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Can mutual friends be hidden on Facebook?

Can mutual friends be hidden on Facebook?

Facebook’s default privacy settings allow friends of friends to see your profile information. This means that if you and another person have a mutual friend, you may both be able to see some information about each other, even if you are not directly connected on Facebook.

Can I hide my profile from mutual friends?

Yes, Facebook provides options to customize your privacy settings and limit what mutual friends can see. Here are a few ways to hide your profile from mutual friends on Facebook:

  • Restrict your profile visibility – Go to “Settings & Privacy” > “Settings” > “Privacy” and set “Who can see your future posts?” to “Friends” to limit access to only your friends. This will prevent friends of friends from seeing your posts.
  • Limit the audience for past posts – In Privacy Settings, click “Limit Past Posts” and change the setting to “Friends” to limit older posts to just friends. This removes access for mutual friends unless you change it back for a specific post.
  • Block specific connections – You can block individual people to prevent them from seeing your profile or searching for you on Facebook. They will no longer show up as a mutual friend.

In addition to adjusting your main privacy settings, you can limit visibility of specific information like your friend list, family members, relationships, photos, birthday, current city, etc. Go through each section in Privacy Settings and customize who can view your information.

What happens when I hide my profile from mutual friends?

When you limit profile access to friends only, mutual friends will no longer be able to find or view your Facebook profile. Some things to note:

  • Your public information and cover photo will no longer show up in search results on Facebook for mutual friends.
  • Mutual friends will not see posts you’ve shared, even public posts, unless tagged.
  • You will no longer show up as a mutual friend or friend suggestion to new connections.
  • Mutual friends can still send you friend requests which you can accept or ignore.

Essentially, mutual friends have the same limited access as strangers or non-friends when you hide your profile. You have full control over who can see and engage with your profile.

Can I limit what specific mutual friends see?

Yes, Facebook allows you to customize your privacy on a granular level and choose specific individuals to limit access for. Here are some options:

  • Restricted List – Add mutual friends to your Restricted List and they will only see your public information, regardless of your other privacy settings.
  • Acquaintances – By adding mutual friends to an “Acquaintances” friend list, you can limit their access to your posts, photos and information.
  • Groups – You can add mutual friends to custom friend Lists or Groups and then exclude those groups from seeing certain content.
  • Unfollow – If you don’t want to see posts from specific mutual friends in your News Feed, you can unfollow them.

Using these options, you can target privacy settings to specific mutual friends you want to limit profile access for.

Can I prevent mutual friends from seeing I viewed their profile?

No, there is no setting to prevent mutual friends from seeing that you viewed their Facebook profile. When you visit someone’s profile, it automatically gets logged in the “Viewed by” section under their introduction info, regardless of your privacy settings.

The only way to prevent someone from knowing you viewed their profile is to view it while logged out of your Facebook account. However, this means you won’t be able to access full profile information only available to connections.

Can I see the list of mutual friends we share?

Yes, you can see all of the mutual friends you have with another Facebook user. To find mutual friends with someone:

  1. Go to their Facebook profile page.
  2. Click on the “Friends” button below their cover photo.
  3. This will show a list of all mutual friends you share.

You can browse through the list to see all connections you have in common. Keep in mind it’s only possible to see mutual friends if the other user’s friend list privacy settings allow it.

Can I prevent specific mutual friends from tagging or mentioning me?

Yes, Facebook has settings to control who can tag or mention you in posts and photos:

  • Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Privacy
  • Edit the “Who can tag you” setting to customize who can tag you.
  • Edit the “Who can mention you” setting to customize who can mention you.

Choose “Friends Except…” and add mutual friends you want to restrict from tagging or mentioning you. This will prevent unwanted notifications and visibility from specific connections.


Facebook provides detailed privacy controls to limit what mutual friends see about you. You can hide your profile, restrict specific information, customize privacy for individual mutual friends, unfollow people, and prevent unwanted tagging/mentions.

While mutual friends may have some visibility by default, you have options to take back control and customize precisely what they can access about your profile and content on Facebook.

Some key takeaways:

  • Adjust main privacy settings like “Who can see your future posts” and “Limit Past Posts” to friends-only
  • Leverage custom friend lists and groups to exclude mutual friends from certain access
  • Add specific mutual friends to your Restricted List or Acquaintances list
  • Prevent unwanted tagging/mentions by customizing that privacy setting

Staying on top of your privacy settings as you add connections is important to maintain control over what mutual friends and others see about you on Facebook.

Platform Total Posts Daily Avg Posts
Facebook 5000 20
Twitter 3000 15
Instagram 2000 5

Here is an example data table showing social media posting stats to visualize the data for the reader.

What are the pros and cons of mutual friends on Facebook?

There are both advantages and disadvantages to having mutual friends on Facebook:


  • Get to know new people through trusted connections
  • Keep up with distant friends and acquaintances
  • Expand social and professional network
  • Meet friends of friends who have similar interests
  • Feel more connected and involved in your social community


  • Overwhelming number of acquaintances to keep up with
  • Loose privacy controls around personal information
  • Drama or issues from wider social circles
  • Unwanted friend requests and communication
  • Harder to separate professional and personal networks

Ultimately, mutual friends provide both opportunities and challenges on Facebook. Taking advantage of tools like friend lists and privacy settings can help maximize the benefits while limiting the downsides.

Should I delete mutual friends on Facebook?

Here are some things to consider when deciding whether to delete mutual friends on Facebook:

  • How well do you know them offline? Real life close friends are worth keeping.
  • Do you interact and enjoy their content? If yes, they may be worth keeping.
  • Have they ever made you uncomfortable or crossed boundaries? If so, consider deleting.
  • Are they friends, acquaintances, or strangers? Don’t feel obligated to stay connected to distant acquaintances.
  • Could deleting them impact other relationships? Consider any deeper social implications.

Other tips on managing mutual friends:

  • Put casual acquaintances in friend Lists to limit their access.
  • Snooze or Unfollow them instead of deleting if you want less updates.
  • Periodically review and prune your friends list to keep it relevant.
  • Let go of the idea you need to “collect” Facebook friends.

Evaluate each mutual friend connection individually and decide if staying connected online benefits you. Don’t be afraid to unfriend or delete when needed to curate your experience.

How can I politely unfriend mutual friends on Facebook?

If you decide to unfriend or delete mutual Facebook connections, here are some polite ways to go about it:

  • Gradually unfollow them so they don’t notice a sudden disappearance from feed.
  • Delete quietly without explanation or announcement.
  • If asked, say you are cutting back friends for mental health.
  • Explain you are reserving Facebook for close friends and family only.
  • Cite excessive social media use and need to take a break.
  • Apologize for lack of interaction and drifting apart over the years.

Key tips for gracefully unfriending mutuals:

  • Don’t make things personal or insult them.
  • You don’t owe them an explanation, but have one ready if asked.
  • Avoid aggressive confrontation or publicly calling them out.
  • Be prepared to go your separate ways online if needed.
  • Consider still being friendly offline if you have shared social circles.

With transparency and maturity, reducing online mutual friends can actually strengthen your real life bonds and community. Focus on the people who matter most.

What are best practices for managing mutual friend relationships?

Here are some best practices for thoughtfully managing mutual friend relationships on Facebook:

  • Customize privacy settings like friend lists and restricted profiles for better control.
  • Periodically review your friends list to remove inactive connections.
  • Limit tagging/mentions from acquaintances you aren’t close with.
  • Snooze or unfollow people if you don’t want to see their updates.
  • Decline friend requests from friends of friends you don’t know well.
  • Create smart friend lists like Close Friends, Acquaintances, Work Friends, etc.
  • Don’t feel pressured to accept every request just because of mutual friends.
  • Focus on your real life relationships, not online friend counts.

The key is being intentional about which mutual connections you engage with and what information they can access. Treat Facebook friends like real world relationships – invest in the meaningful ones.


Mutual friends on Facebook provide opportunities for connection but also require some privacy management. Take advantage of friend lists, restricted profiles and privacy tools to customize access based on how well you know each connection.

Evaluate mutual friends individually rather than default acceptance. It’s ok to politely unfriend or snooze acquaintances to focus your profile on closest friends. Approach online relationships with the same care as offline ones.

Maintaining strong relationships both on and offline results from investing in people who matter most. With balance and intention, mutual friends can enhance your social circles without overwhelming them.