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Can someone see that I viewed their Facebook featured story if we are not friends?

Can someone see that I viewed their Facebook featured story if we are not friends?

This is a common question that many Facebook users have. The short answer is no, someone cannot see that you viewed their Facebook featured story if you are not friends on Facebook. Facebook’s privacy settings are designed to protect users’ privacy, so your browsing activity is not visible to non-friends.

What is a Facebook Featured Story?

A Facebook featured story is a post that shows up in a more prominent position on a user’s profile. When someone shares a post and marks it as “featured,” it will appear larger than regular posts on their profile for a period of time. Friends visiting the profile will see the featured story first when scrolling through the timeline. Featured stories help highlight important posts that a user wants their friends to see.

Can Non-Friends See Your Viewing Activity?

If you view a Facebook user’s profile and they have posted featured stories, you can see those stories but they have no way of knowing you viewed them. Your browsing history and activity on other users’ profiles is private and is not shown to non-friends. This applies not just to featured stories but to all browsing when logged into your account – your actions are anonymous to strangers on Facebook.

Some Specific Examples

Here are some examples to illustrate when your viewing activity is hidden from non-friends:

  • You come across an interesting Facebook profile that is public but you are not friends with the user. You view their featured stories and timeline posts. They will not receive any notification or be able to see that you looked at their profile or posts.
  • Your friend shares a post from a Facebook page that you don’t follow. When you view your friend’s post, you can also see the original post from the page they shared, but the page has no way of knowing you saw their content.
  • You search for someone’s public profile that you are not connected with on Facebook. You browse through their pictures and featured stories. They will not know you searched for them or looked through their profile.

In all these examples, your browsing activity is completely anonymous to the non-friends. Nothing is visible or disclosed to users who are strangers on Facebook.

When Can Non-Friends See Your Activity?

There are some limited cases where your activity could be known by non-friends on Facebook:

  • If you actively engage with a post by liking, commenting, sharing, etc. Liking or interacting with public content can be seen by the poster.
  • Friends of the non-friend you engaged with may also be able to see your engagement through News Feed.
  • Page owners can see aggregate metrics on how many people viewed their content or profile.

Keep in mind these situations involve some type of active engagement on your part, beyond just viewing. Simply viewing or browsing a non-friend’s profile and posts leaves no trace and remains private.

Facebook’s Privacy Settings

Facebook has robust privacy settings that ensure your browsing history remains private. These include:

  • View As – This setting allows you to see what your own profile looks like to non-friends. You can toggle it on and off while viewing your profile.
  • Activity Log – You can view a log of your own Facebook activity, but it is not shown to anyone else.
  • News Feed Preferences – Controls what types of posts you see in your feed.
  • Ads Preferences – Controls what types of ads you see based on activity on and off Facebook.

Adjusting these settings helps customize your experience, monitor your own activity, and limit what is visible to non-friends. Facebook gives you many options to limit visibility and take control of your privacy.

How to Check If Your Viewing is Private

You can verify that your viewing activity is fully private with a few simple steps:

  1. Search for a Facebook profile of someone you are not friends with and view their featured stories, timeline posts, and info.
  2. Open another browser or log out of your account, then log back in.
  3. Search for the same user’s profile and see if there is any indication that you previously viewed their profile or posts.

When following these steps as non-friends, there will be nothing on the user’s profile showing you had previously viewed it while logged into your own account. This definitively verifies that Facebook does not share your browsing activity with non-friends.

Limiting Your Visibility

If you want to limit your visibility even further, here are some additional tips:

  • Double check your privacy settings and make your profile as private as you feel comfortable with.
  • Be selective about who you accept friend requests from.
  • Consider using Facebook’s “Restricted List” to limit certain information to a subset of friends.
  • Be cautious about interacting with public pages and content from non-friends.
  • Never “like” or comment on anything you would not want associated with your profile publicly.

Setting clear boundaries around your profile and activity maintains control over your privacy on Facebook.


Viewing a non-friend’s Facebook featured stories or posts leaves no trace and does not notify the user in any way. Facebook’s privacy settings protect your browsing activity from being visible to strangers. The only visibility occurs when actively engaging by liking, commenting or sharing public posts. Otherwise, you can comfortably browse Facebook profiles and content anonymously and privately as a non-friend.