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Can someone block you from seeing their profile picture on Facebook?

Can someone block you from seeing their profile picture on Facebook?

Facebook’s privacy settings allow users to control who can see certain parts of their profile, including their profile picture. So yes, it is possible for someone to block you specifically from seeing their profile photo while leaving it visible to others.

Can Facebook friends block you from seeing their profile picture?

Yes, Facebook friends can block you from seeing their profile picture. Here’s how it works:

  • Go to your Facebook profile and click on the Friends tab
  • Click on the friend whose profile picture you want to block
  • In the left sidebar, click More
  • Select Block

This will block you from seeing their profile picture, posts, and other content. The person will also be removed from your friends list. You can still send them a message, even though you’re blocked. However, they may not see that you’ve messaged them.

Can people who are not your Facebook friends block you?

Yes, people who are not your Facebook friends can also block you from seeing their profile picture and posts. There are a few ways this can happen:

  • If you try to add someone as a friend on Facebook and they ignore or decline your request, they have the option to also block you.
  • If someone blocks you directly through your profile or a message thread, you will be blocked even if you are not friends.
  • Page administrators can block followers from seeing their profile picture and posts.
  • Group administrators can block specific members from seeing content posted in that group.

How can you tell if someone has blocked you on Facebook?

Here are some signs that someone may have blocked you on Facebook:

  • Their profile picture, posts, and other info disappears from your view.
  • You can’t find their Facebook profile through search or mutual friends.
  • You see a message saying “content unavailable” on their profile or posts.
  • You are no longer friends on Facebook and didn’t remove them yourself.
  • Messages you send them show as “sent” but they never respond.

The only way to know for certain is to log out of your account and look for their profile. If you can see it while logged out but not while logged in, that confirms you’ve been blocked.

Why would someone block me from seeing their Facebook profile picture?

There are several reasons why someone might block you specifically from seeing their Facebook profile photo:

  • They want to avoid an ex after a breakup.
  • They had an argument or disagreement with you.
  • You posted embarrassing photos or info about them.
  • They want to avoid a co-worker or boss at their job.
  • You were harassing or stalking them in some way.
  • They are trying to cut contact during a divorce.
  • You shared private details about them publicly.
  • They just want more privacy from you for unknown reasons.

Can you unblock someone who blocked you on Facebook?

Unfortunately, you cannot directly unblock someone who has blocked you on Facebook. The person who blocked you has to unblock you first before you can see each other’s profiles again.

Here are some options if you think you have been blocked by someone:

  • Ask a mutual friend to request the person unblock you.
  • Use another Facebook account to message the person and ask them to unblock you.
  • Wait a few days or weeks before politely asking them to unblock you.
  • Respect their decision if they choose not to unblock you.

Continually contacting the person from other accounts or through friends after being blocked can be considered harassment, so proceed with caution.

What happens if you block someone on Facebook?

When you block someone on Facebook, here is what happens:

  • They can no longer see your profile picture, posts, or other profile info.
  • You are removed as friends if you were previously connected.
  • They cannot tag you or invite you to events.
  • You can’t start a conversation with them on Messenger.
  • Their messages are automatically filtered to your message requests folder.
  • They cannot add you as a friend again unless you unblock them.

Essentially, blocking prevents the person from viewing your profile or interacting with you on Facebook until you unblock them. You can still see their profile info if you visit it while logged out.

Should I block someone on Facebook if they blocked me first?

If someone has blocked you on Facebook, you don’t necessarily need to block them back. Here are some pros and cons of blocking them in return:


  • Prevents them from viewing your profile if they unblock you later.
  • Stops any chance of them interacting with you if unblocked.
  • Allows you to move on and forget about the blocking incident.
  • Can give you greater peace of mind about privacy.


  • Escalates the situation if it was a minor issue or misunderstanding.
  • Causes more hurt feelings or resentment between you.
  • Cuts off any future chances of resolving the problem.
  • Seems petty if you just block back out of spite.

In general, it’s best not to immediately block someone who blocked you unless they were harassing you or you have strong reasons not to interact with them. Seeking a mutual resolution is better than escalating the blocking. But if you need to protect your mental health and privacy, blocking back may be the right call.

What should I do if a friend blocked me on Facebook?

Getting blocked by a Facebook friend can be hurtful. But there are some constructive things you can do in response:

  • Respect their decision and give them space even if you disagree with it.
  • Reflect on your past interactions to understand their perspective.
  • Ask a mutual friend politely if they know why you were blocked.
  • Consider sending an apology letter explaining your good intentions.
  • Move forward without them if the relationship can’t be repaired.
  • Avoid escalating the situation by blocking them back or harassing them.
  • Focus on other healthy friendships in your life.

With time, the hurt feelings will pass. If it was a genuine misunderstanding, the person may decide later to unblock you and reconnect. Be gracious if they do and move forward with maturity.

Can a Facebook block prevent me from seeing someone’s posts?

Yes, if someone blocks you on Facebook, you will no longer be able to see their posts, even if you are friends with their friends. This includes posts on their profile, in groups, and on mutual friends’ timelines.

Facebook’s blocking feature prevents you from viewing any content the person posts, their comments, and even info about them attending events or being tagged in photos. Everything will be hidden from your view.

The only time you could potentially see posts by someone who blocked you is if another friend screenshots their content and shares it with you directly. But you will not be able to see the original blocked person’s profile or posts through regular Facebook access once blocked.

Is there a way to tell if someone blocked you if you aren’t Facebook friends?

It can be trickier to determine if a non-friend has blocked you on Facebook, since you don’t have an existing connection on the platform. Here are some signs to look for:

  • You cannot find their Facebook profile through search or browsing friends of friends.
  • Your friend request to them shows as “Pending” but they never accept it.
  • You see “content unavailable” or “cannot display profile” when visiting their profile link directly.
  • You can’t start a Messenger conversation thread with them.
  • Mutual friends mention they cannot tag or share posts involving that person with you.

One way to check definitively is to log out of your Facebook account and navigate to their profile. If you can view it while logged out but not while logged in, that’s a clear sign they have blocked you specifically.

Can someone tell if you blocked them on Facebook?

People cannot receive a notification or get a definite confirmation if you block them on Facebook. However, there are some signs that may lead them to suspect they have been blocked:

  • Your profile and posts suddenly seem to disappear from their account.
  • Their messages to you show as sent but you never respond.
  • Any tags, invites, or friend requests to you fail to go through.
  • They don’t see your activity and posts in groups or mutual friend timelines.
  • You abruptly disappear from their friend list one day.

If someone thinks they may be blocked, they could log out and try viewing your profile to test it. But Facebook does not directly indicate to users that they have been blocked by someone else. The signs are simply clues that access has been restricted in some way.

If someone blocked me on Facebook Messenger, can I still see their profile?

Blocking someone only on Facebook Messenger does not automatically block them from viewing your Facebook profile. Messenger blocking only limits your messaging interactions.

So if a person blocks you via Messenger but not on Facebook overall, you would still be able to see their profile picture, posts, and other public info. You would essentially have a “one-way block.”

To fully block them from seeing your Facebook presence, you would need to block them directly through your profile’s privacy settings. That prevents viewing of all content, not just Messenger messaging ability.

In summary:

  • Messenger blocking limits messaging ability only.
  • Facebook profile blocking prevents viewing profile content.
  • Block the person through both channels for a full block.

What happens if you delete someone who blocked you on Facebook?

Deleting someone who blocked you on Facebook accomplishes the same effect as blocking them yourself:

  • They can no longer see your profile content.
  • You are removed as Facebook friends.
  • All messaging abilities are disabled between you.
  • You both essentially disappear from each other’s Facebook access.

However, there are a couple key differences between blocking vs. deleting someone:

  • If you delete them, you can add them back more easily than unblocking.
  • They may still be able to message you even after being deleted.

Overall, deleting someone produces a similar but slightly more reversible effect compared to blocking. Either option restricts their access to your profile after they initially blocked you.

Can someone tell if you delete them on Facebook if they already blocked you?

If someone has already blocked you on Facebook, they cannot tell if you then delete them from your friends list.

When a user blocks someone, it automatically removes the blocked person from their friends and restricts access to that person’s profile. Any subsequent changes, like being deleted, are no longer visible to the person who initiated the original block.

From their perspective, you simply disappear or seem “unfriended” after they blocked you. They don’t receive any specific notifications about being deleted. Facebook does not alert users about friends deleting them after an initial block occurs.

So if you wish to delete someone who blocked you first, rest assured they will not know you took that additional step on your end. From their standpoint, you just became inaccessible on Facebook after they blocked you.

If I delete someone who blocked me, could we become friends again later?

If you delete someone who blocked you on Facebook, it is still possible to become friends again if you both decide to reconnect.

Here is the process:

  • The person who initially blocked you would need to unblock you first.
  • After they unblock you, you can send them a new friend request.
  • If they accept your request, you would be Facebook friends again.
  • Full profile access would be restored between you.

Of course, this assumes you both want to resume the Facebook friendship after the blocking occurred. They may choose not to accept a new request.

But deleting someone who blocked you does not permanently prohibit reconnecting in the future. You can become Facebook friends again if you mutually decide to restore contact and goodwill.


Facebook’s privacy settings allow users to block specific people from seeing parts of their profile, including their profile picture. If someone has blocked you, there are various signs you may notice even if you don’t receive a notification about it.

Getting blocked can feel upsetting, especially if it’s a friend. But try to be respectful, reflect on why it may have happened, and focus on taking the high road in response. In some cases, the block may eventually be lifted and the friendship reconciled.

Blocking is a tool to limit contact from certain individuals on Facebook. Use it judiciously in cases of harassment but avoid escalating minor conflicts. With healthy communication and maturity, many blocking situations can be resolved or prevented from the start.