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Can nonprofits fundraise on Facebook?

Can nonprofits fundraise on Facebook?

Facebook has become an integral part of many nonprofits’ fundraising and outreach strategies. With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook offers nonprofits a unique opportunity to connect with supporters and donors. However, Facebook also has rules and regulations regarding fundraising and promotions that nonprofits need to follow. In this article, we will look at whether and how nonprofits can legally fundraise on Facebook.

Can Nonprofits Fundraise on Facebook?

The short answer is yes, nonprofits can fundraise on Facebook if they follow Facebook’s policies. Facebook allows nonprofits to fundraise on their Facebook Pages and in Facebook Groups as long as the nonprofit has gone through Facebook’s nonprofit registration process and adheres to Facebook’s community standards and fundraising policies.

Some key requirements for nonprofits fundraising on Facebook include:

  • The nonprofit must be registered with Facebook as a nonprofit organization.
  • Fundraising campaigns must clearly state the nonprofit behind them and how the donations will be used.
  • Donations must be processed through an approved third-party fundraising platform integrated with Facebook.
  • Fundraisers cannot promote illegal, dangerous or scam activities.

As long as these policies are followed, nonprofits can create fundraisers on their Facebook Pages, share fundraising posts in their Facebook Groups, use Facebook Live to fundraise, and more. Nonprofits can also create Facebook ads to promote their fundraisers and donation pages.

How to Register as a Nonprofit on Facebook

To fundraise on Facebook, the first step is to register your nonprofit organization with Facebook. Here are the steps to register:

  1. Go to the Facebook Settings menu and click on the “Page Roles” tab.
  2. Under the “Business Information” section, click “Add” next to the “Nonprofit Organization” field.
  3. Enter your nonprofit’s legal name as it appears on your IRS determination letter and click “Next.”
  4. Select your category, mission and contact info and click “Next.”
  5. Upload legal documentation proving your status as a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
  6. Facebook will review your registration request and confirm once approved.

This verification process ensures only legitimate nonprofits can fundraise on Facebook. It may take a few days for Facebook to review and confirm your nonprofit status.

Types of Facebook Fundraisers for Nonprofits

Once registered, there are several fundraising options available to nonprofits on Facebook:

Facebook Donate Button

The Facebook Donate button allows nonprofits to add a customizable “Donate” button to their Facebook Page. Supporters can simply click this button to donate directly to the nonprofit through Facebook Pay. The donate button makes donating seamless.

Facebook Live Fundraisers

Nonprofits can live stream fundraisers directly on their Facebook Page through Facebook Live. Supporters can donate in real time during the live video through comments or an integrated donation button. Live fundraisers enable supporters to feel part of the experience.

Facebook Fundraisers

Supporters themselves can create Facebook Fundraisers to raise money for nonprofit causes. These peer-to-peer style fundraisers are easy for supporters to set up right from their own News Feed and amplify fundraising reach.

Donation Stickers

Nonprofits can create special donation stickers for Facebook Stories and Live videos. These interactive stickers allow viewers to tap and donate directly from the Story or Live broadcast, creating seamless donating capabilities.

Facebook Ad Fundraising

Facebook Ads can direct donors straight to nonprofit donation pages or fundraisers. Nonprofits can segment ad targeting and test different messages to optimize their fundraising ads.

Buy Tickets Button

For nonprofit events that require paid tickets, organizers can add a Buy Tickets button to their Facebook Page and Event pages. This allows supporters to seamlessly purchase event tickets without leaving Facebook.

Tips for Nonprofit Fundraising Success on Facebook

Here are some top tips for nonprofits to maximize their Facebook fundraising:

  • Tell compelling stories that inspire supporters to act. Share the impact donations make.
  • Go live for virtual fundraisers to create an engaging, interactive experience.
  • Use high-quality photos and videos to bring your cause to life.
  • Thank all donors and provide updates on fundraising progress.
  • Share fundraising milestones to build momentum.
  • Use Facebook Insights to track what posts and messages resonate best.
  • Retarget website visitors with Facebook Ads to convert them to donors.
  • Partner with influencers or brand ambassadors to expand reach.
  • Participate in Facebook Giving Tuesday initiatives.

Benefits of Fundraising on Facebook for Nonprofits

Here are some of the top benefits nonprofits can gain from fundraising on Facebook:

Increased Exposure

Nonprofits can reach a vast audience and gain new supporters through Facebook fundraising. You can target ads to reach specific demographics who may support your cause but are not already following your nonprofit.

More Engagement

From social sharing to commenting on fundraiser posts, Facebook provides additional engagement opportunities. This engagement leads to higher impression and conversion rates.

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

Supporters can champion nonprofits to their own networks through peer-to-peer fundraisers. This expands fundraising reach through existing supporters.

Recurring Donations

Facebook donation tools allow donors to set up recurring monthly donations for reliable income streams. Monthly donors often become an organization’s most loyal supporters.

Younger Donors

Millennials and Gen Z are highly active on Facebook, so fundraising provides access to these demographics who want to give back.

Storytelling Platform

Whether through Facebook Live, Stories or ads, nonprofits can tell compelling stories that inspire giving on Facebook’s interactive, visual platforms.


Facebook’s analytics provide data and insights to optimize fundraising campaigns. Nonprofits can see what messages and approaches work best.

Lower Costs

Facebook advertising and fundraising tools are more affordable than many traditional fundraising methods. The platforms are also free to use.

Mobile Integration

Fundraising on Facebook enables quick, seamless donating from smartphones. Given rising mobile usage, this makes giving more convenient.

Common Concerns and Challenges with Facebook Fundraising

While Facebook offers many benefits for nonprofits, some common challenges can arise:

Learning Curve

Facebook has an abundance of constantly evolving features. It takes time for organizations to learn best practices and utilize all the fundraising capabilities available.

Restricted Content

Facebook can impose restrictions on some types of “sensitive” nonprofit content related to causes like immigration, religion or LGBTQ+ issues. This can hamper messaging.


If follower growth stagnates, it may be due to Facebook’s algorithms. Mastering news feed best practices takes ongoing testing and optimization.

Younger User Decline

Younger demographics like teens are using Facebook less frequently. So nonprofits must maintain a presence across multiple platforms.

Measurement Difficulties

It can be challenging for nonprofits to measure the ROI of their Facebook fundraising efforts and attribute donations to specific campaigns.

Ad Costs

While more affordable than other marketing, Facebook ads do add up. Budget limitations can make it difficult to achieve ideal ad frequency and reach.

Donor Fatigue

Frequent fundraising appeals may cause follower fatigue and disengagement. Nonprofits need to find the right balance of donation asks.

Imposter Fundraisers

Unfortunately, fake fundraisers in a nonprofit’s name can appear. Monitoring for fraudulent accounts or fundraisers is essential.

Top Facebook Fundraising Campaign Examples

Here are some real-world examples of effective Facebook fundraising campaigns from nonprofits:

ALSA Ice Bucket Challenge

This viral phenomenon helped the ALS Association raise over $115 million on Facebook for Lou Gehrig’s disease research.

Team Trees

YouTubers promoted this campaign to raise over $22 million from Facebook users to plant 20 million trees.

Facebook Birthday Fundraisers

Nonprofits like St. Jude’s leverage Facebook users’ birthdays to start peer-to-peer fundraisers.

Charity: Water

This clean water nonprofit uses Facebook Live to give supporters direct donor updates from the field.

Red Nose Day

The nonprofit enlists celebrity ambassadors for promotional stunts to fundraise for children in poverty.

Giving Tuesday

Nonprofits unite worldwide on Facebook each November to launch their Giving Tuesday donation appeals.

Funds for Australia

Facebook and Celeste Barber collaborated on bushfire relief fundraising, raising over $50 million on Facebook.

Los Angeles LGBT Center

Their “#HonorThemWithAction” Facebook fundraiser for Pulse nightclub shooting victims raised $1 million.


Facebook offers a versatile platform for nonprofits to expand their fundraising efforts and donor base. By tapping into Facebook’s tools and adhering to its policies, organizations can deepen supporter engagement and increase fundraising revenue. Nonprofits must ensure they follow best practices and overcome potential challenges with Facebook algorithms or ad costs. Overall, fundraising on Facebook provides expanded outreach, viral opportunities, data insights, and convenient donating options to advance nonprofit missions.