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Can someone reverse a PayPal payment?

Can someone reverse a PayPal payment?

PayPal payments can be reversed in certain situations. The most common ways to reverse a PayPal payment include:

Filing a Dispute

If you believe a PayPal payment was unauthorized or the item/service you paid for was not as described, you can file a dispute through PayPal’s Resolution Center. This initiates the dispute resolution process where PayPal will investigate the transaction and make a final decision whether to reverse the payment.

To file a dispute, log in to your PayPal account, select the transaction in question, and click “Report a Problem”. You’ll need to provide details on why you are disputing the charge and upload any supporting documentation.

The deadline to file a dispute is 180 days from the date of the transaction. Keep in mind there is no guarantee the dispute will result in a reversed payment. The outcome depends on the specifics of your case and whether you can provide evidence to support your claims.


If the seller agrees the payment should be refunded, they can voluntarily issue a refund through their PayPal account. This immediately reverses the payment.

To request a refund, first contact the seller explaining why you believe you deserve your money back. If they agree, they can log in to their account, find the transaction, and issue a full or partial refund.

Keep in mind sellers are not obligated to provide refunds unless your dispute claim is found valid by PayPal. But in cases where you have a reasonable basis for the refund request, many sellers will accommodate it in good faith.


If you funded the PayPal payment with a debit or credit card, you may be able to request a chargeback from your bank or card issuer. This involves asking the card company to reverse the charge due to a billing dispute.

Reasons you can request a chargeback include if the payment was unauthorized or the goods/services were not delivered as agreed. You’ll need to submit your claim to the bank within the time limit outlined in your card agreement, typically between 120-540 days from the transaction date.

If approved, the card issuer charges the money back to the PayPal seller’s account and credits it back to your account. Keep in mind the seller can contest the chargeback if they disagree with it.

PayPal Buyer Protection

If you purchased a good or service through PayPal and did not receive it or it was significantly not as described, PayPal Buyer Protection may refund your payment. This program provides coverage for eligible PayPal purchases.

To file a claim, you’ll need to submit a dispute within 180 days of the transaction, providing details on what went wrong and any evidence you have. If your case meets the requirements for Buyer Protection, PayPal will review it and refund your money if warranted.

Buyer Protection covers payments for tangible goods, intangible goods such as digital downloads, and services. There are various eligibility requirements, so review PayPal’s policy for specifics.

Payment Holds and Reversals

In some situations, PayPal may place a hold on a payment sent to a seller or reverse transactions entirely if they appear suspicious or high-risk.

For instance, if a new seller receives a large payment, PayPal may temporarily hold the funds until the seller establishes a positive sales history. Or if PayPal detects unauthorized account access or other red flags, it can reverse transactions sent from the compromised account.

These actions are meant to protect users. If you receive notice of a payment hold or reversal, you’ll need to work with PayPal to resolve any issues and potentially have the actions lifted.

Bank Account and Credit Card Withdrawals

If you funded the original PayPal payment using your bank account or credit/debit card, you may be able to request a withdrawal to reverse it.

Bank account withdrawals can be requested within 60 days of the transaction. Credit and debit card withdrawals are limited to the first 30 days. These withdrawals effectively cancel out the original payment.

Keep in mind the recipient has the right to dispute withdrawals. So you’ll need a valid reason for reversing the payment, such as the transaction being unauthorized or improperly billed.

Closing a PayPal Account

If you want to reverse a payment because you are unsatisfied with PayPal’s service overall, you can close your account and request any remaining balance be returned to you.

Keep in mind closing an account does not allow you to reverse individual payments that you willingly sent. The recipient still has rights to those funds. But PayPal will return any positive balance left over after accounting for pending transactions.

To close an account, log in and click Profile > Close Account. Be aware this permanently deactivates the account. Any future payments sent to the closed account email address will be declined or bounced back.

Reaching Out to the Seller or Recipient

If you send a payment by mistake or change your mind, contacting the PayPal recipient directly is always an option. Explain the situation and politely ask if they can refund the payment.

If it was an honest error or you have a reasonable explanation, many recipients will cooperate in good faith. This avoids having to go through a formal disputes or reversal process.

That said, recipients are not obligated to send a refund solely based on your request. If they refuse, you’ll need to pursue the matter through one of the other resolution methods discussed above.


Reversing a PayPal payment is possible in various scenarios, but not guaranteed. The best options are filing a dispute, requesting a refund from the seller, or submitting a claim to PayPal Buyer Protection. Other paths like chargebacks, payment withdrawals, and account closures may also work.

To increase your chances of successfully reversing a transaction, act as quickly as possible and maintain detailed records. Be sure to comply with all policies, deadlines, and requirements when pursuing a reversal option. With persistence and evidence to support your case, you may be able to get your PayPal payment refunded.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can PayPal payments be reversed?

Yes, PayPal payments can be reversed in some situations. The most common ways are filing a dispute, getting the seller to issue a refund, requesting a chargeback from your card issuer, making a claim through PayPal Buyer Protection, or withdrawing funds back to your bank account or card.

Is there a time limit to reverse a PayPal payment?

Yes, there are time limits to take action depending on the reversal method:

  • Disputes must be filed within 180 days of the transaction.
  • Chargebacks can be requested between 120-540 days from the purchase date.
  • Buyer Protection claims must be submitted within 180 days.
  • Bank account withdrawals are available for 60 days.
  • Credit/debit card withdrawals are limited to 30 days.

Can a seller refuse to refund a PayPal payment?

Yes, a seller can refuse a refund request if they have already delivered the promised goods or services. PayPal cannot force a seller to provide a refund unless a dispute filed against the seller is found valid.

What happens if I close my PayPal account with a balance?

Closing a PayPal account does not reverse payments you already sent. However, PayPal will return any remaining positive balance left in the account after subtracting pending transactions and fees.

Can a friends and family PayPal payment be reversed?

No, friends and family payments sent through PayPal are not reversible through standard dispute resolution methods. Because these transactions are considered gifts, there are no buyer or seller protections.

What if a seller refuses to cooperate with reversing a payment?

If contacting the seller does not work, your options are filing a dispute and escalating the matter to PayPal or requesting a chargeback from your credit card company. You will need to provide evidence to support your reasons for reversing the payment.

Reversing personal vs. business payments

Payments sent to friends and family often cannot be disputed or reversed. But payments for goods and services, whether from an individual or business account, are eligible for PayPal Buyer Protection claims and disputes.

Unauthorized payments

If you notice unauthorized payments sent from your account, immediately contact PayPal to investigate and have the transactions reversed. Also change your password to prevent further unauthorized activity.

Billing errors

If you were charged the wrong amount by mistake or did not authorize the payment, you can use PayPal’s dispute resolution process to reverse the transaction as an error.

Item not received

If you paid for an item that the seller never shipped or you did not receive, file a dispute providing delivery confirmation details or other evidence that you did not obtain the item.

Item significantly not as described

If the item you purchased arrived but does not match the seller’s description, take clear photographs documenting the differences. Include these with your dispute to show the item was not as described in the listing.

No seller cooperation

If the seller is unresponsive or refuses to help resolve your reversal request, file a dispute right away explaining how the seller failed to cooperate. This is the only option if the seller will not refund willingly.

Common reasons for reversing PayPal payments
Reason Reversal method Time limit
Unauthorized payment Dispute, chargeback Dispute within 180 days, chargeback per card terms
Item not received Dispute, chargeback Dispute within 180 days, chargeback per card terms
Item not as described Dispute Within 180 days of transaction
Seller not cooperative Dispute Within 180 days of transaction
Billing error Dispute Within 180 days of transaction
Changed mind about purchase Request refund from seller No time limit, but seller not obligated

Steps to Reverse a Payment

Follow these key steps when trying to reverse a PayPal payment:

  1. Document everything – Save all transaction details, communications with seller, photos of issues, delivery receipts, etc.
  2. Act promptly – Initiate a reversal request as soon as possible after identifying an issue.
  3. Notify the seller – Contact the seller first to request a refund unless they are unresponsive.
  4. Choose your action – Determine the best reversal method based on the reason and time limits.
  5. Comply with policies – Carefully review and follow PayPal’s dispute and claims processes.
  6. Provide thorough details – Give PayPal or your card issuer a complete explanation and evidence.
  7. Follow up and escalate – If needed, appeal denied disputes and escalate to get results.

How to Avoid Common Scams

Some tips to avoid getting caught in payment reversal scams on PayPal:

  • Avoid requests to send money to “verify your account”. PayPal will never make this request.
  • Do not provide your payment details or login information to a third party.
  • Beware offers involving overpayment requests. This is a trick to get you to refund real money.
  • Only use PayPal to pay people you know and trust. Scams often impersonate family or friends.
  • Review PayPal’s scam warnings to identify and report suspicious activity.

If you fear your account was compromised or used in a scam, contact PayPal immediately to secure it and have unauthorized payments reversed.

Recourse If Reversals Fail

If you exhausted all reversal options and procedures with PayPal to no avail, some further steps you can take include:

  • Reporting issues to the Better Business Bureau if it involves a business.
  • Filing complaints with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and your state’s attorney general.
  • Leaving negative reviews about your experience to warn others.
  • Consulting an attorney to send a demand letter or consider legal options.
  • Reporting fraud to your local police department.

While frustrating, reversal failures represent a small minority of PayPal transactions. In most cases, their resolution systems work if utilized correctly. Make sure to document everything and press your case persistently for the best chance of success.