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Can I verify my Facebook with my ID?

Can I verify my Facebook with my ID?

Facebook allows users to verify their accounts by providing a copy of their government-issued ID. This can help secure your account and prove your identity. Here’s what to know about verifying your Facebook account with an ID.

Why Verify Your Facebook Account?

There are a few key reasons you may want to verify your Facebook account with an ID:

  • To regain access to a disabled account – If your account is temporarily blocked, you can verify your ID to prove you are the legitimate account owner.
  • To increase security – Verifying with an ID adds an extra layer of security to your account to prevent unauthorized access.
  • To prove your identity – This confirms you are using your real identity on Facebook, which is part of their policies.
  • To run certain types of ads – Pages that want to run housing, employment, or credit related ads may be required to have a verified admin.

Overall, ID verification helps prove you are who you say you are on Facebook and secures your account.

What Types of IDs Can You Use?

Facebook accepts a range of government-issued IDs for verification:

  • Driver’s license
  • Passport
  • National identification card
  • Alien registration card/green card
  • Immigrant visa
  • U.S. social security card

The ID must be a valid, unexpired document with your name, photo, and date of birth clearly visible. It needs to match the details on your Facebook account.

How to Verify Your Facebook Account with an ID

Here are step-by-step instructions for verifying your Facebook account with an ID:

  1. Log into Facebook and go to your Settings.
  2. Click “Personal and Account Information” in the left column.
  3. Select “ID Verification” and then choose the option to verify with an ID.
  4. Carefully enter your full name exactly as it appears on your ID document.
  5. Enter your birthdate.
  6. Select your country/region from the dropdown menu.
  7. Choose the type of ID you want to use from the options.
  8. Enter the ID number and expiration date.
  9. Take a clear photo of the front of your ID document.
  10. Take a selfie photo while holding your ID document next to your face.
  11. Click Submit. Facebook will review your information.

Facebook will compare your selfie, ID photo, name, birthdate, and other details to verify they match. This process can take a few days. If approved, you’ll get a notification that your account is ID verified.

Tips for the Verification Process

To ensure the verification process goes smoothly, keep these tips in mind:

  • Make sure your ID is not expired and clearly shows your details.
  • Take a straight-on selfie photo in good lighting.
  • Triple check the name, birthdate, and ID number you enter matches your document.
  • Take your time submitting – you can save and come back to complete later.
  • If asked to retake a photo, follow instructions carefully.

With good quality photos and accurate information, your verification is more likely to be approved.

What Happens After Verifying Your ID?

Once your ID verification is approved, you’ll see a blue badge on your profile saying your account is confirmed. This verifies your identity on Facebook.

Here are some of the changes you may notice:

  • Increased account security features.
  • Ability to appeal disabled accounts.
  • Access to run certain restricted ad campaigns.
  • Your name will match your ID (no pseudonyms).
  • Facebook asking for ID verification less frequently.

You’ll still use your login email/password like normal. The blue verification badge just shows your identity is confirmed.

Why Wasn’t My Verification Approved?

In some cases, Facebook may deny your request to verify your account with an ID. Here are some potential reasons:

  • Missing or incorrect details on your ID document.
  • Unclear photo of your ID or selfie.
  • Name/photo on account doesn’t match your ID.
  • Underage accounts without parental approval.
  • Fake or forged ID document.
  • Too many recent requests to verify.

If your verification gets denied, first double check that you entered everything correctly. If it still doesn’t work, you may need to wait before trying again or use a different ID document.

Alternative Options If You Can’t Verify with ID

For some users, verifying directly with an ID isn’t feasible. Here are a couple alternative options:

  • Ask a friend to verify for you – You can designate a friend to confirm your identity. They need to be previously verified.
  • Provide other documentation – In special cases, Facebook may accept things like your birth certificate, insurance card, documents with your address, etc.

You can also contact Facebook support for help if you’re unable to successfully verify your account with an ID.

Can You Remove ID Verification?

Generally, once your Facebook account is ID verified, there is no way to undo it. This permanently confirms your identity on the platform.

However, in special cases it may be possible to remove ID verification. You would need to contact Facebook support and explain why you need the verification revoked. Situations where they may remove it include:

  • Underage user verified without parental consent.
  • Identity theft victim whose ID was used without authorization.
  • Verifying was required for restricted ad campaigns you no longer need to run.
  • User with specialized protected status requiring anonymity (for safety).

Unless you have an extenuating circumstance, the ID verification is intended to be permanent. It helps Facebook enforce their Real Name Policy for accounts.


Verifying your Facebook account with an official ID can provide increased security, recover disabled accounts, prove your identity, and allow access to certain features. Submit clear photos of your valid ID that matches the name and birth date on your account. This confirmation makes it easier to maintain access to your profile and prevent impersonation. If you have issues getting approved, try again with better quality submissions or contact Facebook support.