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Can people see who viewed their Instagram story on Facebook?

Can people see who viewed their Instagram story on Facebook?

No, people cannot see who has viewed their Instagram stories when those stories are cross-posted to Facebook. Instagram and Facebook have different policies when it comes to views of stories. On Instagram, you can see a list of usernames of accounts that have viewed your story. However, this feature does not carry over when you cross-post that Instagram story to Facebook.

Why Can You See Views on Instagram But Not Facebook?

Instagram and Facebook are owned by the same parent company, Meta, but operate as separate platforms with distinct features. Instagram was designed to allow users to see who viewed their stories as part of its focus on transparency and user connections. However, Facebook was designed with a greater emphasis on privacy, so they do not show story views to users.

The feature differences extend beyond stories. For example, Instagram allows users to see who has liked their posts, while Facebook removed the ability to see post like lists in September 2021. Overall, Instagram tends to provide more social transparency, while Facebook limits transparency to protect user privacy preferences. So story views are just one more area where the platforms differ.

Do Instagram Stories Cross-Posted to Facebook Retain View Counts?

Yes, an Instagram story that is cross-posted to Facebook will retain its view count from Instagram. However, you still cannot see the list of usernames who viewed the story on Facebook. You will only see the total combined view count at the bottom of the story.

For example, if your Instagram story received 200 views, and then received 100 more views after being cross-posted to Facebook, you would see a view count of 300 on both platforms. But the usernames associated with those views would only be visible in your Instagram story viewer list.

Can You Tell if Someone Viewed Your Cross-Posted Story on Facebook?

There is no definitive way to tell if a specific person viewed your cross-posted story on Facebook rather than Instagram. The lack of username lists on Facebook stories means cross-posted stories provide even greater privacy for viewers.

If you notice the view count on your cross-posted story increase, you know someone viewed it on Facebook. But there is no way to isolate those viewers from the Instagram viewers. The platforms do not provide separate analytics.

Steps to Cross-Post Instagram Stories to Facebook

If you want to cross-post your Instagram stories to Facebook, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your story on Instagram
  2. Tap the arrow button in the bottom left
  3. Select “Share Your Story”
  4. Choose “Share to Facebook Story”
  5. If prompted, log into your Facebook account
  6. Select “Share Now”

Once shared, your Instagram story will appear on Facebook for 24 hours just like any other Facebook story. You can repeat these steps to share additional Instagram stories to Facebook as well.

Pros of Cross-Posting Instagram Stories to Facebook

  • Reach a wider audience by sharing to both platforms
  • Increase engagement and views on your content
  • Drive more traffic back to Instagram to grow your account
  • Takes just a few seconds to share stories across accounts

Cons of Cross-Posting Instagram Stories to Facebook

  • Story viewers remain anonymous on Facebook
  • Instagram analytics do not differentiate Facebook views
  • Stories look different on each platform due to format differences
  • You cannot delete a story from Facebook once it’s been cross-posted

Do Facebook Stories Have Viewer Lists?

No, Facebook has never had viewer lists for stories. Even stories that were originally posted natively to Facebook will not show who viewed them. Privacy has always been a priority for Facebook when it comes to stories.

Can You See Who Viewed Your Facebook Story on Instagram?

No, viewer lists do not become visible when a Facebook story is cross-posted over to Instagram. The anonymity remains just like on Facebook. So cross-posting does not reveal any new information about story viewers on either platform.

Should Businesses Cross-Post Instagram Stories to Facebook?

Cross-posting Instagram stories to Facebook can be beneficial for businesses in most cases. The increased reach and engagement on both platforms makes it worth sharing stories across accounts. Just be aware that you will not get detailed viewer analytics from the Facebook side.

Can You Post Different Instagram Stories to Facebook?

Yes, you can choose to cross-post some Instagram stories to Facebook but not others. When you go to share your Instagram story, you simply select which stories you want to share to Facebook. This allows you to customize the content seen on each platform.


Facebook and Instagram take different approaches when it comes to story viewer privacy. Instagram provides full transparency with viewer lists, while Facebook keeps those lists hidden. This remains the case even when an Instagram story gets cross-posted over to Facebook. The technical separation between the platforms prevents viewer analytics from transferring back and forth.

So if you want to see who has viewed your stories, Instagram is still the only place to get that insight. Facebook will preserve your story viewers’ privacy whether the content originated there or not. But cross-posting can still help expand your reach and engagement across both platforms.