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Can someone log into a memorialized Facebook?

Can someone log into a memorialized Facebook?

When a Facebook user passes away, their account can be “memorialized”. This means the account is frozen in time, allowing friends and family to visit the profile and remember their loved one. But can someone actually log into a memorialized account? Let’s take a look at how memorialized accounts work and the implications for logging in.

What happens when a Facebook account is memorialized?

Memorializing an account is intended to protect the privacy of the deceased while still allowing friends and family to connect and share memories. Here’s what happens when a Facebook account is memorialized:

  • The word “Remembering” is added next to the person’s name on their profile.
  • The profile picture is removed or changes to a special memorialized image.
  • Friends can still share memories on the memorialized Timeline.
  • No one can log into the account anymore.
  • Memorialized accounts do not appear in public spaces like friend recommendations.
  • New friend requests are disabled.

So a key aspect of memorialization is that no one, not even a family member, can log into the account anymore. The account is locked and remains online in memorialized status only.

Can someone guess the password and log in?

With the account owner deceased, you might wonder if someone could simply guess their password and log in. But Facebook has measures in place to prevent this:

  • If someone tries to log into a memorialized account, they will see an error message that the account is memorialized.
  • Even if someone guesses the correct password, logging in is disabled.
  • Facebook’s security systems are designed to detect suspicious logins and block access.

So while the password technically still exists, logging into a memorialized account is not possible due to the special status and security protections.

What if a family member wants access?

In some cases, a deceased person’s family members may want access to their memorialized account. For example, to obtain photos, archive messages, or close the account.

Facebook does allow verified immediate family members to request the removal of memorialization. This fully closes the account and may provide the family with a download of account data.

However, Facebook does not allow family members to simply log into a memorialized account and use it as their own. The memorialization remains in place unless formally removed via a special request process.

Can a hacker get in?

Given Facebook’s strong security systems, it would be extremely difficult for a hacker to bypass memorialization protections and log into the account. Some key reasons:

  • Account passwords are hashed and salted, making them very difficult to crack.
  • Memorialized accounts are flagged in Facebook’s systems.
  • Suspicious login attempts will be blocked.
  • Hackers would need to spoof multiple identity factors to access the account.

While not impossible, logging into a memorialized account would require nation-state level hacking capabilities, if at all feasible. Standard phishing, malware, and social engineering tactics would all fail against a memorialized account’s security.

Are there any risks?

The main risks with memorialized accounts are:

  • Scammers could use personal info to try and phish friends.
  • Hackers could try brute force password guessing attacks.
  • Memorialized content could be downloaded and shared.

However, Facebook aims to limit these risks:

  • Scammers and suspicious logins are actively blocked.
  • Some memorialized info can only be seen by confirmed friends.
  • Family can request account removal if concerned.

So while not zero risk, Facebook’s security provides significant protection for memorialized accounts against unauthorized access.

What should you do if you want to memorialize an account?

If you need a Facebook account memorialized, here are the steps:

  1. Gather documentation that shows the account holder is deceased, like an obituary or death certificate.
  2. Fill out Facebook’s special memorialization request form.
  3. Submit your documents to Facebook for review.
  4. If approved, the account will be memorialized within 24 hours.

Memorialization requests can only be made by verified immediate family members or an account legacy contact. Evidence of death is required. Facebook wants to prevent accounts being incorrectly memorialized against a person’s wishes while they are still alive.

Can someone log into a memorialized Facebook account? The verdict.

In summary, logging into memorialized Facebook accounts is not possible due to the special protections and security in place. While the password technically still exists, Facebook disables all access and flags these accounts in their systems to prevent unauthorized logins.

The only option is for immediate family to request full account removal and closure. Barring this, memorialized accounts remain online in read-only format, protecting the privacy and wishes of the deceased. While not completely risk-free, Facebook’s protections make it highly unlikely anyone could access a memorialized account without permission.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a family member take over a memorialized account?

No, Facebook does not allow family members to take over and use a memorialized account. The account remains locked in memorialized status. Family can request full closure of the account if desired.

What if I’m logged in when the account is memorialized?

If you’re logged into an account that gets memorialized, you will immediately be logged out. When attempting to login again, you’ll see a message that the account has been memorialized.

Can I download data from a memorialized account?

Family can request to download the account owner’s data archive after memorialization. However, you cannot log into the account to browse or extract data.

Who can request memorialization for an account?

Verified immediate family members and assigned legacy contacts can submit memorialization requests to Facebook. Evidence of death is required.

Can a memorialized account be hacked?

It’s highly unlikely. Facebook uses robust security like mandatory 2FA, suspicious login detection, password hashing and salting to protect memorialized accounts.

What are legacy contacts on Facebook?

Legacy contacts are Facebook friends you choose to manage your account if it’s memorialized. They can write pinned posts, respond to new friend requests, and more. But they cannot log in.

Can I delete a memorialized account?

Immediate family members can request full deletion of a memorialized profile. This completely removes all account data. Some info may remain in Facebook’s systems.

What happens to Facebook Messenger when an account is memorialized?

The associated Messenger account will also be memorialized. Friends can still read old conversations but no new ones can be sent.


Memorialized Facebook accounts offer a way for friends and family to connect and share memories of lost loved ones in a respectful, secure manner. Thanks to memorialization safeguards, as well as robust security and authentication systems, actually logging into these accounts without permission is essentially impossible. The privacy and final wishes of the deceased take clear precedence over any desire for access.