to do as well. Just follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook Settings.
  2. Select “Blocking” in the left sidebar.
  3. Select “Unblock” next to the name of the person you want to unblock.

Unblocking will immediately give them access to view and interact with your Facebook and Facebook Dating profiles again. So be certain you really want to unblock before taking that step.

Other Ways to Control Interactions

In addition to outright blocking, there are a couple other options on Facebook for controlling unwanted interactions while still allowing some visibility:

  • Restrict – This allows the person to see only your public posts, but not your personal posts for friends only. They also won’t be notified about your posts or able to start private chats.
  • Unfollow – This simply removes someone’s posts from your News Feed without unfriending them. You remain connected but won’t see their content.

For times when you don’t necessarily want to block someone entirely from seeing your profile, restricting or unfollowing them may be suitable alternatives. But to fully prevent visibility on Facebook Dating, a full block is required.


Facebook Dating can be a great way to meet new people online. But occasionally you may come across someone there that you would rather not interact with further. Blocking that person on Facebook provides the peace of mind that they cannot see you, message you, or access your dating profile in any way moving forward.

Blocking completely removes you from their view on both regular Facebook and the Facebook Dating section. So don’t hesitate to block anyone on Facebook that you don’t want accessing your personal information or contacting you again, whether through dating or regular social interactions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does blocking on Facebook Dating also block them on regular Facebook?

Yes, blocking someone on Facebook blocks them completely across both regular Facebook and Facebook Dating. It prevents any interactions or viewing of your profile on both platforms.

What happens if you unmatch someone rather than block them?

Unmatching someone only removes your connection within Facebook Dating itself. But it does not prevent them from viewing your dating profile later or trying to match with or message you again. Blocking is required to fully remove their access on Facebook Dating.

Can you tell if you’ve been blocked by someone on Facebook Dating?

No, being blocked is invisible to the blocked person. They will simply be unable to find or interact with your profile at all. Without being told, they have no way to know if they have been blocked specifically.

What happens if you block someone you currently have a match with on Facebook Dating?

Existing matches and conversations will immediately be removed from both your profile and theirs. They will no longer show up as a match or be able to message you again after being blocked.

Can someone on a fake or secondary Facebook account see your dating profile?

Not if their fake account is blocked. Blocking prevents any account controlled by that person from seeing your dating profile, whether their primary account or secondary ones.

Key Takeaways

  • Blocking someone on Facebook completely removes your profile and posts from their view.
  • This blocking extends to both regular Facebook and Facebook Dating profiles.
  • With someone blocked, they cannot see your dating profile, match with you, or message you.
  • The blocked person is not notified in any way that they have been blocked.
  • Unblocking later will reinstate their ability to view your dating profile again.

Table of Summary

Action Regular Facebook Facebook Dating
Blocking Someone Removes your profile and posts from their view Removes dating profile. Prevents being seen as a potential match.
Unblocking Someone Reinstates ability to view profile and posts Reinstates ability to view dating profile and match
Unmatching No impact Removes dating match but doesn’t block