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Can new Facebook accounts use Dating?

Can new Facebook accounts use Dating?

Facebook Dating is a relatively new feature offered by Facebook that allows users to match with potential romantic partners. It operates similarly to other online dating platforms, with some key differences. One common question for new Facebook users is whether brand new accounts can access and use Facebook Dating right away.

Can I use Facebook Dating with a new account?

The short answer is no, new Facebook accounts cannot immediately use Facebook Dating. There are certain requirements and restrictions in place for gaining access to Facebook Dating:

  • Your Facebook account must be at least 30 days old to use Dating.
  • Your account must have a history of activity and engagement during those 30 days.
  • You must be at least 18 years old to use Dating.
  • Your account must have a history of following Facebook’s terms of service without major violations.
  • You likely need a substantial number of friends/followers and some history of posting content.

Facebook implemented these restrictions to help protect the integrity and safety of the Dating platform. Requiring accounts to be 30 days old prevents people from easily creating fake or disposable accounts just to access Dating features. Requiring activity history helps confirm accounts are being used legitimately by real people.

Why can’t new accounts use Dating immediately?

There are a few core reasons why brand new Facebook accounts cannot immediately use Dating:

  1. Safety and security: Preventing new accounts helps block scammers, catfishers, fake profiles, bots, and other bad actors from accessing the dating service.
  2. Follow terms of service: Requiring accounts be 30+ days old ensures users have history of appropriately using Facebook without violations.
  3. Confirm legitimate use: Activity history checks help verify real people are behind accounts, not disposable fakes or bots.
  4. Protect user experience: Restrictions help ensure legitimate daters connect with other real people, not spam accounts.
  5. Limit underage access: Since accounts must be 30+ days old, users must be 18+ years to sign up and wait out the period.

Essentially, Facebook wants to provide the best and safest dating experience for its users. The 30 day waiting period and activity requirements help achieve that goal by weeding out any new fake or spam accounts before they can access dating features.

What can you do with a new Facebook account?

While brand new Facebook accounts cannot immediately access Dating, there are still plenty of activities and features available right away, including:

  • Creating a profile with basic bio and profile picture
  • Finding and connecting with friends and family
  • Joining Groups related to interests and hobbies
  • Following Pages for brands, businesses, organizations, influencers, and more
  • Posting written content, photos, videos, and more to share with connections
  • Commenting and reacting to posts from friends and Pages
  • Using Facebook Messenger for chatting
  • Watching videos on Facebook Watch

The key is actively using these available features over the first 30 days to build up that required activity history. This will help satisfy the requirements to access Dating when the time comes.

How to use Facebook Dating after 30 days

Once your Facebook account reaches 30 days old, here are the steps to access and start using Dating:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your mobile device and tap on the menu icon in the top right.
  2. Scroll down and tap on the Dating option.
  3. Follow the prompts to set up your Dating profile and preferences.
  4. Add photos, fill out bio details, set age range and distance filters.
  5. Facebook will start suggesting potential matches based on your profile, interests, groups, location, and other factors.
  6. Review your matches! Like ones you’re interested in chatting with and pass on those you’re not feeling.
  7. When you match with someone, start chatting to get to know them better.
  8. If you hit it off, arrange a date to meet up in person!

The key advantage to Facebook Dating is that it draws information from your existing Facebook profile and activities. This can help provide more compatible match suggestions compared to other dating apps. So leverage your first 30 days building out your profile to maximize that benefit once you access Dating.

Building your Facebook presence

To satisfy the activity history requirements for Dating access, here are some tips for building your Facebook presence during the first 30 days:

  • Add profile info: photo, bio, job, education, location, contact info.
  • Follow and engage with friends, family, coworkers, etc.
  • Join several Groups related to interests and hobbies.
  • Follow, like, and comment on multiple Pages and public figures.
  • Post updates with photos, videos, links, and text status updates.
  • Comment and react to posts from your connections.
  • Overall, aim for substantial and legitimate activity across the board.

Facebook will be looking for genuine activity that confirms you are a real person using the platform as intended. Avoid spamming content or fake engagement. Build authentic connections and habits you can maintain long-term.

Other Facebook Dating eligibility factors

In addition to the 30 day waiting period and activity history, there are a few other requirements to access Facebook Dating:

  • You must be at least 18 years old to use Dating. This is standard across most dating services.
  • Your account must be set to single in the Relationship Status section of your profile.
  • Your account must not have a history of major violations of Facebook’s terms of service and community standards.
  • You likely need a substantial number of friends/followers and some history of posting your own content.

Satisfying these extra requirements will ensure your new account is properly set up and in good standing to use Dating once available. Avoid any terms of service violations that could get your account disabled before hitting 30 days.

Using a secondary Facebook account for Dating

Some Facebook users maintain secondary or alternate accounts on the platform. However, newly created secondary accounts face the same restrictions for accessing Dating:

  • Secondary accounts must be 30+ days old to use Dating.
  • Activity history requirements still apply.
  • Any terms of service violations may restrict Dating access.

If your secondary account is brand new, you will still have to wait 30 days and build up proper activity history to use Dating. You cannot circumvent the waiting period on a new secondary account either.

The requirements apply based on each account’s individual tenure and history. Just having one primary account that is older does not automatically grant a new secondary account immediate access to Dating.

Building compliance history for Dating access

For a new Facebook account to satisfy the 30 day waiting period and activity history requirements, here are some compliance tips:

  • Read and follow Facebook’s terms of service and community standards.
  • Avoid posting prohibited content like hate speech, nudity, etc.
  • Don’t spam posts, comments, messages, or ads.
  • Report any inappropriate content you encounter.
  • Respond cooperatively if asked for ID verification.
  • Use account security features like two-factor authentication.
  • Don’t buy, sell, share, or otherwise mishandle your account.

Essentially, comply fully with all policies and exhibit model behavior over those first 30 days. Any violations could prolong your wait for Dating access or prevent eligibility entirely if severe enough.

Appealing ineligible Dating access

If your 30+ day old Facebook account is still showing as ineligible for Facebook Dating, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  1. Check that your Relationship Status is listed as “Single” in your profile.
  2. Confirm your account age is over 30 days since original creation.
  3. Review your activity history for adequate engagement across posts, friends, groups, etc.
  4. Check for any past terms of service violations that may be restricting access.
  5. Submit an appeal to Facebook through the Help Center detailing your case.

Providing as much context and compliance history as possible can help your appeal. However, Facebook maintains full discretion over Dating eligibility and not all appeals may be successful or immediately resolved.

Waiting to build proper history for Dating

If your brand new Facebook account is not showing Dating as an option yet, here are some tips while you wait and build your history:

  • Add profile details like bio, photos, work, education, location, etc.
  • Engage daily with posts, comments, reactions, and sharing.
  • Join Groups and interact within them regularly.
  • Follow Pages and brands that interest you.
  • Connect with all the friends you can find.
  • Post updates with photos, videos, links, text statuses.
  • Be patient and avoid spamming or fake engagement.

Continue establishing genuine Facebook habits and engagement. Before long your activity history will satisfy the Dating requirements once you pass 30 days. The wait will be worth it to access the expansive matching pool!


In summary, brand new Facebook accounts cannot immediately access or use Facebook Dating. All accounts must be at least 30 days old and have a history of legitimate activity to unlock Dating.

These requirements help improve security and create a better user experience overall. While the wait may be frustrating, take the time to build your Facebook presence. Establishing genuine connections and engagement will pay off once you can access Dating after 30 days.

With some patience and effort put into your new account, the vast matching potential of Facebook Dating will open up to you before too long. The 30 day period will fly by as you build habits setting up your profile and presence on the platform.