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Can people see who viewed Facebook Reels?

Can people see who viewed Facebook Reels?

Facebook Reels are a popular new video feature on Facebook that allow users to create and share short videos set to music or audio. Since Reels rolled out to all Facebook users in 2021, many people have been wondering – can people see who has viewed their Reels?

The Short Answer

No, there is currently no way for Facebook users to see who has viewed their Reels. Facebook does not make Reels view data available to users. So unlike Facebook Stories, where you can see a list of who has viewed your Story, this feature does not exist for Reels.

Facebook’s Stance on Reels View Data

Facebook has stated that they have no plans to add view counts or a viewer list for Reels. Their stance is that Reels are intended to be a more casual, fun way to share video content with your broader Facebook network.

Showing view data could shift the user experience towards trying to get the highest view counts instead of focusing on creativity. It could also lead to users feeling self-conscious or embarrassed if they get lower view numbers on their Reels.

So How Do You Know If Your Reels Are Getting Viewed?

Without a view count or list of viewers, how can you tell if your Reels are getting watched? Here are some signals that your Reels are reaching people:

  • Comments – If people are commenting on your Reels, that’s a sign they are watching.
  • Shares – When others share your Reel to their own News Feed, you know it’s resonating.
  • Follower growth – Gaining new followers after posting Reels can indicate they are being seen.
  • Facebook notifications – You may get notifications when your Reels are shared, commented on, or liked.

Tips to Increase Reels Views

While you can’t see who exactly is viewing your Reels, you can take steps to increase the odds they will get watched:

Optimize for Audio

Using popular or trending music and audio increases the chances people will watch and share your Reels. Making Reels based on trending challenges can also help.

Hook Viewers Right Away

Your opening visuals and text are key. Use eye-catching animations, effects, and captions in the first 5 seconds to grab attention.

Use Relevant Hashtags

Include hashtags for your niche, subject matter, and any popular memes or trends referenced in your Reel.

Post at Prime Times

Post your Reels when your target audience is most active. For personal branding, evenings and weekends tend to see higher engagement.

Third-Party Analytics Tools

While natively you can’t see who viewed your Reels, there are third-party social media analytics tools that can provide some view data and metrics for Reels.

Some popular analytics tools that work with Facebook Reels include:

  • Iconosquare
  • SocialInsider
  • Sprout Social
  • Sendible
  • Rival IQ
  • SocialBakers

These tools can show metrics like:

  • Total Reels views
  • Average % viewed per Reel
  • Total Reels watch time
  • Reels engagement rate

While not as comprehensive as the native analytics Facebook provides for Stories, these tools do offer useful metrics to gauge performance.

Should Facebook Add View Data for Reels?

There are good arguments on both sides of whether Facebook should provide more view data for Reels.

Some reasons view data could be helpful:

  • Let’s creators see their best performing Reels
  • Shows creators what types of Reels resonate most
  • Provides benchmarks and goals for improving engagement
  • Gives more insight into follower interests and habits

Some reasons Facebook may not add it:

  • Prevent creators from feeling self-conscious about view counts
  • Avoid shift towards creators trying to “play the algorithm”
  • Maintain casual, creative spirit of Reels as a format
  • Reduce social comparison and envy between creators

Facebook product managers likely weighed these pros and cons. But the fact they built Reels without view data indicates they want to keep the focus on fun over analytics.

Should You Care About Who Views Your Reels?

While view data provides helpful analytics, it’s also important not to get too caught up in vanity metrics.

Greater views do not always equal more meaningful engagement. And lower views don’t mean your content is bad.

Rather than obsess over exact view counts, it’s smarter to focus on your content quality and audience engagement. Pay attention to comments, shares, followers growth, and your own subjective sense of which Reels resonate.

At the end of the day, good content that connects with your audience will get viewed organically. So focus on that rather than who exactly tapped on your Reels.


Facebook currently does not allow users to see who viewed their Reels. They designed Reels as a more casual format focused on creativity over comparisons. While third-party analytics provide some view data, it’s better not to get caught up in vanity metrics. Focus on your audience, content quality, and engagement. These ultimately determine the success of your Reels regardless of exact view counts.