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Can people see if you read message in Facebook Dating?

Can people see if you read message in Facebook Dating?

Facebook Dating is a relatively new feature on Facebook that allows users to connect with potential romantic matches. One of the key features of Facebook Dating is the ability to message matches directly within the Dating section of the Facebook app. This leads to an important question – can people see if you’ve read their messages in Facebook Dating?

The Short Answer

No, there is no read receipt or read notification feature within Facebook Dating. When you receive a message from a match in Facebook Dating, they will not be able to see if or when you have read that message. The message will simply show as ‘delivered’ from their end.

Looking at How Messaging Works in Facebook Dating

To understand why read receipts don’t exist for Facebook Dating messages, it helps to look at how messaging works within the platform:

  • When User A messages User B through Facebook Dating, User A will see the message marked as ‘Sent’
  • On User B’s end, the message will show as ‘Delivered’
  • If User B replies to User A, then User A will see the reply marked as ‘Read’

At no point in this process is User A notified if User B reads the original message. The ‘read’ notification only applies to when User B directly replies.

Why Facebook Dating Lacks Read Receipts

There are a few potential reasons why Facebook Dating messages do not have read receipts:

  • Privacy – Read receipts can make some users feel pressured to respond immediately. Without them, users have more privacy over when they view messages.
  • Reduced unwanted messaging – Since senders won’t know if recipients read their messages, it may reduce unwanted repeat messaging from senders.
  • Focus on conversational replies – The goal is to encourage back-and-forth conversation rather than one-sided messaging.

Other Facebook Messaging Options

It’s important to note that while there are no read receipts in Facebook Dating itself, if you connect with a match through other Facebook messaging options there may be read notifications:

  • Messenger – If you add a Facebook Dating match as a friend on Facebook and message them through Messenger, read receipts will be shown if enabled in Messenger settings.
  • Instagram – Similarly, if you follow a match on Instagram and message them there, you may see if they’ve read the message.

So in summary, Facebook Dating itself protects user privacy by not showing read receipts. But users can choose to communicate through Messenger or Instagram where read status may be visible.

Tips for Messaging in Facebook Dating

When messaging potential matches in Facebook Dating, keep these tips in mind:

  • Don’t rely on read receipts – There’s no way to tell if your message has been seen, so avoid follow-up messages asking if they got your first message.
  • Check back later – Give matches time to respond rather than assuming they’re ignoring you if they haven’t replied quickly.
  • Start conversations – Increased replies by asking engaging questions or sharing interesting information about yourself.
  • Move to other platforms – If the conversation goes well, suggest moving to Messenger, texting, phone calls or an in-person date.

Can You See Who Visited Your Facebook Dating Profile?

Similar to read receipts for messages, there is no ability to see who has viewed your Facebook Dating profile. This again comes down to user privacy within the platform. Your profile and likes are only visible to potential matches, never your existing Facebook friends. And Facebook does not provide any data on profile visits to either party. So whether someone you liked has seen your profile remains anonymous.

Why You Can’t See Profile Views

Here are some key reasons why profile view data is not available:

  • Avoid stalking or harassment – Without profile views, there is less opportunity for people to obsessively track who is looking at them.
  • Encourage genuine interest – The focus is on intentional likes and messaging rather than passive profile browsing.
  • Population density – In smaller towns, seeing everyone who viewed you could reveal more than users want to share.

Tips Without Profile Views

Despite not knowing who may have come across your dating profile, you can still have success finding matches with these tips:

  • Complete your profile – Filling out all sections makes you more likely to show up in searches.
  • Change up your photos – Rotate through different quality photos to stand out.
  • Edit your profile regularly – Adjust wording or add new topics to get featured again.
  • Like plenty of others – This increases the chances they see and like you back.

Can You See Who Liked You in Facebook Dating?

Can See Who Liked You Details
Yes Facebook Dating does allow you to see who has liked your profile under the “Likes You” section. This section will show thumbnail photos of other users who liked you. You can click on these to view their full profile and then like them back or send a message if interested.

Being able to see who liked you makes Facebook Dating different from some other dating apps. On Tinder for example, you have to match with someone to see that they liked you. But on Facebook Dating, likes are visible ahead of time.

A couple things to keep in mind when it comes to who can see your likes:

  • Reciprocal liking – When you like someone, they will now be able to see that you liked them.
  • Already matched – Once you match with someone, you will no longer appear in their “Likes You” section.
  • Hidden profiles – You can choose to hide your dating profile from certain Facebook friends if you wish.

Benefits of Seeing Likes

There are some potential benefits to the mutual liking approach on Facebook Dating:

  • Saves time – You don’t have to wait for a match to know someone is interested.
  • Creates excitement – Getting a notification when new people like you can give an ego boost.
  • Prevents unwanted messages – You only message those you know have already liked you.

Overall, the ability to see who’s liked you on Facebook Dating helps simplify the matching process so you focus attention on mutual connections.

How Facebook Dating Compares to Other Apps

Facebook Dating has some key differences from popular dating apps like Tinder and Bumble when it comes to message read receipts and profile views. Here is a comparison:

App Read Receipts See Profile Views
Facebook Dating No No
Tinder Yes Only paid “Tinder Gold” users
Bumble Yes No
Hinge No Only paid “Preferred Members”

As shown, Facebook Dating stands out for not having either read receipts or profile view tracking. Other apps tend to leverage these features to push users to premium paid upgrades.

The Facebook Dating Experience

The lack of read receipts and profile views aims to create a dating experience on Facebook that is:

  • More private
  • Lower pressure
  • Focused on conversational matches

Rather than passive tracking of interests, the goal is to facilitate genuine back-and-forth communication between matches. Time will tell if this sets Facebook Dating apart and resonates with users.


In summary, Facebook Dating does not notify users if you’ve read their messages and you cannot see profile views of your dating profile. This is an intentional design choice by Facebook to create a dating platform focused on privacy and communication between reciprocal matches. While you lose some visibility into interest from others, the tradeoff is a less pressured dating experience that encourages you to focus attention on shared matches rather than passive tracking.