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Can locked Facebook be unlocked?

Can locked Facebook be unlocked?

So you’ve found yourself locked out of your Facebook account. It happens to the best of us. Maybe you forgot your password, or you tried to log in too many times from a new device. Whatever the reason, getting locked out can be frustrating and confusing. But don’t worry, there are ways to get back into your account if you’ve been locked out. In this article, I’ll walk you through the steps you need to take and questions you need to ask yourself to get your account unlocked.

Why is my Facebook account locked?

There are a few main reasons why your Facebook account may have been locked:

  • You entered the wrong password too many times.
  • You logged into your account from a new, unrecognized device.
  • Your account was reported for violating Facebook’s terms of service.
  • Your account was hacked.

Facebook has automatic security features that will lock an account if it notices suspicious activity like multiple failed login attempts or logins from unknown locations. This is to protect your account from being accessed by someone else.

While it can be inconvenient if you are the legitimate account holder, it’s an important security measure to prevent unauthorized access.

I forgot my Facebook password – how can I reset it to unlock my account?

If you can’t remember your Facebook password, you can reset it through Facebook’s password reset options:

  1. Go to the Facebook login page and click “Forgot password?”
  2. Enter your email or phone number associated with your Facebook account.
  3. Facebook will send you a password reset link.
  4. Click on the password reset link which will open a page to create a new password.
  5. Enter and confirm your new password and click “Reset Password.”

This will allow you to reset your password and unlock your account. Just make sure to use a new password that you will remember!

If for some reason the automated password reset does not work, you may have to go through additional account recovery steps (more on that later).

I entered the wrong password – how many tries do I have?

When you enter an incorrect password, Facebook will give you a limited number of retries before locking your account. The exact number of tries allowed can vary, but is usually around 5-10 attempts.

If you go over the limit, your account will be temporarily locked for a period of time. This is to prevent brute force password guessing by someone trying to hack into your account.

The lockout time also increases progressively with each failed attempt. For example, it may start out as a 15 minute lock and eventually go up to 24 hours if too many incorrect passwords are entered.

To avoid getting locked out, try resetting your password if you can’t remember it or be very careful when entering your login credentials. Having a password manager can help avoid issues logging in.

I’m logged in from a new device – why is Facebook asking for a code?

When you try to login to Facebook from a new, unrecognized device for the first time, Facebook will require an additional security check.

This usually involves Facebook sending a login code to your email or phone number on file. You need to enter this code to confirm it’s really you trying to access your account.

This two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security beyond just a password. It prevents unauthorized logins from new devices, even if someone knows your password.

However, if you don’t have access to the email or phone number on your Facebook account, you won’t be able to enter the code. This would result in your account being locked when trying to login from the new device.

To avoid this, make sure your contact info is up to date in your Facebook account settings. You can also set up backup method(s) to receive login codes.

My Facebook account was reported – how do I unlock it?

If your Facebook account has been reported for violating Facebook’s terms of service, Facebook may lock your account temporarily pending review. There are a few ways your account could end up being reported:

  • Someone reported one of your posts for being offensive, abusive, or spreading misinformation.
  • Someone reported your account for being fake, impersonating someone else, or having a fake name.
  • Facebook’s automated systems detected suspicious activity like spamming or automated posts.

If you believe your account was reported in error, you can appeal the decision:

  1. Click on the “Learn more” link in the account locked notification.
  2. Select “Submit Appeal”
  3. Provide details explaining why you believe the account was wrongly reported.

A Facebook team member will then review your appeal and decide whether to overturn the report and unlock your account.

However, if upon review Facebook still finds your account violated policies, your account may remain locked or could even be disabled permanently. So be sure any appealed content really follows Facebook’s rules.

What if I think my Facebook account was hacked?

If you notice suspicious activity on your Facebook account, it may be a sign it was compromised by a hacker. Things to look for include:

  • Unfamiliar posts or messages sent from your account.
  • Unknown friend requests sent from your account.
  • Forgotten password/login emails you didn’t initiate.
  • Login notifications from unknown locations/devices.

If you see any of these, change your password immediately and enable two-factor authentication if you haven’t already. Also review your account’s posts and activity for anything unusual.

You can report suspicious activity to Facebook for investigation. Facebook may be able to lock the account to prevent further hacking if it was compromised.

But remember that if you report your own account as hacked, Facebook will likely lock your account until it can be secured and returned to you. So be prepared to go through the account recovery process.

How do I recover my Facebook account if it’s completely locked?

If your Facebook account is completely locked down so you can’t access it at all, you will need to go through Facebook’s account recovery process. This involves confirming your identity.

Here are the steps for account recovery:

  1. From the Facebook login screen, click the “Forgot Password?” link.
  2. After entering your username/email/phone number, click “No longer have access to these?” under the password reset options.
  3. Facebook will ask you to verify your identity by entering details like your full name, email/phone, or identifying friends in your contacts list.
  4. If you can successfully answer their identity confirmation questions, you can reset your password via the on-screen instructions.

However, if you cannot accurately answer the identity confirmation questions, Facebook will require you to submit a valid photo ID that matches the account details.

Examples of accepted IDs include a driver’s license, passport, or other government-issued ID. You’ll have to take a photo of your ID and submit it for manual review by Facebook’s team.

This allows Facebook to definitively confirm you are the legitimate account holder. Once reviewed and approved, you’ll regain access to your account.

The ID verification process can take up to 24 hours. So account recovery requires patience, but it is the only way to unlock your account if completely restricted and automated options don’t work.

Can someone else help recover my Facebook account?

For security reasons, Facebook does not allow other people to help recover your account for you. All identity verification must come directly from the actual account holder.

So unfortunately you cannot have a family member, friend, or someone else submit ID confirmation on your behalf during the account recovery process.

Facebook also warns against services claiming they can recover your account for you, as this likely violates Facebook’s terms and may result in your account being permanently disabled.

Your best option is to access the email/phone number associated with your Facebook account and go through Facebook’s official automated account recovery steps yourself. If you no longer have access to that contact information, you will need to submit your own identification to prove you are the rightful account owner.

I don’t have my old email/number anymore – how can I recover my account?

If you can no longer access the email address or phone number associated with your Facebook account, recovering your account becomes much more difficult.

Without access to that contact information, you won’t be able to complete actions like password resets or login approvals needed during the automated account recovery process.

Your only option is to submit a copy of your photo ID and hope Facebook is able to match your identity with the details on your account.

Be prepared to wait up to a full day for their review team to validate your ID and hopefully unlock your account.

To avoid this issue in the future, make sure to keep at least one valid contact method updated in your Facebook account settings. Link a new email or phone number if you ever lose access to the old one.

Can I unlock a memorialized or disabled Facebook account?

If your Facebook account was memorialized after being reported deceased or disabled for serious policy violations, it is not possible to unlock or recover the account.

Memorialized accounts are locked to preserve their memory online. Disabled accounts are permanently deactivated and can’t be reactivated, even by the original account holder.

You would have to create an entirely new Facebook account instead. But be mindful that repeatedly violating Facebook’s rules could result in any new accounts quickly being disabled as well.

In rare cases, you may be able to appeal a mistaken memorialization or improper disabling of your account. But Facebook will require substantial proof the account was incorrectly shut down before considering reactivating it.


Getting locked out of Facebook can be annoying, but in most cases you can get back into your account with the right steps.

First try resetting your password or entering login codes sent to your verified contact methods. If those options fail, be prepared to verify your identity with a photo ID to prove you are the legitimate account holder.

With patience and persistence using Facebook’s official account recovery tools, you should be able to unlock your Facebook access as long as the account is in good standing. Just be cautious of services that claim they can recover or unlock your account for you, as this violates Facebook’s policies.

Reason for Locked Account How to Unlock
Forgot Password Reset password via email/phone on file
Multiple failed login attempts Wait out the temporary lockout period
New unrecognized login location Enter login code sent to email/phone
Account reported Appeal the report and removal of content
Hacked Account Regain access via ID verification