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Can my friends on Facebook see what groups I join?

Can my friends on Facebook see what groups I join?

When you join a group on Facebook, it’s natural to wonder who else can see your membership in that group. After all, most people join groups to connect with others who share similar interests and experiences. At the same time, some groups discuss sensitive or private topics that you may not want everyone to know you’ve joined. So how does Facebook handle the privacy of your group memberships? Can your friends see every group you’ve joined, or do you have some control over this?

The short answer is: it depends. Facebook gives you some options for controlling the visibility of your group memberships, but there are limitations as well. In this article, we’ll explain exactly how group privacy works on Facebook, including what your friends can and cannot see about your groups.

Facebook’s Default Group Privacy Settings

By default, when you join any group on Facebook, your friends will be able to see that you are a member of that group. They’ll see the group listed on your profile under “Groups.” So if you don’t change any settings, your friends have full visibility into the groups you are a part of.

This default setting applies to both public and private groups. Public groups allow anyone on Facebook to see the group’s content and members list. Private groups limit content and members lists to members only. But in either case, your friends will be able to see that you have joined the group.

The only exception is with “secret” groups on Facebook. Secret groups do not show up in searches, and only members can find and see the group at all. Your membership in secret groups is completely hidden from your Facebook friends.

Changing Group Privacy Settings

While Facebook shows your group memberships to friends by default, you do have some options to limit visibility:

  • For individual groups, you can change the privacy of your membership. Click on the “…” button next to the group name, choose Manage Privacy, and then customize who can see your membership.
  • You can entirely block friends from seeing your group list. This will hide all your group memberships.
  • You can use Lists feature to organize friends and customize which lists can view your groups.

Let’s look at each of these options in more detail:

Individual Group Privacy Settings

For any group on Facebook, you can control who gets to see your membership in that specific group. To change the privacy for an individual group:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile and click “Groups” in the left sidebar.
  2. Click the 3 dots next to the group you want to edit.
  3. Select Manage Privacy.
  4. Choose a custom privacy setting for who can see your membership.

The privacy options for individual groups include:

  • Public: Anyone on Facebook can see you joined this group.
  • Friends: Your friends can see you joined this group.
  • Only Me: Only you can see you joined this group.
  • Custom: Specify certain friends or lists who can see the group.

Setting a group to “Only Me” is the only way to entirely hide your membership from friends. The other privacy options just limit visibility to certain people.

Turn Off Group Visibility

If you don’t want any friends seeing any of your group memberships, you can turn off group visibility entirely:

  1. Go to Privacy Settings & Tools > Privacy Settings.
  2. Click Groups.
  3. Toggle off the setting “Do you want to show groups you manage or are a member of on your profile?”

This will remove the Groups section from your profile and prevent friends from seeing any groups at all. You can still see and access your groups, but no else will know you’ve joined them.

Use Lists to Customize Group Visibility

Facebook Lists allow you to categorize friends into different groups. You can then customize privacy for content based on lists.

To use lists for group privacy:

  1. Create lists of friends, such as Close Friends, Acquaintances, Coworkers, etc.
  2. When editing privacy for a group, choose “Custom” and select which lists can see the group.

For example, you could allow close friends to see all your group memberships but hide certain groups from acquaintances.

Lists give you flexibility to show groups to some friends but not others. Custom lists are the main way to customize group visibility by friend.

What Friends Can’t See About Your Groups

While the above settings allow some control over group privacy, there are still limits to what you can hide from friends:

  • Friends can see you joined a group, but not specific posts or comments you’ve made in that group.
  • Friends won’t see secret groups you’ve joined.
  • Friends can’t see the content or member list of any private groups you join.

So your activity inside groups is still private. Friends just know at a high level that you have joined certain groups.

Friend Exceptions

There are two special cases where specific friends may see more detailed group activity:

  • Admins: If a friend is also an admin of a group you’ve joined, they can see your posts and comments within that group.
  • Mutual Groups: If you and a friend are both members of the same private group, you can each see the other’s membership and activity within that group.

These are exceptions to the normal privacy limits for groups. In most cases, friends have minimal visibility into your group memberships and activity.


While Facebook shows your group memberships to friends by default, you do have options to limit visibility or hide groups completely. The key privacy settings include:

  • Change individual group privacy settings
  • Turn off group visibility entirely
  • Use friend lists to customize visibility

Short of leaving Facebook, there’s no way to have total group privacy. But you can hide certain sensitive groups and limit most of what friends can see regarding your group activity. Understanding these options allows you to balance visibility with privacy when joining groups on Facebook.