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Can non members post on a Facebook group?

Can non members post on a Facebook group?

Facebook groups allow members to share content and discuss topics in a more private and intimate setting than the open News Feed. Group admins have control over their group’s membership and can choose whether to make their Facebook group public or private. This determines whether non-members can see the group’s content and participate in discussions. So can people who aren’t members of a Facebook group post in it? The answer depends on the group’s privacy settings.

Public Groups

Public Facebook groups are visible to everyone on Facebook and can be joined without approval from the admin. Non-members can see all posts made to a public group and can react and comment on them. So yes, non-members are able to actively participate and post their own content in public Facebook groups.

The ability for non-members to freely post and engage with public groups makes them ideal for companies, organizations, influencers, or public figures who want to interact with a wide audience. It also allows new users to get a feel for the group before deciding whether to join. However, the open nature means there is less control over who joins and the types of posts being shared.

How to Post in a Public Facebook Group as a Non-Member

Posting in a public Facebook group as a non-member is easy:

  1. Search for the group name and visit its page
  2. Review the group rules and description to understand the purpose and posting guidelines
  3. Scroll through recent posts and engagements to get a feel for the community
  4. Click the Post button at the top and create a new text post, poll, event, or upload a photo/video as you would in your own profile
  5. Once posted, your content will be visible to all group members

As a non-member, you can post as much as you want in a public group as long as your posts follow the group rules. You won’t get access to member-only group discussions.

Private Groups

Private Facebook groups require users to request membership which must be approved by an admin. Private groups don’t show up in searches, and their posts are hidden from non-members. So if you aren’t a member of a private Facebook group, you cannot see or interact with any of the group’s content.

The only way for non-members to post in a private group is if they are invited by a current member or added directly by an admin. Even after being added, members may need to request approval before posting. Private groups give admins ultimate control over their community. This allows sensitive or proprietary topics to be discussed with greater privacy.

How to Gain Posting Access to a Private Facebook Group

As a non-member, you have several options to potentially gain posting access to a private Facebook group:

  1. Search for the group and request to join if there is a public join link
  2. Ask a friend who is already a member to invite you
  3. Message the group admin directly to request an invitation
  4. Once added as a member, read all group rules and guidelines for posting restrictions
  5. For member-only groups, you may need to request admin approval before your first post

There is no guarantee your request or invitation will be accepted. Group admins ultimately decide who can participate in private groups. But once you gain member access, you have the same posting abilities as existing members.

Secret and Closed Groups

Facebook also offers “secret” and “closed” group types that are even more exclusive than private groups:

  • Secret groups – Completely hidden from searches and non-members. Only members can invite others to join.
  • Closed groups – Hidden from searches and non-members. Admins control all new member invites.

For both secret and closed groups, non-members essentially have no ability to find or request to join these groups on their own. The only way to gain access is by a direct invite from an existing member or admin.

So posting access as a non-member is extremely limited unless you already know someone in the group who can send an invite. Even after joining, posting may be restricted to approved members only at the admin’s discretion.

Should You Post in Facebook Groups as a Non-Member?

Posting as a non-member in public Facebook groups can be fine for casual participation or to evaluate if you want to join. But there are risks to consider:

  • You may accidentally break group rules that you didn’t read thoroughly.
  • Your posts may be deleted if admins want to limit non-member contributions.
  • Frequent posting could be seen as spammy, especially if linking to your own content.
  • You won’t be able to build relationships and trust as easily compared to members.

In private, secret, or closed groups, it is best not to post as a non-member unless you were explicitly invited to do so. Unsolicited posts from non-members in restricted groups are more likely to be perceived negatively or deleted.

If you want to actively participate in a Facebook group long-term, you should join the group officially rather than routinely posting as an outsider. Members who contribute valuable insights and follow group guidelines will gain authority over time. Moderators also tend to appreciate users who join before heavily engaging.

Pros of Posting in Facebook Groups as a Non-Member

Despite the disadvantages, there are some potential benefits to posting in Facebook groups as a non-member:

  • Reaching new audiences – Public groups let you access new networks of people outside your existing friends and followers.
  • Increasing visibility – You can promote your brand, products, or content by posting in relevant public groups.
  • Showcasing expertise – Share your knowledge on a topic which later may prompt members to follow you.
  • Understanding a group – Test interactions with a group’s culture before officially joining as a member.
  • Making connections – Non-member posts can still lead to new relationships with members who appreciate your contributions.

The key is adding value through your posts rather than blatantly self-promoting. Focus on building social capital within groups first rather than solely driving traffic or conversions.

Best Practices for Posting as a Non-Member

When posting in Facebook groups as a non-member, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Review the rules before participating, and email mods if you need clarification.
  • Engage in existing discussions by commenting on member posts when relevant before creating your own posts.
  • Share useful industry insights, resources, and advice instead of only promoting your company or products.
  • Build relationships with active members by regularly liking and replying to their posts.
  • Avoid overly promotional language and provide a balanced perspective on topics.
  • Participate consistently over time without flooding the group with daily posts.
  • Thank mods who approve your posts or reply, and ask how you can better align with group goals.
  • Once you feel aligned with the community, officially join the group for greater benefits.

The more value you add, the more receptive members will become to your future contributions.

Moderator Perspectives on Non-Member Posts

Facebook group mods shared their perspectives on non-members posting to their communities:

  • “It can be done respectfully, but many posters treat groups like free ad space without caring about the rules.”
  • “I don’t mind it if their posts are on topic and useful. But it’s clear quickly who wants to spam vs truly engage.”
  • “I appreciate non-members testing the waters before diving in. It shows they want to learn our culture.”
  • “I delete most non-member posts immediately. They need to join and contribute positively first.”

The takeaway is that norms vary greatly between groups. Review each community’s rules and recent posts for clues on how receptive they are to posts from non-members. When in doubt, reach out to mods before participating extensively as an outsider.


Non-members can post in public Facebook groups, but have limited ability to post in private, secret, and closed groups without an invite from members or admins. Before posting as an outsider, consider potential downsides like coming across as spammy versus the benefits of reaching new audiences. Limit self-promotion and focus on providing value. Carefully follow each group’s guidelines, join the group if you want to engage regularly, and build relationships with members for the best experience. With a thoughtful approach, non-member posts can lead to new connections and followers. But spamming groups with irrelevant content or excessive posts is likely to result in blocking.