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Can my friends see me commenting on Facebook?

Can my friends see me commenting on Facebook?

When you comment on a post or page on Facebook, there are a few factors that determine who can see your comment. The privacy settings for the post, your privacy settings, and your friends’ privacy settings all play a role. Here’s a quick rundown of how it works:

Public Posts

If you comment on a public post (a post that anyone on or off Facebook can see), then your comment will also be public. Any of your friends, as well as anyone else on or off Facebook, will be able to see your comment.

Friends-Only Posts

If you comment on a post that is shared with friends only, then your comment will be visible to all of the people the post was originally shared with. This includes:

  • The person who made the post
  • Mutual friends you share with the person who made the post
  • Friends of the person who made the post (if that person’s privacy settings allow friends of friends to see their posts)

So in this situation, your friends may or may not be able to see your comment, depending on whether they are also friends with the person who made the post and that person’s privacy settings.

Private Posts

If you comment on a private post (a post shared with specific people or friend lists), then who can see your comment depends on a few factors:

  • If you are one of the people or on one of the friend lists the private post was shared with, your friends who were also shared on the post will be able to see your comment.
  • If you were not one of the people or on one of the friend lists the private post was shared with, then only you and the person who made the post will be able to see your comment.

So if you comment on a private post that wasn’t shared with you or your friends, then your friends will not be able to see your comment.

Group Posts

Group privacy settings work similarly to friend list privacy settings. If you comment on a post made in a private group:

  • Group members will be able to see your comment
  • Non-members won’t be able to see your comment

And if you comment on a post made in a public group:

  • Anyone on Facebook can see your comment

Your Privacy Settings

In addition to the privacy settings of the original post, your own privacy settings also determine who can see your comments. For example:

  • If you limit visibility of your posts to friends only, friends of friends won’t be able to see comments you make, even on a public post.
  • If you exclude specific people from seeing your posts, they won’t be able to see your comments.

So your privacy settings add another layer that can limit who sees your comments.

Friends’ Privacy Settings

Lastly, your friends’ privacy settings can also impact the visibility of your comments. For example, if you comment on your friend’s post that is shared with friends, but another friend has unfriended either you or the original poster, then that unfriended friend won’t be able to see your comment.

Or if a friend has adjusted their privacy settings to limit who can see their posts, your comments may be hidden from them as well.

How to Check Who Can See Your Comment

If you’re ever unsure about who can see a comment you’ve left, you can easily check using Facebook’s audience selector tool.

To check the audience of a comment:

  1. Go to the post you commented on
  2. Hover over your comment and click on the ellipses (…) icon
  3. Select ‘Edit audience’
  4. Here you’ll see exactly who can view your comment

Using this tool, you can confirm if your comment is visible to just the original poster, friends, public, or a custom audience. You can even adjust the audience if you want to expand or limit visibility.

How to Control Who Sees Your Comments

If you want to take full control over who can view your Facebook comments, here are a few options:

  • Adjust your general privacy settings: In your Facebook settings, you can limit the audience for posts you’ve shared and posts you comment on. You can make them visible to friends only, friends except acquaintances, or a custom list.
  • Limit old posts and comments: You can limit the audience of old posts and comments in bulk by going to your Activity Log and adjusting past visibility.
  • Delete specific comments: If you want to permanently delete a comment so no one can see it, you can delete it from any post.
  • Turn off commenting: You can disable your ability to comment on posts in your settings. This will prevent you from commenting publicly anywhere until you turn it back on.

By leveraging these options, you can fine-tune exactly who is able to see the comments you leave on Facebook.


In summary, whether your Facebook friends can see your comments depends on the privacy settings of the original post, your own privacy settings, and your friends’ settings. Public comments are visible to all friends, but comments on private posts may only be visible to a subset of your friends or just the original poster. Using Facebook’s audience selector, you can check exactly who can view any comment. And if you want full control, you can adjust your privacy settings, limit past comments, delete specific comments, or turn off commenting.

Facebook’s granular privacy controls allow you to share as openly or as privately as you want. With the right settings, you can ensure your comments are seen only by the people you want to see them.

Here is a table summarizing when friends can see your Facebook comments:

Privacy of Original Post Can Friends See Your Comment?
Public post Yes, all friends can see
Friends-only post Only mutual friends and friends of the original poster (depending on their settings)
Private post (limited audience) Only friends included in the post’s audience
Post in a private group Only members of the private group
Post in a public group Yes, all friends can see

And here is a table summarizing the options for controlling the audience of your Facebook comments:

Option How It Works
Adjust general privacy settings Limit future comments and posts to friends, close friends, or custom lists
Limit old posts and comments Bulk edit the audience of previous comments in your Activity Log
Delete specific comments Permanently remove individual comments so no one can see them
Turn off commenting Disable your ability to comment anywhere on Facebook until re-enabled

Facebook’s privacy controls allow you to choose exactly who can see your activity. By understanding how comment visibility works and adjusting your settings, you can share comfortably on Facebook knowing your friends see only what you want them to.

There are a few key points to remember when it comes to the visibility of your Facebook comments:

On public posts

  • All of your friends can see your comments on public posts

On friends-only posts

  • Only mutual friends and friends of the original poster can see your comments

On private posts

  • Only friends specifically included in the post’s audience can see your comments

Your privacy settings

  • Your privacy settings add another layer that can limit comment visibility

Friends’ privacy settings

  • Unfriended friends or friends with stricter privacy settings may not see your comments

Ways to control comment audience

  • Adjust general privacy settings
  • Limit old posts and comments
  • Delete specific comments
  • Turn off commenting

Facebook’s customizable privacy controls empower you to share as openly or as privately as you choose. By taking the time to adjust your settings and understand how visibility works, you can feel confident knowing exactly who can see your interactions on Facebook.

No matter your comfort level for sharing, Facebook provides the tools you need to connect safely and securely.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can my friends see everything I comment on Facebook?

No, your friends cannot see all of your Facebook comments by default. The visibility depends on the privacy settings of the original post and your own privacy settings. Comments on public posts are visible to friends, but private post comments are only visible to specific audiences.

What if I comment on a friend’s private post that wasn’t shared with me?

If you comment on a private post that you were not originally included in, only you and the original poster will be able to see your comment. Your friends will not see it.

Can I limit my old comments on Facebook to only be visible to some friends now?

Yes, you can edit the audience of your previous Facebook comments. In your Activity Log, use the audience selector to limit old posts and comments to friends, close friends, or custom lists.

How do I make it so no one can see my Facebook comments?

If you want to prevent anyone from seeing your Facebook comments, you can turn off commenting in your Facebook settings. This will disable your ability to comment anywhere until you turn it back on.

Can I delete a comment so no one can see it?

Yes, deleting a Facebook comment completely removes it so it is no longer visible to anyone. Use the option to delete comments from any post you have commented on.

Do all my friends see my group comments?

For group comments, only members of the group can see your comments. If it is a private group, non-members won’t see your comment. If it is a public group, all friends can see.

In Conclusion

Commenting on Facebook doesn’t necessarily mean your comments are visible to all of your friends. Based on the privacy settings of the original post, your own privacy settings, and your friends’ settings, some friends may not be able to see all of your comments.

By leveraging Facebook’s audience selector tool and privacy controls, you can view and adjust exactly who can see any given comment. Limiting audience for past comments, deleting comments, and disabling commenting entirely are all options as well.

Facebook provides robust and granular privacy tools to give you full control over your commenting experience. Getting familiar with these tools helps ensure your comments are always shared with your intended audience.