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Can someone see if you untag yourself from their post?

Can someone see if you untag yourself from their post?

Social media has become an integral part of our lives. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter allow us to stay connected with friends and family, share updates, photos, videos, and more. However, as great as social media can be for keeping up with loved ones, it also comes with some drawbacks when it comes to privacy and managing how we present ourselves online.

One common question that comes up is whether someone can see if you untag yourself from their post. Here’s what you need to know about untagging yourself and if the original poster is notified.

What Does It Mean to Untag Yourself?

On most social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, you have the option to “tag” other users in your posts and photos. Tagging someone means that you add their username in your update which creates a link to their profile. When you tag someone, they will be notified of it and the post will also show up on their profile.

If you decide later on that you want to remove the tag linking to your profile from someone else’s post, you can “untag” yourself. Untagging removes the tag with your username so it no longer appears on that post or shows up on your profile. Essentially, it’s like you were never tagged in the first place.

Does the Original Poster Get Notified if You Untag Yourself?

When you untag yourself from someone else’s post or picture, the original poster does not receive a notification about it. The ability to untag is there for your own privacy and preferences, so the platforms don’t alert others when you utilize this feature.

For example, if your friend tags you in an embarrassing photo, you can simply untag yourself and they will have no indication that you’ve done so. The tag with your username will just disappear from their post.

On Facebook

If someone has tagged you in a post or photo on Facebook, you can easily untag yourself:

  1. Go to the post you are tagged in and hover over your name
  2. Click on the “Remove Tag” button
  3. Confirm that you want to remove the tag

This will instantly untag you and the original poster will not receive any type of alert or notification that you’ve removed the tag.

On Instagram

Similar to Facebook, it’s quick and straightforward to untag yourself from an Instagram post:

  1. Go to the post you are tagged in
  2. Tap your username to open the tag details
  3. Tap “Remove me from post”

The tag with your username will be gone and the original poster will not get any notice that you untagged yourself.

On Twitter

Twitter currently does not have a native untagging feature. However, you can remove the tag linking to your profile by:

  1. Replying to the tweet you’re tagged in
  2. Deleting your @username handle from the reply

When you reply this way, it will essentially untag you from the original tweet after deleting the @ tagging you.

Does Untagging Remove the Post or Photo?

It’s important to note that just because you untag yourself, it does not delete or remove the actual post or photo from the original poster’s profile or feed. The post itself remains intact – the only change is your tagged name is eliminated from it.

If you want the post taken down completely, you would need to report it to the platform or ask the original poster to remove it. Untagging only dissociates your profile from their content.

Can the Original Poster Re-tag You?

Generally, when you untag yourself from something, the original poster cannot tag you again in the same post or photo. Once a username is untagged, the option to add that tag back typically disappears.

However, it’s important to remember that the original poster can always create a brand new post and tag you in that separate update if they really wanted to. Untagging yourself does not block someone from ever tagging you in the future – it just removes that specific tag.

Pros of Untagging Yourself

There are a few advantages to making use of the untagging feature:

  • You can curate your own profile – Having the ability to untag yourself gives you control over what appears linked or associated with your profile.
  • It helps maintain privacy – Untags let you remove tags linking to personal info you don’t necessarily want public.
  • It avoids unwanted notifications – Getting tagged can lead to a lot of notifications. Untagging cuts down on notifications you don’t want.
  • Removes association with certain content – Untagging helps dissociate your profile from posts or photos you don’t necessarily want attachment to.

Cons of Untagging Yourself

There are a couple potential drawbacks to untagging yourself as well:

  • You can’t completely remove the content – Even if you untag, the post itself remains on the original poster’s profile.
  • The original poster may re-tag you – While not in the same post, you could still get tagged again by the same person.
  • It can cause social issues – Excessive untagging of a particular friend or group could potentially create problems in those relationships offline.

When is Untagging Useful?

There are many instances where untagging yourself can be useful:

  • Embarrassing photos – Untag yourself from unflattering or compromising photos.
  • Vulgar/offensive content – Remove yourself from any vulgar, offensive or inappropriate posts you’ve been tagged in.
  • Maintain a professional look – Untag from any unprofessional posts if you’re job hunting to maintain a polished online presence.
  • Avoid politics – Untag yourself from heated political posts you don’t want association with.
  • Manage notifications – Untag from busy group chats or viral posts driving too many notifications.
  • Unauthorized tags – Remove tags someone else added without your permission.

When Should You Avoid Untagging?

There are a few cases where untagging may be best to avoid:

  • With close friends/family – Frequently untagging the same close connection could cause issues.
  • On your own posts – Obviously you don’t need to untag yourself from content you posted.
  • If you don’t mind the tag – No need to untag if you have no problem being associated with the post.
  • On positive meaningful posts – Think twice if it’s content you care about or enjoy being tagged in.
  • To avoid spamming – Untagging every single tag could come across as spammy behavior.

How to Prevent Unwanted Tags

If you want to get ahead of unwanted tags, most platforms allow you to review tags before they appear:

Facebook Tag Review

In Facebook settings, enable tag review for posts you’re tagged in. You’ll get a notification when tagged so you can approve or ignore the tag before it shows up.

Instagram Photo Tag Approval

Under privacy settings, you can choose to manually approve tags before they appear in photos. You’ll be able to accept or reject tags before they go live.

Twitter Media Tagging Notifications

Turn on notifications for media tagging in Twitter settings. You’ll get alerts when tagged in photos so can remove before the tag links to your profile.

Should You Let Someone Know You Untagged?

Since untagging yourself is private and does not notify the original poster, you don’t need to specifically tell the person you’ve removed the tag. But there are some cases where you may want to give them a courtesy heads up:

  • If it’s someone you’re close with and want to maintain open communication.
  • If the post had special meaning or significance.
  • If the post is related to a business/brand partnership.
  • If the original poster specifically asked you to be tagged.

How to Communicate About an Untag

If you opt to let someone know you’ve untagged yourself, keep these tips in mind:

  • Be polite – Simply say you’ve untagged yourself from the post in question.
  • Don’t accuse – Avoid aggressive language and don’t assign blame.
  • Explain why – Provide your reason for untagging in a calm reasonable manner.
  • Suggest alternatives – You can ask them to delete the post or re-upload with you untagged.
  • Say you’re happy to re-connect offline – Offer to talk in person if it’s a close connection.

Can You Get in Trouble for Excessive Untagging?

There are no definitive rules about how often you can untag yourself before getting in trouble. Social platforms won’t typically penalize you for removing tags from your own profile. However, some things that could potentially happen with excessive untagging:

  • Damaged social relationships – Friends may get upset if constantly untagged for no clear reason.
  • Shadowban rumors – Accounts with many untags/deleted tags may be suspected of “shady” behavior that gets flagged.
  • Limits on tagging abilities – Platforms have cut off tagging functions completely for those who violate untagging limits.


Untagging yourself allows you to dissociate your profile from posts and photos you don’t necessarily want attachment to. It does not alert or notify the original poster when you remove a tag. While a useful privacy tool, be mindful of straining relationships or coming across as spammy if you untag excessively. With judicious use, though, untagging can help you curate your profile and manage notifications from unwanted tags.