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Can someone get your phone number from Facebook?

Can someone get your phone number from Facebook?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with billions of users worldwide. Given how much personal information people share on Facebook, a common concern is whether someone can get your phone number from your Facebook profile.

Can someone see your phone number on Facebook?

The short answer is: usually not. By default, your phone number is not visible to anyone on Facebook unless you intentionally make it public.

Here are some key things to know about phone numbers on Facebook:

  • Your phone number is not part of your public Facebook profile. It is only visible to you and Facebook by default.
  • You have the option to add your phone number to your public profile, but most people keep it private.
  • Your phone number may be used by Facebook for security purposes, like two-factor authentication, but it is not shared with other users.
  • Facebook gives you control over who can see your phone number. You can limit visibility to only your Facebook friends, friends of friends, or make it fully public.

So in most cases, your phone number is hidden on Facebook and someone cannot simply find it or extract it from your profile without your permission.

When is your phone number visible to others?

There are some specific situations where your phone number may be visible to other Facebook users:

  • You added it to your public profile info – If you manually add your phone number to the public “Contact Info” section of your profile, then anyone can see it.
  • Visible to “Friends of Friends” – If your phone number visibility is set to “Friends of Friends”, then a wider network can access it.
  • Used for account security – If you use your phone number for two-factor authentication, it may be visible on account security screens.
  • Used for Marketplace – Your number may display when interacting with buyers/sellers on Facebook Marketplace.
  • Visible in Messenger – Your number may be visible in Messenger if you have it linked to your profile.

So in these situations, users beyond just your friends list may have access to your phone number on Facebook.

Can someone find your number through your friends?

It is possible for someone to get your phone number from one of your Facebook friends who has access to it. Here’s how:

  • If your number is visible to “Friends of Friends”, a secondary connection could see it.
  • A friend in your contacts could sync their contact info to Facebook, exposing your number.
  • A friend could manually share your number with someone else privately.
  • Someone could glimpse your number if you call them on Messenger without hiding your info.

However, there are privacy controls and settings that limit these types of exposure. As long as your settings are locked down, it’s unlikely your friends would share your phone number with anyone without your permission.

Can random strangers get your number from Facebook?

It is highly unlikely a random stranger could access your phone number from Facebook if you keep the default privacy settings. Here are some key reasons why:

  • Your phone number is not searchable or accessible to the public by default.
  • Strangers can’t see your contacts or friends list, so they can’t get your info through connections.
  • Facebook’s privacy settings prevent scraping/mining of such data.
  • Hacking Facebook to pull user phone numbers would be very difficult and illegal.

So unless you purposefully make your phone number public, random strangers should not have any means to get it from your Facebook account without you providing it to them directly in some form.

How can someone get your number if you don’t share it?

If you keep your phone number super private on Facebook, here are some tricky ways someone could still try to obtain it:

  • Guessing – Based on your name, birthdate, location, etc. they could guess or brute force your number.
  • Phishing – Sending you a shady link to steal personal data like your number.
  • Hacking – Illegally accessing Facebook systems or your account to find your number.
  • Social engineering – Pretending to be someone else to convince you to share your number.
  • Physical access – Getting direct access to your phone or devices synced with Facebook.

However, these tactics would require significant effort and technical skills to even attempt. For most Facebook users, keeping your phone number private provides adequate protection.

Best practices to keep your number secure

Here are some tips to keep your phone number as secure as possible on Facebook:

  • Avoid adding your number to any public profile field unless necessary.
  • Double check your privacy settings for who can view your number.
  • Be wary of any apps or services asking for access to profile data.
  • Never add your number to any forms or pages on Facebook from an unknown source.
  • Use two-factor authentication via an app or device rather than text messages.
  • Change your number if you ever feel it has been compromised.

Carefully limiting where you use your phone number on Facebook and who can see it makes it very unlikely that strangers will ever gain access to it.

Can Facebook customer support provide your number?

Facebook’s official policy is that customer support will not provide your phone number to anyone making such a request, even family and friends. Here are some key things to know:

  • Facebook support has no means to search accounts by phone number – they can only access your info if you provide your Facebook username/ID.
  • Support agents cannot provide any personal user data like phone numbers due to privacy policies.
  • Support chats and calls are monitored, so agents giving out user info could face termination.
  • Law enforcement can request user data like phone numbers via legal processes like subpoenas.
  • Phone numbers may be provided to advertisers in aggregated, anonymous forms only.

So you can feel confident that Facebook’s customer support team will never hand out your personal phone number to random requesters. Strict data privacy practices prevent this type of access and abuse.

What if you think someone got your number from Facebook?

If you suspect someone has obtained your phone number from Facebook, here are some things you can do:

  • Review all your Facebook privacy settings related to your phone number.
  • Check the activity log for any unusual access or changes to your account.
  • Change your Facebook password in case your account was compromised.
  • Enable two-factor authentication for enhanced security.
  • Consider removing your phone number from your Facebook account.
  • Report any suspicious activity to Facebook security right away.

Taking proactive measures like these can help secure your account and prevent further abuse of your personal information.

Should you include your phone number on your profile?

Here are some pros and cons to consider when deciding whether to add your phone number on your Facebook profile:

Pros Cons
Allows friends and family to easily reach you Risks random people getting your number
Can be used to enhance account security Opens you up to spam calls/texts
Streamlines certain Facebook features and services Overshares personal information publicly
May be required for certain functions like Marketplace Hard to change if number gets compromised

In general, it’s recommended to avoid adding your phone number to your public profile unless you have a specific need to do so. The minimal benefits are usually outweighed by security and privacy risks.

What legal recourse do you have if misused?

If someone obtains and misuses your phone number from Facebook illegally, here are some legal options you may have:

  • Report them to Facebook for violation of terms of service.
  • File a complaint with the FTC for violation of privacy regulations.
  • Consult with an attorney to send a cease and desist letter.
  • Take legal action for possibilities like harassment, stalking, threats, etc.
  • File a small claims court case for damages like spam text/call fees.
  • Press criminal charges if applicable laws were broken around hacking accounts, stealing identity, etc.

Having your phone number accessed and misused without your consent may constitute criminal activity. Consult with legal counsel to determine your best course of action based on the details of your specific situation.


In most cases, random people cannot access your phone number from Facebook without your permission. Facebook’s privacy settings give you control over who can view your personal contact information. As long as you limit where you share your number and are cautious about security, it’s unlikely your phone number will be compromised through your Facebook account alone. However, you should always be vigilant about protecting your personal data online. Enable security tools like two-factor authentication and routinely check your settings and activity log. If you ever feel your account has been compromised, take swift action to lock it down, change passwords, remove vulnerable information, and notify Facebook.